14.4 形容词的比较级别
14.4.1 形容词比较级和最高级的构成法
1) 形容词有些有两种形式,即比较级(The Comparative Degree),表示“比较…”和最高级(The Superlative Degree),表示“最…”,与之相对的形容词本身称为原级(The Positive Degree),例如:
原级 比较级 最高级
* * *
* * *
* * *
这三种形式总起来称为形容词的比较级别(Degrees of Comparison)。
2) 单音节词及少数双音节词都以在后面加词尾-er,-est的方式构成比较级,构成的方式如下:
原级 比较级 最高级
* * *
* * *
* * *
3) 其他双音节词及多音节词都以在前面加more和most的方式构成比较级和最高级:
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
4) less和least也可用来构成比较级和最高级,表示“较/最不…”:
* * *
* * *
* * *
14.4.2 不规则的比较级和最高级形式
1) 有些形容词有不规则的比较级和最高级形式:
* * *
* * *
* * *
little less least
2) 这些不规则形式的意思可表示如下:
Two heads are better than one. (谚)两人智慧胜一人。
This is a better example. 这是一个较好的例子。
The child is better today. 今天孩子的情况好些了。
The best mirror is an old friend. (谚)老友是宝镜。
East, west, home's best. 东跑西跑还是家里最好。
His behaviour is worse than ever before. 他的表现比过去更糟。
Her cold was growing worse. 她的感冒更厉害了。
The worst part of the journey was over. 旅途中最糟糕的一段路程过去了。
This is the worst accident for years. 这是多年以来最严重的事故。
He went abroad to gain more experience. 他出国去学习更多的经验。
We won't have any more discussion about it. 这事我们不再讨论了。
Least talk, most work. 少说话,多干活。
The busiest men have the most leisure. (谚)最忙的人闲暇最多。
I have less strength than he has. 我的力气比他小。
More haste, less speed. (谚)欲速则不达。
He didn't have the least desire to go to bed. 他一点都不想睡觉。
There isn't the least wind today. 今天一点风都没有。
3) older和elder意思不尽相同,older表示年纪较大的,oldest表示年纪最大的:
John is older than Tom. 约翰比汤姆年纪大。
He is the oldest student in our class. 他是我们班年龄最大的学生。
He's my elder brother. 他是我哥哥。
Sarah is the elder of the two. 两人中萨拉是姐姐。
This is her elder daughter. 这是她较大的女儿。
Their eldest son died in infancy. 他们的大儿子在襁褓中就死了。
Her eldest child is at university. 她的大孩子上大学了。
He has three sons, and his eldest has just started school. 他有三个儿子,老大刚上学。
4) farther和further的意思不尽相同:
father:(较远) Manchester is farther from London than Oxford is. 曼彻斯特离伦敦比牛津远。
farthest:(最远的) Which of the cities is the farthest from us? 这些城市哪座离我们最远?
further: It was a few miles further. 它要远几英里。
(更远) There is a cottage on the further side of the hill. 小山的那一边有一座农舍。
(进一步的)They made further arrangements. 他们作了进一步的安排。
(更多的) Have you any further questions to ask? 你还有更多的问题要问吗?
furthest:(更远的) It is the furthest point west in England. 这是英格兰最靠西的地方。
14.4.3 形容词比较级的用法
1) 形容词的比较级可以单独使用:
Are you feeling better today? 你今天感觉好点了吗?
Be more careful next time. 下次小心点。
It was quieter outside. 外面安静点了。
He feels more content now. 他现在比较满意了。
It couldn't be easier. 不能再容易了。
This car's more expensive. 这辆车比较贵。
She hoped to get a better job. 她希望得到一份更好的工作。
Further supplies will soon be available. 不久将会有更多的供应品。
Further discussion wouldn't be necessary. 没有必要作进一步讨论。
Who is taller (more suitable)? 谁高(更合适)一点?
We must do more with less money. 我们要少花钱多办事。
Which book is better (less difficult)? 哪本书好一些(不难一些)?
