sow (the) dragon’s teeth
【英文解析】 to do something that has the effect of fomenting disputes
【典型例句】 Wherever he went, he sowed dragon’s teeth by preaching racial segregation.他无论到哪里,都鼓吹 种族隔离政策,挑起纠纷。
From the military point of view the expedition had achieved its aims. We had drawn the dragon’s teeth bait many will say we had also sown them.从军事角度上看, 那次远征达到了目的。我们铲除了后患,不过许多人 会说我们同时也种下了祸根。,
【注释】源自希腊神话,详见第31个词条Cadmean victory 的注释部分&卡德摩斯依照女神雅典娜的吩咐,耙龙 牙拔下来埋在土里。可后来这些龙牙长成了一群全副 武装、互相厮杀的战士。所以后人便用该习语表示“播 下(对己对人都不利的)不和或毁灭的种子”。