在Sales Department担任了三年的Director之后,Leo刚刚被提拔为Innovo大中华区的Superior Sale Supervisor(高级销售总监),负责大中华区的Sales Management。现在领导层要找出一个合适的人选来接任他之前的职位。他们考虑过对外招聘,通过社会招聘从同行业的其他公司找人,或者借助hunter先大范围search锁定目标,然后“挖”人。
与此同时,Johnson也在公司内部遴选candidate(候选人),毕竟老员工有熟悉业务的advantage(优势)。但是合适的人还真不好找,而重要的position又不能这样长期空缺下去,许多业务急需有人负责组织。Johnson下定决心在下周一之前一定把人选搞定。他把Leo叫到自己办公室,和他把公司内部的candidate list从头到尾过滤一遍,挨个儿进行evaluation(评估),然后决定了一位最终人选。
Leo作为Sales Department的former director(前总监),对他手下的了解相对Johnson来说更加多一些。
Let's go over the staff's performance reviews.
Most of them were pretty positive. Take Brown Clinton for example. He's extroverted, which makes him a very effective salesman. You can see his sales in this quarter are a record high for our company. He's also easygoing and very friendly. Add that to his good looks, and you can see why he's so popular, in and out of the office!
Yes, I've also heard that he's a lady's man. Well, that is actually a strike against him in the performance review. It seems like he has trouble keeping his private life and professional life separate. He has been involved in several office romances that have been detrimental to employee professionalism and performance.
He was censored for the two incidents, and since then, he has corrected his behavior. I think that says a lot for his character.
Do you recommend him for a raise, then?
I think he's deserving a promotion because he has brought a lot of profit to the company.
What about Brad? His report wasn't so hot. He's always making excuses, he has no common sense, and he lacks responsibility.
You can see his sales record is less than impressive. He is hard to deal with. After disciplinary action, he complained to the Board of Directors with charges of discrimination. It seems he always ignores his faults and criticizes others.
Just between you and me, I can't stand the guy. But it's very difficult to fire him. He landed this position because of his parents. They are very influential stockholders.
I think we have the answer now.
Are you sure? I don't think so.
他们就这样按照名单一个一个地evaluate下去,两个人的意见很难统一,毕竟他们考虑问题的角度有所不同,对员工的了解方面也有差异。即使意见一致,却发现还是不能下定决心,看来找到一个合适的人选好像是impossible(不可能的)了。Leo提议再征求一下其他人的意见,比如Nancy,Bradley等,都对Sales Department的员工比较了解,也许他们的evaluation更加objective(客观的)。Johnson同意了,等Nancy和Bradley过来看了候选人名单后,他们也皱起了眉头,看来确定人选还真是个棘手的问题。Nancy觉得,无论如何要把自己的想法告诉大家,最终的决定还得Johnson来做。她从名单里挑选出三个人,然后把这三个人的优势和劣势分别评价了一番。Bradley也从HR的角度给了他们一些建议。
Johnson最后决定,先由Brown接任Leo的位置,但是他强调对外公开时要说明这将是一个temporary position(临时职位),等到对Brown的probation period(考察期)过后,才能正式对他的appointment(任命)。
Staff Evaluation 员工评估
superior sale supervisor 高级销售总监
candidate 候选人
former 前任的
positive 正面的
extroverted 外向的,开朗的
easygoing 随和的,平易近人的
popular 受欢迎的
a strike against sb. 对某人不利的要害
be involved in 被卷进
office romance 办公室恋情
detrimental to... 对……有损害的,破坏……的
professionalism 职业操守
censor 检查,审查
correct one's behavior 改正行为
sth. says a lot for … 某事说明了很多……
deserve 应得到
make excuse 找借口
common sense 常识,常理
lack responsibility 缺乏责任感
sales record 销售记录
hard to deal with 很难处理
disciplinary 纪律的,规矩的
discrimination 歧视,不公
between you and me 这是秘密,私底下说
probation period 考察期
appointment 任命