22.3 定语从句
22.3.1 限制性定语从句
1) 大多数定语从句对所修饰词的意思加以限制,表示“⋯的人(或东西?”,称为限制性定语从句(Defining Attributive Clauses),如:
The man who robbed him has been arrested. 抢劫他的人被逮捕了。
The girl whom I saw told me to come back today. 我见到的那个姑娘叫我今天再来。
That's the best hotel (that) I know. 这是我所知道的最好的旅馆。
These are the books (which) you ordered. 这些是你订购的书。
2) 这类从句多由关系代词(a)或关系副词(b)引导:
a.Everyone who (that) knew him liked him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。
The friend with whom I was traveling spoke French. 和我一道旅行的那位朋友能讲法语。
The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him. 这电影是讲一个间谍,他的妻子出卖了他。
The car which (that) I hired broke down. 我租的汽车坏了。
b.At the time when I saw him, he was quite strong. 以前我看到他的时候,他身体挺壮实的。
This is the village where I was born. 这是我出生的村子。
These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。
3) 在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中作宾语时,在绝大多数情况下都可以省略,特别是在口语中,在被修饰的词为all,everything等词时尤其如此:
Have you got the postcard (which) I sent you? 我寄给你的明信片收到了吗?
These are the things (that) you need. 这些就是你要的东西。
Have you got everything you need? 你需要的东西都有了吗?
Anything I can do for you? 我能帮你做什么吗?
All you have to do is to fill out this form. 你只需要填这张表就行了。
That's the only thing we can do now. 这是我们现在唯一能做的事。
You can take any room you like. 你随便要哪间房都行。
4) 有些表示时间的定语从句并不由when引导,特别是在某些句型中:
Every time the telephone rings, he gets nervous. 电话铃一响他就紧张。
This was the first time I had serious trouble with my boss. 这是我第一次和老板发生严重纠纷。
Come any time you like. 你随便什么时候来都行。
In the ten days I was there I gained four pounds in weight. 在那里的十天中我体重增加了四磅。
But help never stopped coming from the day she fell ill. 从她生病的那天起就不断有人来帮忙。
She made me feel at home the moment I arrived. 我刚到达她就给我宾至如归的感觉。
Throughout the period I was in London, it rained heavily. 我在伦敦期间一直下着大雨。
This's the place (where) we met yesterday. 这是我们昨天碰头的地方。
That's the way I look at it. 这就是我对这事的看法。
They can't help seeing things in the way they do. 他们不由自主地以这种方式看事情。
I did not like the way he eyed me. 我不喜欢他瞪着眼睛瞧我的样子。
22.3.2 非限制性定语从句
1) 非限制性定语从句(Non-defining Attributive Clauses)对所修饰的词没有限制词义的作用,而只是补充一些说明,通常都有一个逗号把它和句子的其他部分分开,在译成中文时,这个从句多译成一个并列句。限制性定语从句拿掉以后,句子意思常发生变化,甚至不能成立,而非限制性定语从句拿掉以后对剩下部分没有太大的影响:
Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town. 彼得开了一天的车,提议在下一座城市停下来。
Paul, whom everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent. 大家都怀疑保罗,后来证明他是无辜的。
Mr. Smith, for whom I was working, was very generous about overtime payments. 史密斯先生是我的老板,他付超时工资很大方。
This is George, whose class you will be taking. 这是乔治,你将接手教他的班。
The 9:30 train, which is usually very punctual, was late today. 9点30分的火车通常都很准时,今天却误点了。
This house, for which he paid$150, 000, is now worth$300,000. 这所房子他买时花了十五万美元,现在值三十万美元了。
They went to the Royal Theatre, where they saw Ibsen's Peer Gent. 我们去了皇家剧院,在那里我们看了易卜生的《彼尔•英特》。
Sunday is a holiday, when people do not go to work. 星期天是假日,这一天人们不上班。
2) 在非限制性定语从句中which和whom常可和of或其他介词连用:
It now has 20,000 hectares of land, more than two-thirds of which are under cultivation. 现在它拥有两万公顷土地,其中三分之二已经耕种。
The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大部分都已满载,周围是一大群愤怒的人。
I picked up the apples, some of which are badly bruised. 我拾起了那些苹果,其中有些碰损很严重。
It had drafted two constitutions, one of which was never put in force. 它草拟了两份宪法,其中一份从未实施过。
This morning some Port wine arrived, for which I know I have to thank you.今天早上送来了一些波尔图红葡萄酒,对此我知道我得感谢你。
She had eight children, three of whom lived to grow up. 她生了八个孩子,其中三个长大成人了。
Her sons, both of whom work abroad, ring her up every week. 她的两个儿子都在国外工作,每周都给她打电话。
I met the fruit-pickers, several of whom were college students. 我碰到那些摘水果的人,其中有几个是大学生。
3) which有时不代表一个名词,而代表前面句子的全部或部分意思:
They rely on themselves, which is much better. 他们依靠自己,这样好得多。
He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him. 他请我们吃饭,这是他的好意。
He has to work on Sundays, which he doesn't like. 他星期天得工作,这是他不喜欢的。
He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。
He drank beer, which made him fat. 他喝啤酒,这使他发胖。
When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping. 他常常聚精会神地工作,这时他会废寝忘食。
She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。
4) which在从句中有时作定语:
I called him by the wrong name, for which mistake I should apologize. 我把他的名字叫错了,对此错误我应当道歉。
He is studying economics, which knowledge is very important today. 他在学经济学,这种知识今天很重要
Tom spent four years in college, during which time he learned French. 汤姆在大学待了四年,在此期间他学了法语。
I may have to go into hospital, in which case I won't be going on holiday. 我可能得住院,如果那样我就不去度假了。
22.3.3 一些其他的定语从句
1) as也可以用作关系代词,可引导定语从句,主要和such连用:
We have such grapes as you never saw. 我们有你从未见过的葡萄。
They felt such heat in the jungle as they had never felt before. 在丛林中他们感受到了从未感受过的炎热。
He returned with such provisions as were needed. 他回来时带来了所需的用品。
Such money as he earned was spent on spirits and tobacco. 他挣的那点钱都花在烟酒上了。
We hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。
There was a look of fear in his eyes, such as people have when they are suddenly awakened. 他眼中透出一种人们突然被叫醒时露出的惊恐情绪。
Sophia was not unconscious, as could be judged from her eyes. 索非娅并未失去知觉,这从她的眼神中可以看出来。
He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 他是个外国人,我从他的口音中可以听出来。
He is a teacher, as is clear from his manner. 他是一位教师,这从他的举止上可以看得很清楚。
As was expected, he performed the task with success. 正像预料的,他成功地完成了任务。
2) but也可用作关系代词来引导定语从句,意思接近于that (who)...not (这种用法已经有些陈旧):
There is no tree but bears some fruit. (谚)没有不结果实的树。
There are very few but admire his talents. 很少有人不佩服他的才华。
Surely there isn't a mother but faces this problem. 可以肯定,凡是母亲都面临着这个问题。
3) whereby,wherein,whereupon也可引导定语从句:
They've set a plan whereby (=by which) you can spread the cost over a period. 他们定出了一个办法,照此你可以分期付款。
We need to devise a system whereby people can liaise with each other. 我们需要设计一种系统,通过它人们可以互相联络。
He gazed once more around the room, wherein (=in which) were assembled his entire family. 他再次注目于屋内各处,那里聚集了他全家。
I told her she looked fat, whereupon (=upon which) she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears. 我告诉她她看上去胖了,听了这话她把平底锅里的东西都向我泼来,然后便放声大哭。