Meaning/Usage: Agreeing with someone
Explanation: In a statement form, this is agreeing with someone. In a question form, it can be a sarcastic remark related to hypocrisy. For example, a person who is fat tells a less fat person, A: "You need to go on a diet." B: "You're telling me?"
"You're telling me, that book was one of the best I've ever read."
"You're telling me, I already knew that was going to happen if he did not listen."
"You're telling me, if she keeps it up she will lose 20 pounds."
A. "She sure is a good teacher."
B. "You're telling me! She taught me everything I know."
A. "That girl sure is beautiful."
B. "You're telling me. She is the hottest girl in our school!"
Other Common Sentences
Semi sarcastic way of saying, "I agree with you."
Explanation: In a statement form, this is agreeing with someone. In a question form, it can be a sarcastic remark related to hypocrisy. For example, a person who is fat tells a less fat person, A: "You need to go on a diet." B: "You're telling me?"
"You're telling me, that book was one of the best I've ever read."
"You're telling me, I already knew that was going to happen if he did not listen."
"You're telling me, if she keeps it up she will lose 20 pounds."
A. "She sure is a good teacher."
B. "You're telling me! She taught me everything I know."
A. "That girl sure is beautiful."
B. "You're telling me. She is the hottest girl in our school!"
Other Common Sentences
Semi sarcastic way of saying, "I agree with you."