根据Innovo的intern training schedule,两个实习生用了两周的时间在公司的各个部门分别接受了培训,目的是为了让他们对Innovo的business operation(商务运作)流程有个初步的了解,为下一步接触具体工作做准备。两周后,两个年轻人完成了这个round。回到Marketing Department接手任务。
根据他们之前并没有做marketing的实际经验这个情况,Nancy觉得应该让他们从做market survey(市场调查)开始。Marketing Department现在正在准备制定新的营销方案,前期需要做关于market share(市场份额),customer evaluation(客户评价)和product usage feedback(产品使用反馈)等相关内容的调查。Survey其实就是用field research(实地调研)和questionnaire(问卷)相结合的方式,collect data(收集数据)并根据这些data做出初步的analysis。在校大学生和新入职的员工往往都是从做survey开始了解business operation的。
这两个实习生态度非常认真,任劳任怨,加班加点地准备questionnaire,从定位和寻找被调查者,到解释问卷目的并解答他们的疑问,然后再一份一份地收回问卷。短短三天的时间里,他们完成了对两百人的问卷调查。然后根据收集到的data做出了一个PPT presentation。遇到不清楚或不确定的地方,他们就找Marketing Department的同事们请教,大家都认为这两个实习生的悟性很高,很多东西一点就通。90后的potential(潜力)让大家刮目相看,一改以前的stereotype(固定形象)。
How to Make a Market Survey
Be clear of the target to be achieved via the survey.
Employ the best and most efficient survey tools and approaches.
Ask for help and suggestion from those experienced.
Make concise and understandable charts and graphs to present your survey result.
他们把survey presentation准备好以后,向Nancy请示汇报结果。Nancy把Marketing Department的同事们都召集过来,大家一起check(检验)实习生的工作成果。男实习生Henderson负责汇报,女实习生Pink帮他翻PPT,并在必要的时候做补充。
Nancy先表扬了两个孩子这些天以来的认真和努力,然后请大家鼓掌欢迎他们汇报survey result。
Thank you, Ms. Cui. We conducted eight focus groups, each with 10 to 12 people who currently use the product. In this pie chart, the yellow-shaded area represents those participants who buy the product from Innovo, and they comprise only 13% of the people we spoke with. That's consistent with Innovo's market share segment.
We asked the participants what features they wanted when purchasing the product and this table shows their answers in descending order of importance. As you can see across this row and down this column, Vision Corporation's current product offering includes only one of the top three most desired features.
Finally, we asked the participants to rank the product offered by Vision Corporation against those of the top four competitors, and the results are shown in this bar chart. Vision Corporation received the best rankings for "affordability", but suffered in all the other categories. This line graph shows that these figures have held steady over the time we've conducted these focus groups. We believe this means that our company would be justified in raising the price of its product and using the additional revenue to improve the product's features.
从这两位实习生的报告中可以看出,他们不仅做出了科学合理的questionnaire,还把调查结果进行了系统分析,提出了改良现状的建议。虽然有些想法还不够成熟,但调查工作整体上已经很令人满意了。根据他们的capacities, Marketing Department接下来的工作可以放心让他们participate(参与)了。
business operation 商务运作
customer evaluation 客户评价
product usage feedback 产品使用反馈
field research 实地调研
questionnaire 问卷
potential 潜质,潜力
stereotype 固定形象,定型
conduct 引导
focus group 重点群体
pie chart 圆形图表
yellow-shaded 黄色阴影的
participant 参加者,参与者
comprise 构成,组成
be consistent with... 与……一致的,与……统一的
segment 部分,板块
purchase 购买
descending order of importance 依次递减的
desired 希望得到的,有需求的
bar chart 条形图表
affordability 买得起的,可负担的
category 项目,类别
justify 使合理,使公正