I'll try to make fewer mistakes in future. 以后我要少犯错误。
2) 也可以和than一起用,表示两者相比,than后可以跟:
a. 名词或代词(若为人称代词,在口语中多用宾格):
He is older than me. 他年龄比我大。
Tokyo is bigger than New York. 东京比纽约大。
He made fewer mistakes than you (do). 他出的错比你少。
She has more time than me (I do). 她的时间比我多。
There are more boys than girls in our class. 我们班男生比女生多。
b. 动名词:
Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更刺激。
This is more interesting than sitting in an office. 这比坐办公室有意思。
Nothing is more unpleasant than finding insects in your bath. 什么也不如在浴缸里发现虫子更令人不快。
Travelling by train is more comfortable than travelling by bus. 坐火车旅行比坐公共汽车旅行舒服。
Shopping at a supermarket is cheaper than going to the local shops. 在超市购物比在邻近商店购物便宜。
c. 从句:
I am happier than I have ever been. 我现在比过去任何时候都快活。
I was a better singer than he was. 我唱歌比他好。
He is stronger than I expected. 他比我预料的更健壮。
It was more expensive than I thought. 它比我想的要贵些。
We produce 25 percent more steel than we did five years ago. 我们的钢产量比五年前增加了百分之二十五。
d. 状语(包括副词、介词短语等):
She felt worse than usual. 她感到比平时更难受。
It's even colder than yesterday. 今天比昨天还冷。
He is busier than ever. 他比过去更忙了。
She is in better health than last year. 她身体比去年好了。
It takes less time to go there by plane than by train. 坐飞机到那里比坐火车快。
e. 跟其他成分(如动词、形容词等):
Better cut the shoe than pinch the foot. 把鞋铰开也比夹脚好。
It's easier to do it yourself than (to) explain it to her. 你自己干比给她解释更容易。
It's better to be prepared than unprepared. 有准备比没准备好。
She was more surprised than angry. 她吃惊甚于生气。
He was more lucky than clever. 他是运气好,而不是聪明。
14.4.4 形容词比较级的修饰语
1) 形容词比较级前可加much,a lot,far,a bit,a little,slightly之类表示程度的状语:
He's feeling a lot better today. 他感到今天好多了。
You have far more imagination than I have. 你的想像力比我丰富多了。
She is a little bit better now. 她现在稍稍好一点了。
It's slightly warmer today. 今天稍暖和一点。
Now I feel a great deal more confident. 现在我感到信心强多了。
You look much happier than you did yesterday. 你比昨天显得高兴多了。
She's actually a good deal older than she looks. 她的实际年龄比她看上去要大得多。
2) 也可在比较级前加any,no,some,even,still这类词:
Do you feel any better today? 你今天感觉好一点了吗?
She was no older than Zilla. 她并不比齐拉大。
You must go and get some more milk. 你得再去弄些牛奶来。
This book is even more useful than that. 这本书甚至比那本书更有用。
He is fat, but his brother is still fatter. 他很胖,但他哥哥更胖。
When she heard the news, she became all the more depressed. 听到这消息,她变得更加沮丧了。
3) 比较级前还可加其他表示数量的词:
Shall I get a couple more chairs? 我要不要再搬两把椅子来?
Where can I get a few more computers? 我从哪里还能再弄几台电脑来?
