几个——some; a few; several; a number of
两、三个——two or three
五、六个——five or six
十几个——more than ten; over a dozen; less/no more than twenty
三十来个——about/ around thirty
几十个——dozens of
十几岁——in one's teens
四十出头——a little/a bit over forty
五十岁左右——more or less fifty (years old); about fifty (years old)
近八十岁了——nearly/almost eighty (years old)
九十好几了——well over ninety (years old)
五点左右——around five o’clock
三天左右——three days or so
大约150米处——somewhere about 150 meters
好几百——hundreds of
成千上万,千千万万——thousands of
几十万——hundreds of thousands of
几百万——millions of
亿万——hundreds of millions of