第4章 冠 词 4.4 不用或省略冠词的情况
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    4.4 不用或省略冠词的情况

    4.4.1 零冠词

    在不少情况下,名词前不加冠词,可以称作零冠词(Zero Article)。除上面谈到的一些不用冠词的情况,还有下面这些值得注意:

    1) 当一个名词用作表语或同位语等表示一个领导职位时,前面常不加冠词(也可说省略掉冠词):

    In 1993 Bill Clinton became (the) President of the United States. 1993年克林顿成为美国总统。

    He is still head of the organization. 他仍然是这个组织的首脑。

    This is Professor Brockbank, head of the history department. 这是历史系主任布洛克邦教授。

    He succeeded his father as president of the company. 他接替他父亲担任公司董事长。

    This is Mr. Kirk, director of the Department of African Affairs. 这是非洲司司长科克先生。

    They appointed him minister to a foreign country. 他们任命他为驻外公使。


    I'm coming back to take the job of foreign editor. 我将回来当外语编辑。

    She worked as correspondent to a local newspaper. 她担任当地一家报纸的记者。


    He was a Conservative but he turned Socialist. 他原是保守党员后来成了社会党人。

    He has turned botanist (Mahammedan). 他成了植物学家(回教徒)。


    I prefer the title of reporter. 我更喜欢记者的头衔。

    That officer holds the rank of captain. 那位军官的官阶为上尉。

    2) 个体名词抽象化后,前面也不加冠词:

    He has to get ready for college. 他得准备好上大学。

    They decided to send their son to university. 他们决定送儿子上大学。

    We were at school together. 我们在一起上学。

    It was too early for bed. 现在睡觉还太早了一点。

    There's room for three more. 还可以容纳三个人。

    What time does church begin? 什么时候开始做礼拜?

    You should go into hospital at once. 你应当马上去住院。

    The trees were all in flower. 树都开花了。

    The thief was sent to prison for a year. 小偷要蹲一年监狱。

    She went by bus (boat/plane/car). 她坐巴士(船/飞机/汽车)去。


    from beginning to end 从头到尾

    from head to foot 从头到脚

    from day to day 日复一日

    from time to time 不时地

    year after year 年复一年

    in case of 在…的情况下

    in place of 代替

    on foot (holiday) 步行(度假)

    make fun of 拿…开玩笑

    make room for 给…腾地方

    3) 表示季节、月份、日期的名词前一般不加冠词:

    Spring was at hand. 春天即将到来。

    She was born in April. 她是四月出生的。

    He is arriving on Monday. 他将于星期一到达。

    October 1st is our National Day. 十一是国庆节。


    Nanchang Uprising took place on the 1st of August, 1927. 南昌起义是1927年8月1日举行的。

    It happened in the summer of 1937. 这事发生在1937年夏天。

    4) 在daybreak,dusk, dawn, noon, midnight, sunset,sunrise这类名词前通常不加冠词:

    At daybreak we started on our journey. 天亮时我们起程了。

    The attack came just before dawn. 拂晓前进攻开始了。

    At dusk the lights of the city come on. 黄昏时分城里的灯亮了。

    The workers ate fast food at noon. 工人们中午吃快餐。

    It's getting on for midnight. 快到午夜了。

    We left home at sunrise. 日出时我们离开了家。

    After sunset, the sky darkened rapidly. 太阳落山后天很快就黑了。

    Before daylight it started to drizzle. 天亮前开始下起毛毛雨。


    The dawn here in the mountains is beautiful. 这儿山里的黎明是美丽的。

    One cannot see very far in the dusk. 暮色中我们看不到很远。

    5) 在呼语、家人及亲属名称后常不加冠词:

    Be quiet, children! 安静点,孩子们!

    Thank you, sir. 谢谢你,先生。

    Can I help you, ma'am (madam)? 我能为你做点什么,夫人?

    Can I get you anything to drink, father? 我能给你弄点什么喝的吗,爸?

    Mother is with Grandma. 妈和奶奶在一起。

    Auntie is in the kitchen. 姨在厨房里。

    Big sister is playing chess with uncle. 大姐在和叔叔下棋。


    Come quickly, nurse. 奶妈,快来。

    6) 在一些并列名词前,常可不加冠词,如:

    Mother and child are doing fine. 母子平安。

    When host and guest appeared,they received a standing ovation. 当宾主出现时,大家长时间起立鼓掌。

    Father and son went to New York by a morning train. 父子两人坐早上的火车去了纽约。

    It has handed down from father to son for many generations. 这东西父传子已传了许多代了。

    He went head over heels into the water. 他倒栽葱掉进水里。

    I cannot make head or tail of your letter. 我看不懂你的信。


    shoulder to shoulder 并肩

    side by side 并排

    hand in hand 手牵手

    arm in arm 手挽手

    tit for tat 以牙还牙

    step by step 一步步地

    back to back 背靠背地

    Face to face 面对面地

    heart and soul 全心全意地

    heart-to-heart 推心置腹地

    4.4.2 冠词省略的情况


    1) 新闻标题:

    (The) City Congress (is) to be in session Friday 市议会星期五开会

    (A) Hotel Fire Disaster 饭店大火成灾

    2) 通知说明:

    (The) Lift (is) out of order. 电梯坏了。

    Cut along (the) dotted line. 沿虚线剪开。

    3) 提纲:

    (The) Algerian Crisis led to (the) downfall of (the) French government in May 1958. 阿尔及利亚危机导致法国政府于1958年5月倒台。

    (The) Causes of World WarⅡ: massive re-armament, (the) invasion... 第二次世界大战起因:大规模重新武装,入侵捷克…

    4) 剧本提示:

    Vossilisa (Open door quickly;to Alyushka):You here again? 薇希丽莎(迅速开门;对阿留希说):你又来了?

    Exit into garden. 出去进入花园。

    5) 书名:

    (An) Outline Political History of the Americas 美洲政治史纲

    (The) BBC English Dictionary BBC英语词典

      上一篇:第4章 冠 词 4.3 各类名词前的冠词用法 下一篇:第5章 代 词 5.1 概说