He had not so very many more years to live. 他已没有多少年好活了。
My sister is ten years younger than me. 我妹妹比我小十岁。
You're a head taller than Jane. 你比简高一个头。
It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price. 它比市场价格低四分之一。
Cotton output was 20 per cent higher than in the previous year. 棉花产量比前一年高百分之二十。
14.4.5 形容词比较级的特殊用法
1)"more...than" 有时可以把两种品质加以比较,表示“更多…而不是”:
I was more annoyed than worried when he didn't come home. 他没回家时我更多的是生气而不是担心。
This is more a war movie than a western. 这应当说是战争片而不是西部片。
To them, music is more a way of life than just an interest. 对他们来说,音乐是一种生活方式而不仅仅是一种爱好。
2) more and more这类结构可表示“越来越”:
Secretly she became more and more indignant. 她内心感到越来越气愤。
The story gets more and more exciting. 故事变得越来越激动人心。
Your English is getting better and better. 你的英语越来越好了。
Holiday flights are getting less and less expensive. 节假日的机票越来越便宜了。
3) the more...the more可表示“越是…越…”:
The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually is. 一个人越有学问,往往越谦虚。
The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I am to be able to answer them. 问题越难,我能回答的可能性越小。
The warmer the weather, the better I feel. 天气越暖和我感觉越舒服。
4) more than常用在数词前,表示“超过…”、“…多”:
He can't be more than thirty. 他不可能超过三十岁。
More than 800 people attended the concert. 八百多人出席了音乐会。
They enrolled more than 500 new students. 他们招收了五百多新生。
She has been away for more than a year. 她离开已一年多了。
5) less than常表示“不到…”,或(美)“不太”:
In less than a week, the MS was ready. 不到一周稿子就准备好了。
I bought it for less than a dollar. 我买它花了还不到一美元。
We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day. 那天我们很忙,不太想接待客人。
The boys were less than happy about having a party. 男生们并不太高兴开晚会。
6) no less than表示“多达”、“不少于”:
He won no less than £ 500. 他赢了不少于五百英镑。
Its population is no less than two million. 它的人口多达两百万。
No less than 1,000 people came. 至少来了有一千人。
There were no less than three officials waiting there. 至少有三名官员在那里等候。
7) more or less表示“基本上”、“大体上”或“大约”
The work is more or less finished. 这项工作基本上完成了。
The answers were more or less right. 这些回答大体上是正确的。
It's an hour's journey, more or less. 这段路程大约需要一个小时。
It's a mile, more or less, from here to the station. 从这里到火车站大约有一英里。
14.4.6 as...as和notso...as结构
1) as...as可表示“和…一样…”(注意形容词要用原级):
Some of their states are as big as France. 他们有些州的面积有法国那样大。
He considered her opinion as valuable as ours. 他认为她的意见和我们的一样有价值。
He is as energetic as a young man. 他像年轻人一样充满活力。
She was as busy as before. 她还是和过去一样忙。
They were as firm as we could expect. 他们像我们所期待的那样坚定。
as brave as a lion 十分勇敢;无畏
as bright as day 亮如白昼
as busy as a bee 忙碌
as cheerful as a lark 兴高采烈
as cold as ice 非常冷;无反应的
as cunning as a fox 狡诈
as fat as a pig 体胖如猪
as fierce as a tiger 凶猛如虎
as firm as a rock 坚如磐石
as graceful as a swan 举止端庄
as innocent as a dove 非常天真的
as greedy as a wolf 贪得无厌
as loud as thunder 声如雷鸣
as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛
as proud as a peacock 非常高傲
as obstinate as a mule 像骡子一样
as quiet as a mouse 娴静固执
as round as an apple 滚圆的
as quick as lightning 迅如闪电
as silly as a goose 蠢如呆鹅
as red as a cherry 脸色绯红
as sour as vinegar 味道很酸的
as sharp as a needle 非常敏锐
as straight as an arrow 快捷的
as slippery as an eel 滑头的
as strong as a horse 非常健壮
as stupid as a donkey 笨极了
as sweet as honey 非常甜的
as tame as a cat 非常听话
as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠
as ugly as a toad 特别丑陋
as watchful as a hawk 警惕监视着
as white as snow 洁白如雪
2) 在否定句中可用not as... (a)或not so... (b)表示“不像…那样”:
a. Manslaughter is not as (so) bad as murder. 过失杀人没有谋杀那么严重。
The food wasn't as good as yesterday. 今天的饭菜没有昨天的好。
Your coffee is not as (so) good as the coffee my mother makes. 你煮的咖啡没我妈煮的好。
The hotel was not as good as they expected. 旅馆没有他们预期的那样好。
b. It isn't so cold as yesterday. 今天没有昨天那么冷。
He is not so handsome as his brother. 他不像他哥哥那样英俊。
I'm not so experienced as you think. 我没有你想的那样有经验。
The situation is not so bad as had been painted. 形势没有描绘的那样糟。
3) 在as...as结构中也可以插入修饰语:
Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago. 汽油比前几年贵了一倍。
Their house is about three times as big as ours. 他们的房子比我们的房子约大两倍。
My command of English is not half so (as) good as yours. 我的英文学得还不及你一半好。
There the tuberculosis rate is 10 times as high as in North Carolina. 那里的肺结核发病率是北卡罗来纳州的十倍。
14.4.7 形容词最高级的用法
1) 形容词最高级的主要用法:
This is the oldest theatre in London. 这时伦敦最古老的剧院。
It was the quickest route from Rome to Milan. 这是从罗马到米兰最快捷的路线。
Jim is the tallest of the three. 吉姆是三人中最高的。
This book is the most interesting one. 这本书是最有意思的一本。
Which is the longest river in China? 哪条河流是中国最长的?
