stew in one’s own juice
【英文解析】to be alone and self-absorbed in an uncomfortable state of mind, especially while experiencing the unpleasant effects of one’s own actions
【典型例句】① Tom was caught cheating in the exam and he had to stew in his own juice.汤姆考试作弊被抓住了。他这是自作自受。
② We told her not to trust him but she wouldn’t listen一so let her stew in her own juice!我们告诉她不要相信他, 可她不听,那就让她自食其果吧!
【注释】该习语一般用在口语和非正式场合,来自法语的 同义习语cuiredans sonjus。目前关于该习语的起源 没有确切的说法,有一种解释是,在中世纪的欧洲, 火刑比较盛行,对某些触犯了教规教义的异教徒就处 以火刑是一种十分残酷的刑罚。“用自己的汁炖自己” 形象地描绘了遭受火刑之人所受的煎熬。