an itching palm
【英文解析】a desire for money, greed; a hand ready to receive bribes
【典型例句】①He was born with an itching palm.他生来就 贪得无厌. '
② The police officer had an itching palm and took much money from criminals before he was arrested.那个警官 贪赃受贿,在被捕之前曾从罪犯身上勒索很多钱财。
【注释】源自莎士比亚的戏剧《尤里乌斯?恺撒》(Mius Caesar) yourself are much condemned to have an itching palm; to sell and mart your offices for gold to undeservers.(许多人都咒骂你手心发痒,常常为了金 钱,把官爵出卖给了无功无能的人。)后来这条习语 比喻人贪财或受贿。变体:an itchy palm。