第18章 感叹词 18.2 一些常用感叹词的用法
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    18.2 一些常用感叹词的用法

    18.2.1 oh,ah,well的用法


    1) oh可用来表示惊奇、恐慌、痛苦、懊恼、高兴等:

    I'm a teacher. "Oh? Where?" “我是教师?”“是吗?在哪里教书?”(惊奇)

    Oh no! she cried as she began to read the letter. “啊不可能?”她开始看信时惊叫道。(惊恐)

    Oh, how terrible! 啊,多可怕!(恐慌)

    Oh, aren't these flowers gorgeous! 哇,这些花真漂亮!(赞叹)

    She got the job? Oh great! 她找到工作了?那太好了!(高兴)

    Oh, what a pity! 啊,真遗憾!(遗憾)

    Oh, please don't ask me any more. 啊,请不要再问我了。(恳求)


    What time are you going into town? "Oh, I haven't decided yet."“你什么时候进城?”“嗯,我还没决定?”

    Oh yes, I will. 是的,我会的。

    Oh Pam, can you come over here for a minute? 啊,帕姆,你能过来一会吗?

    Oh, Simon, take this letter to the post, would you? 啊,西蒙,把这封信发掉好吗?

    2) ah表示惊奇、恐惧、高兴、痛苦、恳求、松一口气等:

    Ah, there you are. 好了,你来了。(高兴)

    Ah, good, here is the bus. 好了,公共汽车来了。(高兴)

    Ah, what a lovely baby! 呀,多可爱的宝宝!(赞美)

    Ah, how pitiful! 啊,真可怜!(怜悯)

    Ah, that's inexcusable. 啊,这是不能原谅的。(气愤)

    Ah, I've never heard of such things before. 嚯,我可从未听说过这样的事!(惊奇)

    3) well表示欣慰、惊奇、犹疑、无奈等:

    Well, here we are at last! 好了,我们终于到了!(欣慰)

    Well, who would have thought of it? 嗨,谁会想到呀?(惊奇)

    Well, what shall we do next? 嗯,我们下一步怎么办?(犹疑)

    Well, that's the only thing I can do now. 哎,目前只好这样。(无奈)

    Well, thank goodness you've arrived. 谢天谢地你到了。(欣慰)

    Well, well—I would never have guessed it. 嗯,真是意想不到。(惊异)


    Well, you may be right. 嗯,你可能是对的。

    Very well then, I'll accept the offer. 很好嘛,我将接受这个提议。

    Do you want to come? "Well, I'm not sure." “你想来吗?”“嗯,我不能肯定?”

    I think it happened, well, towards the end of last summer. 我想,嗯,这是去年夏末发生的。

    Well, are you going to tell us or not? 嗨,你到底打不打算告诉我们?

    Well, I'dbetter be going now. 好了,我最好走吧。

    18.2.2 一些表示感叹的词组

    1) 一些女性用得较多表示感叹的词组——oh dear,dear me,(good)gracious,(my)goodness等,表示惊异、不耐烦、难过等,这与汉语中的“天?”有点相近:

    Oh dear! Why should you be so stubborn? 天哪!你怎么这样固执?

    Dear me, I didn't know you were so sharp-tongued. 嗨,不知道你的嘴竟然这样厉害。

    My goodness! How could you work so fast! 我的天,你怎么干得这么快!

    Goodness what a big cake! (我的)天哪,这么大的蛋糕!

    Gracious, what an ugly house. 天呀,这房子真难看!

    Good gracious! (Goodness gracious!) Is that the time? 天呀,已经是这个时候啦?

    Gracious me! What have you done to your hair? 我的天,你把头发弄成什么样子了?

    2) 一些男性用得较多的表示感叹的词组——oh Lord,Good Heavens,Heavens,Good lord等,也表示惊异、不高兴等情绪:

    Good lord, it's you! 我的老天,原来是你!

    Oh Lord, what shall we do now? 天啦,我们现在怎么办?

    O Lord, can a cabbage grow that big? 啊天哪,白菜能长这么大?

    Good Heavens! It'll get into the papers. 天哪,这会登到报上去的。

    Heavens, what a cold room! 吓,这房间真冷!

    18.2.3 另一些较常用的感叹词

    1) 用来打招呼的感叹词:

    Hallow, John! How are you? 嗨,约翰!你好呀?

    Hullo. It's nice to meet you. 嗨,见到你很高兴。

    Hello, is Mrs. Brown there? 喂,布朗夫人在吗?

    Hello, who's speaking, please? 喂,你是哪一位?

    Hello, hello, hello, what's going on here? 喂,喂,喂,出什么事了?

