口译练习 2-4
(1) “Uncle Sam will likely lop off 40% in taxes, which won’t leave much.” Zhu Diwen said when asked how he planned to disposed the prize money.
(2) Half of the U.S. work force is now under 35. Whether their collars are blue, white or pink, most of these are non-supervisory workers.
(3) Some western economists say: “ When the United States coughs, the rest of the world
catches cold.”
(4) Applicants who had worked at a job for five or more years would be given certain preference over those who had not.
(5) There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance
than in the month of August.
(6) Let us commit to keep moving forward together, turning small steps into giant strides for our people, our nations and the world.
(7) If our people could go forward in this spirit, planting not one tree, but millions, and then tending each so it may grow sturdy and tall, then the dream of a single youth might grow into the golden dreams of all mankind.
(8) President John Kennedy often used a metaphor to describe such progress: “ A rising tide
lifts all boats.”
(1) 我们鼓励台湾首先与大陆搞“三通”。
(2) 中国人过年的传统之一是在门上贴春联,祝福来年好运。
(3) 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。
(4) 明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。
(5) 几年来,中国政府一直在致力解决大城市中的“三无”盲流人口。
(6) 让我们把中日友好事业推进21世纪及今后的世世代代。
(7) 为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。
(8) 每个国家,每个民族都有自己的历史文化传统,都有自己的长处和优势。