中国常用成语300个:241 - 250
教程:中国常用成语300个(双语)  浏览:447  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

    螳螂捕蝉be unaware of impending danger;to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger

    讨价还价bargain;haggle over a price

    滔滔不绝unceasing torrent;talking non-stop;gabbling forty to the dozen

    天伦之乐pleasure of heavenly agreement;family love and joy;domestic bliss

    田园之乐heavenly happiness

    统筹兼顾an overall plan taking into account all factors

    同舟共济to get through a time of difficulty by settle one’s difference and working together

    投笔从戎renounce the pen for the sword;join the military service (esp. of educated person)


    拖泥带水messy;sloppy;slovenly (lit. wading in mud and water)

      上一篇:中国常用成语300个:231 - 240 下一篇:中国常用成语300个:251 - 260

