第22章 定 语 22.1 定语表示法
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    22.1 定语表示法

    22.1.1 定语表示法


    1) 形容词:

    It's a fine (windy, rainy, warm) day. 这是一个晴朗(刮风、下雨、暖和)的日子。

    He's a sensible (kind, selfish, cruel) man. 他是一个有头脑(善良、自私、残酷)的人。

    2) 代词(和限定词):

    Whose child is it? 这是谁的孩子?

    Help yourself to some (more) fish. (再)吃一点鱼。

    3) 数词:

    There are twenty students in our class. 我们班上有二十名学生。

    Is it your first visit to Japan? 你是第一次到日本?

    4) 名词或名词所有格:

    She is a college graduate. 她是大学毕业生。

    What's your government's attitude towards the problem? 你们政府对此态度如何?

    5) 分词 (短语):

    These are the roads leading to the beach. 这些是通往海滨的路。

    He disapproved of the proposed conference. 他不赞成提议召开的会议。

    6) 不定式(短语):

    She was quiet for days to come. 在以后的好些天中她都沉默寡言。

    I've something important to discuss with you. 我有一件重要的事情要和你商谈。

    7) 介词短语:

    He is absorbed in his work on bacteria. 他专心于他的细菌研究。

    Who is that girl with a pigtail? 那个梳辫子的女孩是谁?

    8) 副词:

    I have nothing special on tonight. 今晚我没有什么特别活动。

    On my way home, I continued angry with Betty. 在回家的路上我继续生贝蒂的气。

    9) 词组或合成词:

    Is anything the matter with you? 你出什么事了?

    He is an easy-going man. 他是一个好说话的人。

    10) 从句:

    Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么事我可以帮你做吗?

    She's a girl everyone likes. 她是个人人都喜欢的姑娘。

    22.1.2 用分词作定语

    1) 现在分词作定语的时候不少,有些现在分词已变成形容词:

    The town's water comes from the surrounding hills. 该城市的用水来自周围的群山。

    She did well under trying conditions. 她在困难条件下干得很不错。

    There were growing doubts about the victory statement. 对这胜利的声明越来越多的人表示怀疑。

    That's a convincing argument. 这是一个有说服力的论点。

    It's a rather boring book. 这是本相当枯燥乏味的书。

    We had a most stimulating conversation. 我们有过一次令人兴奋的交谈。

    It was a very touching story. 那是个非常动人的故事。

    There is another pressing matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件我们该办的要紧事。

    2) 在不少情况下,现在分词跟在所修饰的词之后,其作用相当于一个定语从句:

    There is a lady asking to see you. 有一位女士要求见你。

    The girl sitting by my side is my cousin. 坐在我旁边的是我表妹。

    It's a room on the second floor, looking on the street. 它是三楼上一个临街的房间。

    Jane joined the line of people waiting for the bus. 简加入到那排候车者之中。

    Here is a map showing you how to get there. 这儿有一张地图,告诉你怎样去那里。

    There are two hundred children studying here. 有两百个孩子在这里学习。

    The old lady waving to us is my aunt. 向我们挥手的老太太是我姨母。

    Those of you wishing to join us please stay for a few minutes. 你们中间想参加我们活动的人请留几分钟。

    3) 过去分词也常用作定语,有些已变成形容词:

    The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. 兴奋的孩子们正在打开他们的圣诞礼物。

    The worried look deepened on her face. 她脸上的愁容加深了。

    We have a very crowded schedule. 我们的日程很紧。

    He passed the required examination and became a doctor. 他通过了规定的考试成了医生。

    Her father is a retired general. 她父亲是一位退休将军。

    The escaped convict has been captured. 逃犯被抓获了。

    It was a cautiously worded statement. 这是个措辞谨慎的声明。

    It was a beautifully furnished bedroom. 这是一间陈设漂亮的卧室。

    4) 过去分词也可引导短语作定语,放在所修饰词后面,相当于一个定语从句:

    That summer we launched a rocket designed by ourselves. 那年夏天我们发射了一枚我们自行设计的火箭。

    What did you think of the play put on by the students? 学生们演的戏你觉得怎样?

