24.4 定语的位置
24.4.1 定语通常的位置
1) 单词定语一般放在所修饰的词前面(这和汉语一样):
financial problems 财政问题 peaceful construction 和平建设
life insurance 人寿保险 trade deficit 贸易逆差
developing countries 发展中国家 living conditions 生活条件
The situation here is highly explosive. 这里的局势具有高度的爆发性。
The people there are very friendly. 那里的人很友好。
I met your sister on my way home. 我在回家路上遇见了你妹妹。
Is there anything on tomorrow? 明天有什么活动吗?
This was her first day up. 这是她起床的第一天。
2) 下面各类定语都放在所修饰词的后面:
a. 定语从句:
The noise he made woke everybody up. 他弄出的响声把大家都吵醒了。
Everyone who (that) knew him liked him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。
She gave me this jumper, which she had knitted herself. 她给了我这件毛衣,这是她亲手织的。
b. 介词短语:
He was a Doctor of Philosophy in economics of Yale. 他是耶鲁大学的经济学博士。
She looked to be a young woman of twenty. 她看起来像一个二十岁的青年女子。
He was hired to illustrate a book on the birds of the world. 他受雇为一本描写世界鸟类的书画插图。
c. 分词短语和不定式短语:
People waiting for the bus often shelter in my doorway. 等公共汽车的人常常在我家门道里躲雨。
Is this the table reserved for us? 这是给我们留的桌子吗?
They need a garden to play in. 他们需要一座花园好在里面玩耍。
d. 其他作定语的短语:
They saw a building about sixty stories high. 他们看见一座六十层左右的高楼。
Soldiers normally timid don't fight well. 平时就胆小的士兵打起仗来也不行。
She has done a play, at once educational and witty. 她写了一个剧本,既有教育意义,又诙谐幽默。
24.4.2 定语和所修饰词分开的情况
1) 定语有时和它修饰的词分开:
What do you have to say in this regard? 关于这一点你有什么要说? (to say修饰what)
All we have left is some cold meat. 我们只剩了一些冷肉。
I saw something in the paper which might interest you. 我在报上看到一些东西,你可能会感兴趣。
Can you see who those people are standing at the gate? 你能看清楚站在大门口的那些人都是谁吗?
2) 一个名词有时有两个定语,其中一个就不得不和它修饰的词分开:
This is the book I bought about space flight. 这是我买的一本关于太空飞行的书。
Is there anyone among you interested in going to the caves? 你们中谁有兴趣去参观那些洞穴?
Have you got any novels by Tolstoy in English translation? 你有没有托尔斯泰小说的英译本?
24.4.3 定语的顺序
1) 一个名词有几个定语时,大体上按下面顺序排列:
2) 有个别定语可放在冠词a(n)或the前面:
such a nice person so short a time
rather a hard time too small an income
many a student quite a lot (number)
half an hour quite a gentleman
half the distance twice the amount
double the amount quite the fashion
3) 一个名词有几个形容词修饰时,表示基本品质的词,离所修饰的词最近,其他可大致按品质、大小、形状等特点安排: