在Amy在家休息的一周中,她总是在跑东跑西地准备搬家要带的东西。Nancy有时间的时候也去帮忙。要带的行李很多,女孩子就是这样,尤其是像Amy这样fashionable(时尚的)、爱打扮的女孩子,光衣服就有三大箱子,另外还有一些生活用品呀,书籍呀,洋娃娃呀,又满满地装了两个suitcase(箱子)。随身带着肯定是unpractical(不现实)了,于是两个人便叫了post office(邮局)要求door-to-door(门对门)的delivery service(投递服务)。因为行李太多,光delivery fee(快递费)就花了500块“大洋”。
Amy订了周日上午九点去上海的飞机票,Nancy抱怨这个flight time(航班时间)选得不太好,大周末的不让她睡个好觉。但是好朋友出远门,无论如何都得爬起来送她。周日Nancy起了个大早,匆匆赶到Amy家,两个人打车赶到机场时已经是八点零五分了,她们正急着冲向security check entrance(安检口)时。忽然听到广播里传来“因为天气原因,从北京飞往上海的航班推迟起飞,登机时间另行通知。”这让两个人简直要抓狂了,起了这么一个大早,赶到机场,现在不知道还要等多久了。没有别的办法,只得先找个地方等着。
转了一圈,两人在Starbucks坐了下来,各要了一杯Espresso(意大利浓缩咖啡)提提神。她们刚坐下,就有个金发女郎款款走过来,跟Nancy打招呼。Nancy乍一看没认出来这个人,再仔细一看,竟然是去年离开Innovo的Joanna。一年不见,她看起来变化很大,更加fashionable了,但还是那么活力四射,带着一脸灿烂的笑容。Nancy赶紧帮Amy和Joanna互相作了介绍。当Joanna得知Amy是在她离开Innovo不久加入这家公司的时候,禁不住笑了出来。Nancy明白她的想法。去年这个时候,本来在Innovo干得很好的Joanna,突然提出quit(辞职),就从Innovo disappear(消失)了,第二天大家才知道,她是被hunter挖到了另一家Canadian(加拿大的)公司。因为Joanna走后和原来的同事都没有了什么contact(联系),大家渐渐地都快把她忘记了。没想到今天在机场再次遇到了她。谈起各自现在的情况,Nancy先讲起了Innovo这一年来的发展变化,之后她问Joanna新的工作怎么样。Joanna眉飞色舞地开始讲述她的经历。
Career Development
Make a long-term development plan.
Make decision and choice in time.
Salary and welfares are also critical in choosing a job.
Go ahead with your goal and don't give up.
What's it like? I'm quite happy. There are good promotion prospects if you're interested. And there's a very good training scheme. At the moment — did I tell you? — I'm considering a transfer to another division. But I'll tell you about that in a minute. Apart from that… Well, salaries are quite competitive; there's a generous profit-sharing scheme too. There's also a five-week holiday allowance, which is better than a lot of firms.
What else is there to say? A company car, of course. Quite a good pension scheme. That's it. The only thing I wasn't happy about was the fact that when I started the job, the relocation expense weren't very generous; you know, buying a new house, moving the family, all that sort of things cost money. Anyway, I survived it.
To be honest, I feel much better here. I am not sweet-talking to join us if you are not interested. So you are happy with Innovo so far, right? I don't really understand that. There must be something special about the company you would like to work for. Innovo is definitely not my type. It is no problem for you. So, lucky you.
看来Joanna对她的新工作还是挺满意的,但Nancy心里一直有个question mark(问号),Innovo的待遇也不错啊,怎么当年就留不住Joanna呢?这个机灵的姑娘看出了Nancy的疑问,她说:“其实呀,工作也是讲缘分的,有些公司虽然很好,可就是不适合你,这也是没有办法的事情。”这句话引发了Nancy的思考:如果说工作也要讲缘分,那么自己和Innovo应该算是很有缘分的吧。
fashionable 时尚的
unpractical 不现实的
door-to-door 门对门
delivery service 投递服务
delivery fee 快递费
flight time 航班时间
security check entrance 安检口
espresso 意大利浓缩咖啡
quit 辞职,放弃
promotion prospect 升职前景
training scheme 培训计划
transfer 调动
division 部门
profit-sharing 分红
allowance 津贴
pension scheme 养老金计划
generous 宽容的,大方的
survive 幸存,挺过
sweet-talk (以甜言蜜语)劝说
definitely 绝对地,当然地
question mark 问号