    They showed a French feature film dubbed into English. 他们放映了一部有英语配音的法国故事片。

    I seconded the motion made by Gray. 我赞同格雷提出的动议。

    He turned over in his mind the idea presented by Dad. 他考虑了一下爸提出的想法。

    He joined an organization headed by Lord Berry. 他加入了一个以贝里勋爵为首的组织。

    She is a nurse trained by ourselves. 她是我们自己培养的护士。

    The tiny seed planted ten years before had flowered. 十年前种的一小颗种子最后开花了。


    22.1.3 用不定式作定语

    1) 在一定的句型中可用不定式作定语:

    I have tons of letters to answer. 我有大量的信要回。

    There is nothing to be done now. 现在已无法可想了。

    I'll go and get something to drink. 我去找点饮料。

    The teacher assigned us some books to read. 老师指定了几本书要我们阅读。

    She needed someone to take care of her baby. 她需要一个人帮她看孩子。

    They were the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts. 他们吃苦在前,享乐在后。

    She is not a girl to act rashly. 她不是一个卤莽行事的姑娘。

    He is a nice man to work with. 他是个好共事的人。

    2) 在某些名词后常可用不定式作定语:

    Has he the ability to do the work? 他有能力干这工作吗?

    His anxiety to go was obvious. 他亟于想去是很明显的。

    Their attempt to hurt her failed. 他们伤害她的企图失败了。

    His decision to resign was welcomed by the Opposition. 他辞职的决定受到反对党的欢迎。

    I haven't had chance to think yet. 我还没有时间考虑。

    I had not the courage to tell you. 我没有勇气告诉你。

    You have no right to do such a thing! 你没有权利这样做!


    3) 不定式有时也可代替一个定语从句:

    Perhaps in years to come we'll meet again. 也许在未来的岁月中我们还会再见面。

    In the lectures to follow, she talked of her trip to Peru. 在后来的讲座中,她谈到了她的秘鲁之行。

    She made a list of things to be taken on the way. 她开了一张要带在路上用的物品清单。

    These are the two trainee teachers to be sent to work there. 这是将派到那里工作的两位实习教师。

    We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday. 我们被邀请参加下周五在俱乐部开的晚会。

    She had little time left in which to make the necessary preparations. 她没剩多少时间来做必要的准备。


    22.1.4 介词短语和副词作定语

    1) 介词短语作定语的时候不少,如:

    The streets about the castle are full of places of historic interest. 城堡附近的街道到处是名胜古迹。

    The plan for the year was fulfilled ahead of schedule. 今年的计划已提前完成。

    One might call it a mistake in tactics. 我们也许可以称其为战术上的错误。

    She began to give us her views on the costumes. 她开始告知我们她对那些服装的看法。

    He is not worthy to talk to a man like you. 他不配和你这样的人谈话。

    She is a woman of even temper. 她是个性情温和的女人。

    No rose without a thorn. (谚)没有不带刺的玫瑰。

    2) 某些名词后常跟介词短语作定语:

    She has a great fear of snakes. 她非常怕蛇。

    He shows an absence of initiative. 他表现出缺乏主动性。

    I was impressed by her anxiety for knowledge. 她对知识的渴望给我留下了深刻的印象。

    Loyalty to his moral convictions was his dominating passion. 对道德信念的忠诚是他的主导感情。

    He showed great jealousy of their success. 对他们的成功他显得很是嫉妒。

    He had lost his interest in politics. 他失去了对政治的兴趣。

    She could not bear the thought of separation from her children. 想到要和孩子们分开她就难以忍受。

    3) 副词作定语的时候也不少:

    The clouds above began to get thicker. 上方的云朵开始密集起来。

    From the hill top we could see the plains below. 从山顶上我们可以看到下面的平原。

    He tried to write poetry in his off hours. 在空闲时他试着写诗。

    Have you anything on this evening? 你今晚有什么活动吗?

    She went to see them on her evenings out. 凡她晚上外出总去看他们。

    Take the up escalator. 坐往上的电梯。

    The then headmaster ordered these textbooks. 那时的校长订了这些教材。

    I called on Richard on my way back. 在回途中我看望了理查德。

      上一篇:第21章 宾 语 21.5 直接引语和间接引语 下一篇:第22章 定 语 22.2 名词和名词词组作定语


