take something with a grain of salt
【英文解析】to consider something to be not completely true or right; to take something with a healthy dose of skepticism, suspicion, and caution
【典型例句】① He didn’t deliberately mislead, but I think we should take what he said wifli a grain of salt.他并没有 故意歪曲事实,但是我认为我们应该对他所说的打个 折扣。
② What he said should be taken with a pinch of salt! 对他说的话要有所保留!
【注释】习惯用语。相传在西元前一世纪,有个君王(the King of Pontus, Mithridates VI)总是怀疑他的臣子心 怀不轨,会在他的膳食中下毒,所以他常把一撮盐和 入食物中以自保[1]。该习语并不表示你认为事件叙述 者是胡言乱语、信口开河,而只是不愿随便陷入轻信 的圈套中。变体:take something with a pinch of salt。