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    【演讲者及介绍】Daniel Streicker

    Daniel Streicker,动物疾病研究者,研究日常的致命病原体如何为未来传染病的爆发提供洞察力。


    翻译者 Jiasi Hao,校对者 Yolanda Zhang


    The story that I'm going to tell you today,for me, began back in 2006. That was when I first heard about an outbreak ofmysterious illness that was happening in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. Thepeople that were getting sick from this illness, they had horrifying symptoms,nightmarish. They had unbelievable headaches, they couldn't eat or drink. Someof them were even halluting -- confused and aggressive. The most tragicpart of all was that many of the victims were children. And of all of those thatgot sick, none survived. It turned out that what was killing people was avirus, but it wasn't Ebola, it wasn't Zika, it wasn't even some new virus neverbefore seen by science. These people were dying of an ancient killer, one thatwe've known about for centuries. They were dying of rabies. And what all ofthem had in common was that as they slept, they'd all been bitten by the onlymammal that lives exclusively on a diet of blood: the vampire bat.

    今天我要讲的故事对于我来说,始于 2006 年。那是我第一次听到秘鲁亚马逊雨林正在上演一场神秘疾病的大爆发。因为这个疾病,人们开始感到不适。他们出现了噩梦般的可怕症状;经历着难以忍受的的头痛,难以喝水进食。他们有的甚至产生了幻觉——变得困惑与激进。最让人心碎的是,大部分的病患是儿童。而且所有这些病患,无人幸存。最后事实证明是一种病毒杀害了那些人,但不是埃博拉,也不是寨卡,它甚至不是科学家前所未闻的新病毒。这些病患的离去是由一种古老的杀手造成的,一种在几百年前就知晓的病毒。病患们死于狂犬病。他们的一个共同点是,在睡觉时,都被一种仅以嗜血为生的哺乳动物给咬了:吸血蝠。


    These sorts of outbreaks that jump frombats into people, they've become more and more common in the last couple ofdecades. In 2003, it was SARS. It showed up in Chinese animal markets andspread globally. That virus, like the one from Peru, was eventually traced backto bats, which have probably harbored it, undetected, for centuries. Then, 10years later, we see Ebola showing up in West Africa, and that surprised justabout everybody because, according to the science at the time, Ebola wasn't reallysupposed to be in West Africa. That ended up causing the largest and mostwidespread Ebola outbreak in history.

    这类疾病的大爆发从蝙蝠转移到了人,在过去几十年中已经变得越发普遍。在2003 年,是非典。它首现于中国动物市场,并肆虐全球。那病毒,就像是秘鲁的那个一样,最终被追溯到蝙蝠,它们可能已经藏匿该病毒长达几百年,却从未被发现。10 年后,我们看到埃博拉出现在西非,这震惊了所有人,因为根据当时的科学表明,埃博拉不应该出现在西非。但它却导致了史上传播最广,规模最大的埃博拉病毒爆发。


    So there's a disturbing trend here, right?Deadly viruses are appearing in places where we can't really expect them, andas a global health community, we're caught on our heels. We're constantlychasing after the next viral emergency in this perpetual cycle, always tryingto extinguish epidemics after they've already started. So with new diseasesappearing every year, now is really the time that we need to start thinkingabout what we can do about it. If we just wait for the next Ebola to happen, wemight not be so lucky next time. We might face a different virus, one that'smore deadly, one that spreads better among people, or maybe one that justcompletely outwits our vaccines, leaving us defenseless.



    So can we anticipate pandemics? Can we stopthem? Those are really hard questions to answer, and the reason is that thepandemics -- the ones that spread globally, the ones that we really want toanticipate -- they're actually really rare events. And for us as a species thatis a good thing -- that's why we're all here. But from a scientific standpoint,it's a little bit of a problem. That's because if something happens just onceor twice, that's really not enough to find any patterns. Patterns that couldtell us when or where the next pandemic might strike. So what do we do? Well, Ithink one of the solutions we may have is to study some viruses that routinelyjump from wild animals into people, or into our pets, or our livestock, even ifthey're not the same viruses that we think are going to cause pandemics. If wecan use those everyday killer viruses to work out some of the patterns of whatdrives that initial, crucial jump from one species to the next, and,potentially, how we might stop it, then we're going to end up better preparedfor those viruses that jump between species more rarely but pose a greaterthreat of pandemics.



