Masayoshi Son, the risk-addicted billionaire who built Japan's SoftBank into a global internet powerhouse, is a man who moves fast to seize whatever he has set his eyes on.
Less than a month after Britain voted to leave the EU, Mr Son clinched a deal to acquire UK chip designer Arm Holdings for £24.3bn.It was the largest Asian takeover of a British company.But the audacious deal was not enough to satisfy the 59-year-old known as Masa, who enjoys his reputation for having big and crazy ideas.
英国举行公投决定退出欧盟不到1个月,孙正义就敲定了一项协议,同意以243亿英镑收购英国芯片设计公司安谋国际(Arm Holdings),成为亚洲企业对英国公司最大规模的收购案。但这笔大胆的交易还满足不了这位59岁、人称“Masa”的企业家。他喜欢人们说他总是有疯狂的奇思妙想。
After the summer had passed, Mr Son was off to Riyadh to meet Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's powerful deputy crown prince, to launch a $100bn technology fund.Armed with fresh funding power, Mr Son was next spotted in New York, forging ties with President-elect Donald Trump with a $50bn pledge to invest in US start-ups.
Less than a month after Britain voted to leave the EU, Mr Son clinched a deal to acquire UK chip designer Arm Holdings for £24.3bn.It was the largest Asian takeover of a British company.But the audacious deal was not enough to satisfy the 59-year-old known as Masa, who enjoys his reputation for having big and crazy ideas.
英国举行公投决定退出欧盟不到1个月,孙正义就敲定了一项协议,同意以243亿英镑收购英国芯片设计公司安谋国际(Arm Holdings),成为亚洲企业对英国公司最大规模的收购案。但这笔大胆的交易还满足不了这位59岁、人称“Masa”的企业家。他喜欢人们说他总是有疯狂的奇思妙想。
After the summer had passed, Mr Son was off to Riyadh to meet Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia's powerful deputy crown prince, to launch a $100bn technology fund.Armed with fresh funding power, Mr Son was next spotted in New York, forging ties with President-elect Donald Trump with a $50bn pledge to invest in US start-ups.