the fifth columnist
【英文解析】a member of a subversive organization who tries to help an enemy invade.
【中文解析】在城内作内应的人;敌人派入的间谍;通敌的 内奸。
【典型例句】① When Anna learned that Dale had been killed aboard the ship, she took steps to identify the fifth columnist who might be responsible.安娜得知戴尔在 船上被杀后,她采取措施要抓出干这件事的内奸。
② The country was betrayed from within by a fifth columnist. 这个国家被内奸出卖了。
【注释】1936年西班牙内战时期,西班牙独裁者弗朗哥的 部下莫拉率领的四个纵队进攻首都马德里(Madrid)。 攻城前他发表广播讲话:我率领的四个纵队已包围了 马德里,第五纵队则部署在城内。后来该习语用于指 “间谋、内奸”。变体:fifthcolumnism(间谍活动)。