She has the worst task of us all. 我们所有人中她的任务最艰巨。
This is the best beer (that) I've ever drunk. 这是我喝过的最好的啤酒。
That was the worst film (that) he had ever seen. 那是他看过的最糟糕的电影。
He is the kindest man (that) I 've ever met. 他是我碰到过的最善良的人。
That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard. 这是我听过的最荒唐的故事。
It was the most expensive hotel we had ever stayed in. 这是我们住过的最贵的饭店。
That was the most tasty meal I've ever had. 那是我吃过的最可口的饭菜。
2) 最高级形容词也可单独使用,后面不跟表示比较的范围的修饰语:
Her oldest daughter is eleven years old. 她的大女儿十一岁。
Who is the tallest, Julia, Mary or Helen? 谁最高,是朱丽亚、玛丽还是海伦?
No one dared to raise the least objection. 没人敢提丁点反对意见。
Which is the nearest river? 哪一条是最近的河流?
Who picked the most apples? 谁摘的苹果最多?
Now we come to the most important thing. 现在我们来谈最重要的事。
The smallest ones live in trees. 最小的生活在树上。
3) 最高级形容词前面有时可有一个状语(a),有时有一个定语修饰(b):
a. It was by far the best hospital I had ever seen. 这是我见过的最最好的医院。
It was of the very highest quality. 它的质量是最最高的。
That is much the worst stretch of motorway in this area. 那是这个地区最最糟糕的一段公路。
This is quite far the most expensive bicycle in the shop. 这是这家商店最最贵的自行车。
b. It's Japan's third largest city. 它是日本的第三大城市。
Hainan is China's second largest island. 海南是中国第二大岛。
He is the most suitable person imaginable. 他是能想到的最合适人选。
We will finish the work in the shortest possible time. 我们将在尽可能短的时间内完成这项工作。
14.4.8 形容词最高级的特殊用法
1) 形容词最高级可用作表语,这时定冠词the可以省略:
I think her plan is best. 我认为她的计划最好。
Cotton blankets are generally cheapest. 棉毛毯一般最便宜。
We are busiest on Mondays. 我们星期一最忙。
Her argument is most convincing. 她的论点最有说服力。
2) 形容词最高级前可以加a或不加冠词来表示“非常…”:
It is a most joyful occasion. 这是一个非常快乐的日子。
That was a most extraordinary thing. 这是一件很特别的事。
She is a most mysterious person. 她是个非常神秘的人。
He has been most kind to me. 他对我非常好。
We were all most anxious to go home. 我们都很想回家。
I should be most happy to help you. 我会非常高兴帮助你。
3) 形容词最高级还可和at构成短语作表语,表示“处于最…的状态”:
The peony was at its brightest. 牡丹花正在盛开。
She was at her happiest in her home in the country. 她在乡下家里时最高兴。
I knew she was at her worst. 我知道她这时情绪最糟。
She is never at her best in the presence of her mother. 在她妈跟前她的表现从来不是最好的。
4) 形容词最高级还可和at构成许多短语作状语:
He is , at best , a second-rate novelist.他充其量也就是个二流小说家。
I may not be good, but at least let me have a try. 我可能不算好,但至少让我试试。
He had been gone 15 minutes at the most. 他离开顶多才一刻钟。
I can't go to London till May 5th at the earliest. 我最早也要到五月五日才能去伦敦。
I'll be with you at latest by ten. 我最迟十点钟就来陪你。