    Now, rabies, as terrible as it is, turnsout to be a pretty nice virus in this case. You see, rabies is a scary, deadlyvirus. It has 100 percent fatality. That means if you get infected with rabiesand you don't get treated early, there's nothing that can be done. There is nocure. You will die. And rabies is not just a problem of the past either. Eventoday, rabies still kills 50 to 60,000 people every year. Just put that numberin some perspective. Imagine the whole West African Ebola outbreak -- abouttwo-and-a-half years; you condense all the people that died in that outbreakinto just a single year. That's pretty bad. But then, you multiply it by four,and that's what happens with rabies every single year.

    然而如此可怕的狂犬病毒,事实证明已经是比较“友善”的了。大家都知道,狂犬病毒多么令人闻声色变,它是致命的,且具有百分百的死亡率。这意味着如果你被它感染,而且没尽早接受治疗,那你就会走投无路。无药可治,你必死无疑。此外,狂犬病毒不仅是一个历史问题。甚至在今天,该病毒每年仍能杀死5 - 6万人。换个角度看看这个数字。想象整个西非的埃博拉疫情爆发——持续了大约 2 年至 2 年半,把所有在疫情爆发中死亡的人数压缩到一年。这听起来蛮糟糕的。但你再把这数字乘以 4,就是每一年狂犬病疫情的情况。


    So what sets rabies apart from a virus likeEbola is that when people get it, they tend not to spread it onward. That meansthat every single time a person gets rabies, it's because they were bitten by arabid animal, and usually, that's a dog or a bat. But it also means that thosejumps between species, which are so important to understand, but so rare formost viruses, for rabies, they're actually happening by the thousands. So in away, rabies is almost like the fruit fly or the lab mouse of deadly viruses.This is a virus that we can use and study to find patterns and potentially testout new solutions. And so, when I first heard about that outbreak of rabies inthe Peruvian Amazon, it struck me as something potentially powerful becausethis was a virus that was jumping from bats into other animals often enoughthat we might be able to anticipate it ... Maybe even stop it.



    So as a first-year graduate student with avague memory of my high school Spanish class, I jumped onto a plane and flewoff to Peru, looking for vampire bats. And the first couple of years of thisproject were really tough. I had no shortage of ambitious plans to rid LatinAmerica of rabies, but at the same time, there seemed to be an equally endlesssupply of mudslides and flat tires, power outages, stomach bugs all stoppingme. But that was kind of par for the course, working in South America, and tome, it was part of the adventure. But what kept me going was the knowledge thatfor the first time, the work that I was doing might actually have some realimpact on people's lives in the short term. And that struck me the most when weactually went out to the Amazon and were trying to catch vampire bats. You see,all we had to do was show up at a village and ask around. "Who's beengetting bitten by a bat lately?" And people raised their hands, because inthese communities, getting bitten by a bat is an everyday occurrence, happensevery day. And so all we had to do was go to the right house, open up a net andshow up at night, and wait until the bats tried to fly in and feed on humanblood. So to me, seeing a child with a bite wound on his head or blood stainson his sheets, that was more than enough motivation to get past whateverlogistical or physical headache I happened to be feeling on that day.

    因此,作为一个研一学生,带着自己模糊的高中西语课记忆,我跳上了飞机,飞往秘鲁,寻找吸血蝠。这个项目的最初几年真的很艰难。我不乏消灭拉丁美洲狂犬病毒的雄心壮志,但与此同时,我还不断遇到无止尽的泥石流和爆胎,停电以及胃病,都在阻碍我的进程。但这在南美洲都是意料之中的,与我而言,也是探险的一部分。让我坚持下去的是第一次知道 自己手头的工作也许确实能 在短期对人们的生活产生实际影响。令我最震惊的是,我们真正步入亚马逊并亲自尝试着抓捕吸血蝠。我们要做的就是去往村庄,四处询问。“谁最近被蝙蝠咬了?”之后人们举起他们的手,因为在这个社区,被蝙蝠咬是家常便饭,每天都在发生。所以我们要做的是去正确的家庭,布网,夜间拜访,并等待蝙蝠前来准备吸人血。对我而言,看着一个孩子头被咬伤,或他床单上的血迹,就是能让我忘却任何路途困难与身体不适的动力,继续工作。那天碰巧是这样。


    Since we were working all night long,though, I had plenty of time to think about how I might actually solve thisproblem, and it stood out to me that there were two burning questions. Thefirst was that we know that people are bitten all the time, but rabiesoutbreaks aren't happening all the time -- every couple of years, maybe evenevery decade, you get a rabies outbreak. So if we could somehow anticipate whenand where the next outbreak would be, that would be a real opportunity, meaningwe could vacte people ahead of time, before anybody starts dying. But theother side of that coin is that vaction is really just a Band-Aid. It'skind of a strategy of damage control. Of course it's lifesaving and importantand we have to do it, but at the end of the day, no matter how many cows, howmany people we vacte, we're still going to have exactly the same amount ofrabies up there in the bats. The actual risk of getting bitten hasn't changedat all. So my second question was this: Could we somehow cut the virus off atits source? If we could somehow reduce the amount of rabies in the batsthemselves, then that would be a real game changer.



