Meaning/Usage: A negative way of telling someone to stop bothering you; to tell someone to stop being a loser
Explanation: This is a rude statement, so please be careful how you use this. It can be similar to saying "f**k off" to someone.
"I wish Terry would get a life."
"Would you stop bothering me and get a life!"
"Come on! Get a life and start taking care of yourself."
A. "I noticed that man was bothering you. What did you say to him?"
B. "I told him to get a life and quit bothering people he does not know!"
Other Common Sentences
"Go bother someone else."
"Start paying attention to other matters that are more important."
Explanation: This is a rude statement, so please be careful how you use this. It can be similar to saying "f**k off" to someone.
"I wish Terry would get a life."
"Would you stop bothering me and get a life!"
"Come on! Get a life and start taking care of yourself."
A. "I noticed that man was bothering you. What did you say to him?"
B. "I told him to get a life and quit bothering people he does not know!"
Other Common Sentences
"Go bother someone else."
"Start paying attention to other matters that are more important."