rich as Croesus
【英文解析】extremely rich
【典型例句】① He is rich as Croesus and wicked as the black man below.他像克洛伊索斯一样富有,可又像地狱里 的撒耳一样邪恶。
② After the war, he was found to be rich as Croesus; but his neighbors ostracized him.战后,人们发现他非常富 有,但他的邻居都不和他往来。
【注释】克洛伊索斯是古代小亚细亚的利迪亚(Lydia)的 最后一个国王,他在位期间不择手段地聚敛财富。后 来他的名字在很多语言中就成了 “富有”的代名词。它的同义习语rich as a Jew则源于中世纪,当时犹太 人是唯一的商人,他们异常地富有,后来便用rich as aJew表示“极富的”、“很有钱的”。变体:rich as a Jew; richer than Croesus o