Meaning/Usage: To tell someone to go away in a negative way
Explanation: This is a negative way of telling someone to go away, but not as bad as "f**k off." This can be used when you hear something that upsets you and you want to make sure the other person knows you are upset.
"He asked for my phone number and I told him to take a hike."
"He said he would only give me $200 for my car so I told him to take a hike."
"Take a hike, I am not interested."
A. "So I hear you tried to sell your car?"
B. "Yes, I had a few people look at it."
A. "Did anyone make you an offer?"
B. "Yes, one guy offered me $200 and I told him to take a hike."
Other Common Sentences
"Get out of here."
"Go away."
Explanation: This is a negative way of telling someone to go away, but not as bad as "f**k off." This can be used when you hear something that upsets you and you want to make sure the other person knows you are upset.
"He asked for my phone number and I told him to take a hike."
"He said he would only give me $200 for my car so I told him to take a hike."
"Take a hike, I am not interested."
A. "So I hear you tried to sell your car?"
B. "Yes, I had a few people look at it."
A. "Did anyone make you an offer?"
B. "Yes, one guy offered me $200 and I told him to take a hike."
Other Common Sentences
"Get out of here."
"Go away."