broken reed
【英文解析】a weak or unreliable support
【典型例句】① I asked him to speak at the meeting, but he did not even attend. What 狂 broken reed!我让他在会上 发言,他居然没来参加会议。真是个不可信赖的人!
② With Jacqui Smith a broken reed and Stephenson invisible,; Johnsou should seize the moment.雅基.先密 斯是个靠不住的人,斯蒂芬森又不怎么露面,所以约 翰逊应该抓住这一有利时机。
【注释】源自《圣经以赛亚书》第42章第3节压伤的 芦草不折断,冒烟的亚麻不熄灭。” (A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. Isaiah 42:3)神把埃及比作 a broken reed,人 一旦依赖它,就会被剌痛皮肉。神又把信徒比作a bruised reed,他们软弱但崇高,神不会让他们break。 现在该习语喩指“不可靠的人”,而quench smoking flax (掐灭冒烟的亚麻)则喻指“使有希望的事物中途 夭折'