《Letters Live》(见信如晤) ,又称英国版《见字如面》。节目邀请音乐、影视、文艺界的名人,如卷福、抖森等,现场朗读近一个世纪以来令人难忘的书信。以下是Letters Live 丨英国版《见字如面》——布鲁斯读信狄更斯致《泰晤士报》(1)的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
I was a witness of the execution at Horsemonger Lane this morning.
I went there with the intention of observing the crowd gathered to behold it, and I had excellent opportunities of doing so, at intervals all through the night, and continuously from daybreak until after the spectacle was over.
I do not address you on the subject with any intention of discussing the abstract question of capital punishment, or any of the arguments of its opponents or advocates.
I simply wish to turn this dreadful experience to some account for the general good that the Government might be induced to give its support to a measure making the infliction of capital punishment a private solemnity within the prison walls
I believe that a sight so inconceivably awful as the wickedness and levity of the immense crowd collected at that execution this morning could be imagined by no man, and could be presented in no heathen land under the sun.
The horrors of the gibbet and of the crime which brought the wretched murderers to it faded in my mind before the atrocious bearing, looks, and language of the assembled spectators.