【英文解析】The associates of public figures must not even be suspected of wrongdoing.
【典型例句】① When the newspapers reported the rumor that the lieutenant governor had failed to pay his taxes, the governor forced him to resign, saying, “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion.”当多家报纸披露了副州长逃 税的传言后,州长认为“身为副州长,不可有秽名”, 勒令其辞职。
② Like Caesar’s wife, a journalist must be above suspicion—Bel Ami, Guy de Maupassant 作为一名新闻工作者,应像恺撒的妻子一样,不能让 人说闲话。——莫泊桑《漂亮朋友》
【注释】谚语。Caesar’s wife指的是恺撒的第二任妻子庞 培娅(Pompeia)。在她主持的祭祀慈爱女神的活动[1] 中,克洛迪乌斯(Catullus)男扮女装闯入其中,之后罗马有个风俗,即每年12月初,罗马的各级长官家里会轮流组织祭 祀慈爱女神的活动,该活动只允许上流社会的女性参加。谣言四起,大家风传两人有染。虽然后来没有任何证 据证明庞培娅失节,但恺撒仍然坚持离婚,理由是“I thought my wife ought not even to be under suspicion," 由此衍生了该习语。变体:Caesar’s wife should or ought to be above suspicion。