音乐:That's Christmas to Me
the first lockdown第一次封城:March 18
如果不遵守规定(the rule was not followed)的话,会有135欧的罚款(a fine of 135 euros)。
the gradual lifting of the confinement 逐步解除禁闭: May
只有几个高风险区(in the red zone)仍然需要严格地封闭(strictly confined)。
渐渐地,法国回归了“新正常生活”状态(back to the new normal)。
the new normal:
1)Restaurants, schools, cafes reopened(重新开学、开业).
2)wearing masks(戴口罩), 1m distance(保持1米的社交距离)等新规定也是相继而来。
3)但在九月末,病例又增加了(cases started to rise again)。
4)很多区域有新的限制(new restrictions):
the closing of gyms, venues for festive or associative events, ban on gatherings of more than 10 people in public spaces
ban on student parties, flea markets, garage sales, non-food markets etc. 句点
a curfew(宵禁) was put in place for 15 days:晚上10点,所有的bars和restaurants都必须stop serving(关门)。
So a new confinement was announced(出台).
new lockdown measures 再一次封城:October
但是,这一次的封城没有上一次严格(less strict than the first confinement)。
Universities were closed but all primary, middle and high schools stayed open. 大学关了,但小学、初中、高中依然开学。
这样,爸妈不用照顾孩子(take care of kids),可以keep working,经济才能维持下去(keep going)。
既可以在家办公(work from home),也可以去办公室(go to work physically)。
法国疫情近况:The cases are still quite a lot.
法国目前有200多万确诊病例(confirmed cases),5万多死亡病例(deaths)。
Everyone is tired, very tired of living with COVID. It has been a year now and we are confined again.
It’s too hard!太难了!!!
The second wave is getting better now, but they are worried that there will be potentially(潜在地) a third one. 尽管第二波疫情正在好转,但大家都在惶恐第三波疫情的到来。
餐饮行业(restaurants, bars and nightclubs)经济惨淡(losing a lot of business)。
Older people in nursing homes(养老院)cannot enjoy their family’s company(陪伴).
Students having parents abroad(在国外)haven’t seen their family for a year. 海外留学的学子已经一年没有与亲人相见。
France might even still be confined by Christmas.圣诞将近,那时法国可能仍然封城。
Good news: vaccines seem to be promising and hopefully will be available soon. 疫苗似乎很有希望,并且疫苗接种在望。
The way this pandemic was handled(解决) is so different in the two countries.
中法处理新冠疫情大不同:中国跟欧美国家很大的文化差异(cultural difference
China:所有中国人已经习惯了(were already used to)戴口罩(wearing masks)。
France:They didn’t even have masks in the beginning. 但法国一开始没有口罩,后来还在争论要不要戴口罩。
China:人人都使用WeChat,所以通过这个平台(platform)来追踪病例(to keep track of the cases)就容易很多。
France:人们更多的是,不愿意安装相关的应用(are more reluctant to installing apps),因为他们知道,自己会被追踪(be tracked),位置信息(positions)会被共享。
所以,法国政府为疫情使用的APP, 没有奏效(did not really work)。
It was very frustrating. 一声叹息,深深的无力感!
Staying positive is hard but it is important. We believe that everything will get better.