Damon and Pythias
【字面理解】达蒙和皮西厄斯 true friendship
【典型例句】① It is only through hardship and disasters that a friendship of Damon and Pythias can manifest itself.只有 经过困苦和灾难,一种生死不移的友情才能表现出来。
② The Damon and Pythias of the establishment were Damon and Pythias no longer. They were ifeady to fly each at the other’s throat.
—The Three Clerks by Anthony Trollope
这家公司的两位生死之交已经再也称不上莫逆了,他 们已经成了不共戴天的仇人了。
【注释】达蒙(Damon)和皮西厄斯(Pythias)是好朋友, 皮西厄斯出了事被判死刑,为了使他回家探视亲人, 达蒙留在监牢里做人质,如果皮西厄斯不按时返回, 就处死达蒙。结果当限期已到,临行刑之前,皮西厄 斯及时赶回。国王深受感动,将两个人全部释放。后 来,Damon and Pythias被用来表示“生死之交”。