卡卡英语 第318期:命运一直掌握在你手中
教程:卡卡早餐英语  浏览:403  
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    New Words
    malpractice: n. 玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当
    eliminate: vt. 消除;排除

    How to Have One Million Dollars
    A young man pursued studies at the University.
    One day he proposed to the president some suggestions about how to improve the university
    education system malpractice. His opinion was not accepted by the president. So he decided to run a university independently and eliminate these drawbacks.
    To run the school would require at least one million dollars. Where would he find so much money?
    Every day he was in the bedroom thinking hard how to get one million dollars. His classmates though he was crazy, dreaming the money would fall from the sky. But the young man didn't think so, firmly believing that he could raise the money.
    Finally, one day he thought out a way. He called the newspaper that tomorrow he would hold a lecture titled If I Have One Million Dollars. The next day the speech attracted many business people, In presence of the audience and many successful people, he spoke out his idea. At last. after the speech, a businessman called Philip Armer stood up and said, "Young man you spoke so well. I decide to invest one million dollars as you said. "Thus, with the money the young man ran Armer Polytechnic Institute, which is now the predecessor of famous Illinois Polytechnic Institute. This young man was the philosopher and educator Gunsaulus widely loved and esteemed later.


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      上一篇:卡卡英语 第317期:We Are Just Beginning 下一篇:卡卡英语 第319期:"两全其美""皆大欢喜"所对应的英文

