Innovo在产品遭到一家private enterprise的仿造之后,按照Nancy的建议采用了“软硬兼施”的手段把这个令人头疼的问题暂时搞定了。Johnson感叹说:“The Chinese know best how to deal with Chinese problem.(中国人的问题还得靠中国人来解决。)”Nancy跟他开玩笑说:“外来的和尚不一定好念经哦!”在中国工作这么多年以后,Johnson的汉语已经相当不错了,他明白Nancy的意思,不好意思地笑了。
午餐之后,Nancy和同事们有说有笑地回到办公室。刚一坐下,桌上的电话就响了起来,是公司的legal consultant Tommy。他叫Nancy马上到VP办公室去。接到电话后Nancy不禁奇怪,到底什么事儿会这么急啊?午休还没结束呢。该不会是刚刚搞定的那个patent infringement case又出什么问题了吧。她匆匆赶到VP办公室,只见Tommy和VP正在那里严肃地讨论着,神情很是紧张。见Nancy来了,赶紧招手叫她过去。
Nancy走近了,看见Johnson的办公桌上放着一份court(法院)发来的announcement(通告),标题是“对Innovo公司侵犯知识产权的通告”。Nancy以为自己看错了,赶紧拿起announcement仔细读了起来,原来是competitor(竞争对手)Maintop公司认定Innovo刚推出的新产品有infringe(侵犯)Maintop IPR的行为,并列举数条evidence(证据),以此为依据claim for compensation(提出赔偿要求)。
Nancy明白,公司遇上这种事,不论控告是否属实,很快就会有媒体来大肆报道这起风波。如果控制不好局面,这将对公司的声誉造成不可预计的negative influence(负面影响)。Johnson觉得Innovo需要迅速做出反应,表明立场和态度。Tommy作为legal consultant,主要是从法律的角度来分析这个问题。Nancy更多地想到的是如何做好crisis management(危机管理)。三个人又认真地研究了一遍announcement,经过一番讨论,最后达成一致:要调查和应对这个IPR Claim是必须的,但现在首要的任务是确定如何应对媒体、社会和公司员工的questions(疑问)。
Rules of Crisis Communications
Have an in-depth crisis communications plan that includes dealing with the media, the community and your employees.
Name a spokesperson and two back-ups.
Deal with the crisis head-on. Do not hide out.
Never lie. The big lie would be stupid but many executives tend to tell the little white lie.
Never go off the record. In a crisis there is already much confusion. Do not add to it. Tell a reporter only what you want to see on the front page of the paper.
I am informed that Maintop Company lodged a complaint with court this morning. The lawsuit filed accuses your infringing their patents relating to technology covering speech coding. Could you comment on that?
We will defend strongly against the lawsuit in subject. Maintop Company's claim refers to the successful new products that are based on our patent portfolio, acquired by us in December, 2011.
These products are unique in their functioning and are highly acknowledged as an excellent solution in the field of speech coding.
Our products result from wholly owned proprietary technology. Innovo Company is highly confident that the Maintop Company's patent will be held not infringed and invalid. Innovo Company will vigorously defend itself and its products in the interests of its customers and shareholders.
These new products use Innovo Company's registered trade mark. To discover how these products can add value to our customers' application, please feel free to visit our website.
Thank you for calling. You are always welcome to visit our company.
reaction 反应
lawsuit 起诉
announcement 通告
evidence 证据
claim for 要求,索要
compensation 赔偿
mess 混乱的局面
negative influence 负面影响
crisis management 危机管理
in-depth 深入的,深层的
spokesperson 发言人
back-up 替补,候补
head-on 勇敢地,不回避地
hide out 逃避,隐藏
confusion 混乱
lodge a complaint 提出控告
accuse 起诉,投诉
speech coding 语音编码
defend against 为……辩护
proprietary technology 专利技术
invalid 无效的,失效的
vigorously 有力地
in the interest of... 为了……的利益
registered 注册的,登记的
be highly confident that...
defend strongly against...
vigorously defend itself