    We'd been talking about shifting from astrategy of damage control to one based on prevention. So, how do we begin todo that? Well, the first thing we needed to understand was how this virusactually works in its natural host -- in the bats. And that is a tall order forany infectious disease, particularly one in a reclusive species like bats, butwe had to start somewhere. So the way we started was looking at some historicaldata. When and where had these outbreaks happened in the past? And it becameclear that rabies was a virus that just had to be on the move. It couldn't sitstill. The virus might circulate in one area for a year, maybe two, but unlessit found a new group of bats to infect somewhere else, it was pretty much boundto go extinct. So with that, we solved one key part of the rabies transmissionchallenge. We knew we were dealing with a virus on the move, but we stillcouldn't say where it was going.

    我们一直在说要从伤害控制转变成预防的策略。那么,我们如何开始做这件事?第一件我们需要了解这个病毒是如何 在它的天然宿主—— 即蝙蝠体内生存的。这对于任何传染病来说 都是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是对于蝙蝠这样的隐居物种,但我们必须找到入手点。于是我们最先查看了一些历史数据:这些大爆发曾经发生在何时何地?我们也逐渐明确了狂犬病毒必须要 不断转移宿主,它们无法保持不动。病毒可能在一个地区 传播一年,或两年,除非它能找到新蝙蝠群,传播到别的地方,否则就会自然灭绝。根据这点,我们解决了一个狂犬病毒传播挑战的关键部分。我们知道我们在与不断转移的病毒打交道,但我们仍旧不知道它会传播到哪里去。


    Essentially, what I wanted was more of aGoogle Maps-style prediction, which is, "What's the destination of thevirus? What's the route it's going to take to get there? How fast will itmove?" To do that, I turned to the genomes of rabies. You see, rabies,like many other viruses, has a tiny little genome, but one that evolves really,really quickly. So quickly that by the time the virus has moved from one pointto the next, it's going to have picked up a couple of new mutations. And so allwe have to do is kind of connect the dots across an evolutionary tree, andthat's going to tell us where the virus has been in the past and how it spreadacross the landscape. So, I went out and I collected cow brains, because that'swhere you get rabies viruses. And from genome sequences that we got from theviruses in those cow brains, I was able to work out that this is a virus thatspreads between 10 and 20 miles each year.

    我想要一个类似谷歌地图的预测图,能告诉我“病毒的目的地在哪里?它们去目的地的路径是什么?速度有多快?” 于是我转去研究狂犬病毒基因组。狂犬病毒和许多其他病毒一样,有一个很小的基因组,但是它进化得非常非常快。快到在病毒从一个地点转移到另一个的时候,它就会经历几次新突变。因此,我们要做的就是连结那些进化树上的点,这会告诉我们这个病毒曾经去过哪里,又是如何传播的。所以我出门收集了牛脑,因为这是你能找到狂犬病毒的地方。从牛脑病毒中获取的基因序列中,我发现这是一个每年能够传播 10-20 英里的病毒。


    OK, so that means we do now have the speedlimit of the virus, but still missing that other key part of where is it goingin the first place. For that, I needed to think a little bit more like a bat,because rabies is a virus -- it doesn't move by itself, it has to be movedaround by its bat host, so I needed to think about how far to fly and how oftento fly. My imagination didn't get me all that far with this and neither didlittle digital trackers that we first tried putting on bats. We just couldn'tget the information we needed. So instead, we turned to the mating patterns ofbats. We could look at certain parts of the bat genome, and they were tellingus that some groups of bats were mating with each other and others were moreisolated. And the virus was basically following the trail laid out by the batgenomes. Yet one of those trails stood out as being a little bit surprising --hard to believe. That was one that seemed to cross straight over the PeruvianAndes, crossing from the Amazon to the Pacific coast, and that was kind of hardto believe, as I said, because the Andes are really tall -- about 22,000 feet,and that's way too high for a vampire to fly. Yet --






    when we looked more closely, we saw, in thenorthern part of Peru, a network of valley systems that was not quite too tallfor the bats on either side to be mating with each other. And we looked alittle bit more closely -- sure enough, there's rabies spreading through thosevalleys, just about 10 miles each year. Basically, exactly as our evolutionarymodels had predicated it would be.

