欧美企业对Intellectual Property Right(知识产权,简称IPR)问题尤其重视,他们会及时地为自己的invention and innovation(发明创新)申请patent,并将其作为企业发展的key technology(核心技术)。在欧美国家,任何未经授权的人使用其注册的patent都要向其支付巨额费用,如果在没有得到事先permission(许可)的情况下使用了他们的patent,就构成了对其所有的intellectual property right的infringement(侵权),要承担严重的法律后果。侵权的一方因为infringement行为影响了自己的reputation(声誉)不说,还要支付大额的penalty(罚款),绝对是得不偿失的做法。
现在Nancy所在的Innovo就遇到了这样的问题——公司刚刚发现另外一家南方的private enterprise(民营企业)仿冒和销售他们刚刚研发推出的一款game software(游戏软件)。据可靠市场调查,仿冒品所占的市场销量已经超过了正版。Innovo公司的领导层对这个突发情况感到非常愤怒,却又不知所措,因为毕竟他们不是在美国。Johnson赶快召集各部门负责人开会,一起商量对策。
A small software company is making knockoffs of our latest product and selling them. I say that we must tell them right away to stop, or we'll take them to court. Do I have everyone's support on this?
I'm fully behind you on this, Johnson. If we don't show everyone that we'll hurt them when they do these things, other companies will start to make more knockoffs later.
Yes, we need to punish them, and let others see us punishing them, so nobody else will ever try the same thing.
There will be, however, difficulties. Companies have tried that many, many times before — it rarely works. If we stop this company, there will just be another company that will do the same thing. If there is a chance for making profits, someone will try it.
It's true. But we're cutting our own throats if we don't do something.
You all totally right. We need to, anyway, ask help from lawyers and find a solution. However, it might not work. We have to try another way out as well. I suggest that the Public Affair Department contact the software company and talk to them face to face. We use the "soft power" to let them stop.
What do you mean by "soft power"?
That is what the Public Affairs Department is good at. They need to sweet-talk the people. I suggest that we ask them to settle it.
Respect what he says and express your standpoint in time.
If you have different points of view, express them in a soft and acceptable way.
Intellectual Property Right 知识产权
innovation 创新
patent 专利
permission 许可,同意
infringement 侵权
reputation 声誉
penalty 罚款
private enterprise 民营企业
game software 游戏软件
unpredictable 不可预计的
knockoff 仿冒品(美式俚语)
latest product 最新产品
take... to court 向法院控诉……
be behind sb./sth. 对某人或某事表示支持或赞成
cut one's own throat 自取灭亡
make profit 盈利