    Hi, there, Mr. Smith, good to see you. 嗨,史密斯先生,见到你很高兴。

    Hi, Uncle Herald, Thomas said. “嗨,海拉德叔叔?”汤姆斯说。

    Hi, Alice. This is Fred. 喂,艾丽斯,我是弗雷德。

    Hey, come and look at this! 嘿,过来瞧瞧!

    Hey, can I ask you a question? 嘿,我能问你一个问题吗?

    2) 表示疼痛痛苦等的感叹词:

    Ow! That hurts. 啊,疼。

    Ow! Don't do that! 噢,不要这样做。

    Ouch, you're hurting me! 啊,你把我弄疼了!

    Ouch! That hurt! 噢,疼!

    Alas! It was not so easy as all that. 唉!可惜情况不那么简单。

    But, alas, this was most unwise. 唉,这是非常不明智的。

    Alas! My lover has forsaken me. 唉,我的恋人把我甩了。

    3) why也可用作感叹词,表示惊奇或不足为奇,可译为“这简?”、“你这都不知?”等:

    Why, what a bruise you have got! 怎么搞的,你身上青了这么大一块!

    Why! Why! The cage is empty! 怎么搞的!笼子空了!

    Why, Jane, it's you! 啊,简,原来是你!

    Why, it's easy—a child could do it. 嗨,这容易,小孩都能干。

    How should we answer the question? "Why, that's simple enough."“这问题怎样回答?”“嗨,这简单极了?”

    Why! You are ahead of time too. 怎么,你也提前完成了!

    Why, man, she's after your money. 这都不知道,伙计,她是想你的钱。

    What's twice two? "Why, four." “二乘二是多少?”“这还不知道,是四?”

    18.2.4 一些次要的感叹词

    1) aha /ɑːˈhɑː/ 表示得意:

    Aha, so that's where she hides her money! 哈哈,原来她把钱藏在这儿。

    Aha! So you planned at this, did you? 哈哈,这都是你策划的,是吧?

    Aha! Here at last, is the answer to the question that has baffled scholars. 哈,终于找到这个把许多学者难倒的问题的答案了。

    2) bother /ˈbɒðə/ 表示不高兴、不耐烦等:

    Oh bother! I forgot to phone Jane. 糟糕!我忘了给简打电话了。

    Oh bother! I've left my money at home. 倒霉!我把钱留在家里了。

    Bother the flies! 讨厌的苍蝇!

    3) bravo /brɑːˈvəʊ/ 表示喝彩:

    Bravo! Encore! 好!再来一个!

    Bravo! Well played! 好!弹得好!

    4) hurrah /hʊˈrɑː/, hurray /hʊˈreɪ/ 表示赞许:

    Hurrah for the weekend! 周末万岁!

    Hurray! 好极了!

    5) hush /hʌʃ/ 表示“别出?”、“小声?”

    Hush! Someone's coming. 别出声,有人来了。

    Hush, or you'll wake the baby. 小声点,要不会把宝宝吵醒。

    6) damn /dæm/ 为诅咒语,表示“该?”

    Damn this computer—what's the matter with it? 这台该死的电脑,怎么回事?

    Damn! I've forgotten the key. 该死!忘带钥匙了。

    7) blast /blɑːst, blæst/ 表示不高兴:

    Blast! I've burnt the toast again. 倒霉!面包又烤糊了。

    Blast this useless car. 该死,这没用的车。

    8) bah /bɑː/ 表示厌恶、鄙视:

    Bah! That's stupid. 哼!这真愚蠢。

    Bath! Did he imagine I would accept that? 咄!难道他以为我会接受?

    9) whew /hjuː/ 表示惊异、慰藉等:

    Whew, that man has some temper! 瞧,那人还有点脾气!

    Whew! That was a lucky escape! 唉!总算幸运地逃出来了!

    10) wow /waʊ/ 表示赞佩、羡慕:

    Wow! You look terrific! 噢!你看起来漂亮极了!

    Wow! Look at that car! 吓!瞧那辆车!

    11) mm /m/ 表示赞许、犹疑等:

    Mm, lovely cake. 嗯,蛋糕真漂亮。

    Mm? I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. 什么?对不起,我没听。

    12) ugh /ɜː,ʌg/ 表示厌恶、恐惧等:

    Ugh! How can you eat that stuff? 咄,你怎么吃这样的东西?

    Ugh! This medicine tastes awful! 这药难吃极了!

    13) gosh /gɒʃ, gɑːʃ/ 表示惊异:

    Gosh, it's cold. 嗨,真冷。

    Gosh, is that the time? 到时候了吗?

    14) ooh /uː/ 表示赞许、惊讶等:

    Look what I've bought. "Ooh!" “瞧我买什么了?”“哦?”

    Red? Ooh how nice. “红的?啊,真好?”

      上一篇:第18章 感叹词 18.1 概说 下一篇:第19章 主 语 19.1 主语表示法


