Meeting Notice
TO:All salesmen
Subject:The Year-end Sales Meeting
From:Susan Lee,Secretary
The last sales meeting for 2006 will be held on Monday,December 17th 10∶00? a.m.until 4∶00 p.m.at the Head Office
Lunch will be provided.
The agenda will be mailed by the end of November.
If you have any items to be included,please forward them to me by November 20th.
If you are unable to attend,please call 63419403,not later than November 30th.
Thank you.?
Dear Sirs,
The Sino-Foreign Trading Co.,Ltd.takes pleasure in announcing the commencement of business from tomorro,the third of January at 409,××Road,4F,Flat C,Hong Kong.Telephones:5678901 and 5678902.?
Yours faithfully,
All department managers are requested to meet in the company conference room on Saturday,August 17,at 2∶00 p.m.to discuss problems of international exchanges.?
May 14,2006?
The visit to Friendship Hospital,originally scheduled for tomorrow,Oct.5,is now put off until further notice.?
Mary Office?
Take notice that ALWAYS GARMENTS LIMITED of ××Building,13th floor,10-14 Dongfeng road West,Guangzhou(herein after referred to as“ALLWAYS”)is the proprietor of all industrial property rights subsisting in their trade mark“FLYING HORSE”registered in Guangzhou No.××of 2000.A copy of the said mark is shown hereunder
A flying horse(sketch)
FLYING HORSE registration
No.×× of 2000
This is to notify all parties that ALWAYS will immediately take all necessary steps(including the institution of legal proceedings for an injunction,full damages and costs)against any party found to be manufacturing and selling any garments bearing the said trade mark or any colorable imitation.
DATED the 20th day of November,2002.
Messrs. Yang & Lee
of 12th floor,×× Commercial Building,
Zhongshan Road West,Guangzhou,
Solicitors for