    当我们仔细观察后,我们看到对于河岸两边想要互相交配的蝙蝠来说,秘鲁北部的一系列峡谷流域海拔还不算太高。我们又观察得更加仔细了一点——没错,所有那些流域都有狂犬病毒的传播,每年 10 英里。基本上正如我们的进化模型预测的那样。


    What I didn't tell you is that that'sactually kind of an important thing because rabies had never been seen beforeon the western slopes of the Andes, or on the whole Pacific coast of SouthAmerica, so we were actually witnessing, in real time, a historical firstinvasion into a pretty big part of South America, which raises the keyquestion: "What are we going to do about that?"



    Well, the obvious short-term thing we cando is tell people: you need to vacte yourselves, vacte your animals;rabies is coming. But in the longer term, it would be even more powerful if wecould use that new information to stop the virus from arriving altogether. Ofcourse, we can't just tell bats, "Don't fly today," but maybe wecould stop the virus from hitching a ride along with the bat.

    我们在短期明确可以做的就是告诉大家: 你需要给自己接种疫苗,以及你的宠物也是,狂犬病毒马上要传播到这里了。但是长远来说,如果能够利用新的研究成果来阻止病毒入侵,这会使我们变得更加强大。当然,我们不能和蝙蝠说:“今天不要飞。”但我们或许可以阻止病毒在蝙蝠身上的搭便车行为。


    And that brings us to the key lesson thatwe have learned from rabies-management programs all around the world, whetherit's dogs, foxes, skunks, raccoons, North America, Africa, Europe. It's thatvacting the animal source is the only thing that stops rabies.



    So, can we vacte bats? You hear aboutvacting dogs and cats all the time, but you don't hear too much aboutvacting bats. It might sound like a crazy question, but the good news isthat we actually already have edible rabies vaccines that are speciallydesigned for bats. And what's even better is that these vaccines can actuallyspread from bat to bat. All you have to do is smear it on one and let the bats'habit of grooming each other take care of the rest of the work for you. So thatmeans, at the very least, we don't have to be out there vacting millions ofbats one by one with tiny little syringes.






    But just because we have that tool doesn'tmean we know how to use it. Now we have a whole laundry list of questions. Howmany bats do we need to vacte? What time of the year do we need to bevacting? How many times a year do we need to be vacting? All of theseare questions that are really fundamental to rolling out any sort ofvaction campaign, but they're questions that we can't answer in thelaboratory. So instead, we're taking a slightly more colorful approach. We'reusing real wild bats, but fake vaccines. We use edible gels that make bat hairglow and UV powders that spread between bats when they bump into each other,and that's letting us study how well a real vaccine might spread in these wildcolonies of bats. We're still in the earliest phases of this work, but ourresults so far are incredibly encouraging. They're suggesting that using thevaccines that we already have, we could potentially drastically reduce the sizeof rabies outbreaks. And that matters, because as you remember, rabies is avirus that always has to be on the move, and so every time we reduce the sizeof an outbreak, we're also reducing the chance that the virus makes it onto thenext colony. We're breaking a link in the chain of transmission. And so everytime we do that, we're bringing the virus one step closer to extinction. And sothe thought, for me, of a world in the not-too-distant future where we'reactually talking about getting rid of rabies altogether, that is incrediblyencouraging and exciting.



    So let me return to the original question.Can we prevent pandemics? Well, there is no silver-bullet solution to thisproblem, but my experiences with rabies have left me pretty optimistic aboutit. I think we're not too far from a future where we're going to have genomicsto forecast outbreaks and we're going to have clever new technologies, likeedible, self-spreading vaccines, that can get rid of these viruses at theirsource before they have a chance to jump into people.



    So when it comes to fighting pandemics, theholy grail is just to get one step ahead. And if you ask me, I think one of theways that we can do that is using some of the problems that we already havenow, like rabies -- sort of the way an astronaut might use a flight simulator,figuring out what works and what doesn't, and building up our tool set so thatwhen the stakes are high, we're not flying blind.



    Thank you.





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