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    [演讲者及介绍]Giulia Enders




    翻译者 Yan Chen 校对者 Yu Xie


    A few years ago, I always had this thinghappening to me, especially at family gatherings like teas with aunts anduncles or something like this. When people come up to you, and they ask you,"So, what are you doing?" And I would have this magical one-wordreply, which would make everybody happy: "Medicine. I'm going to be adoctor." Very easy, that's it, everybody's happy and pleased. And it couldbe so easy, but this effect really only lasts for 30 seconds with me, becausethat's then the time when one of them would ask, "So, in what area ofmedicine? What specialty do you want to go into?" And then I would have tostrip down in all honesty and just say, "OK, so I'm fasted with thecolon. It all started with the anus, and now it's basically the whole intestinaltract."






    And this would be the moment when theenthusiasm trickled, and it would maybe also get, like, awkwardly silent in theroom, and I would think this was terribly sad, because I do believe our bowelsare quite charming.






    And while we're in a time where many peopleare thinking about what new superfood smoothie to make or if gluten is maybebad for them, actually, hardly anyone seems to care about the organ where thishappens, the concrete anatomy and the mechanisms behind it. And sometimes itseems to me like we're all trying to figure out this magic trick, but nobody'schecking out the magician, just because he has, like, an embarrassing hairstyleor something. And actually, there are reasons science disliked the gut for along time; I have to say this.



    So, it's complex. There's a lot of surfacearea -- about 40 times the area of our skin. Then, in such a tight pipe, thereare so many immune cells that are being trained there. We have 100 trillion bacteriadoing all sorts of things -- producing little molecules. Then there's about 20different hormones, so we are on a very different level than our genitals, forexample. And the nervous system of our gut is so complex that when we cut out apiece, it's independent enough that when we poke it, it mumbles back at us,friendly.






    But at least those reasons are also thereasons why it's so fasting and important.



    It took me three steps to love the gut. Sotoday, I invite you to follow me on those three steps. The very first was justlooking at it and asking questions like, "How does it work?" and"Why does it have to look so weird for that sometimes?" And it actuallywasn't me asking the first kind of these questions, but my roommate. After oneheavy night of partying, he came into our shared-room kitchen, and he said,"Giulia, you study medicine. How does pooping work?"






    And I did study medicine but I had no idea,so I had to go up to my room and look it up in different books. And I foundsomething interesting, I thought, at that time. So it turns out, we don't onlyhave this outer sphincter, we also have an inner sphincter muscle. The outersphincter we all know, we can control it, we know what's going on there; theinner one, we really don't. So what happens is, when there are leftovers fromdigestion, they're being delivered to the inner one first. This inner one willopen in a reflex and let through a little bit for testing.

    我的确是学医的,但这个我还真不知道,因此我回到自己的房间, 从不同的书上去找答案。然后我找到一些在当时觉得很有趣的东西。结果是,我们不仅有外括约肌,我们还有内括约肌。我们都知道外括约肌,我们能控制它,我们知道那里发生了什么,而内括约肌,我们就不怎么了解了。所以事情是这样的,当有消化后的残渣产生时,它们首先会被送到内括约肌,内括约肌会在反射作用下打开,然后测试性地让它们一点点地通过。





    So, there are sensory cells that willanalyze what has been delivered: Is it gaseous or is it solid? And they willthen send this information up to our brain, and this is the moment when ourbrain knows, "Oh, I have to go to the toilet."






    The brain will then do what it's designedto do with its amazing consciousness. It will mediate with our surroundings,and it will say something like, "So, I checked. We are at this TEDxconference -- "









    Gaseous? Maybe, if you're sitting on thesides, and you know you can pull it off silently.






    But solid -- maybe later.



    (Laughter) Since our outer sphincter andthe brain is connected with nervous cells, they coordinate, cooperate, and theyput it back in a waiting line --






    for other times, like, for example, whenwe're at home sitting on the couch, we have nothing better to do, we are freeto go.






    Us humans are actually one of the very fewanimals that do this in such an advanced and clean way. To be honest, I hadsome newfound respect for that nice, inner sphincter dude -- not connected tonerves that care too much about the outer world or the time -- just caringabout me for once. I thought that was nice. And I used to not be a great fan ofpublic restrooms, but now I can go anywhere, because I consider it more whenthat inner muscle puts a suggestion on my daily agenda.

    我们人类是很少的几种用这种先进的、干净的方式排便的动物之一。说实话,我有过一些出于对这个友好的内括约肌兄弟的新发现——没有跟那些太过关注外部世界 和时间的神经相连—— 就仅仅关心我本身。我想这一点很好。我曾经不习惯使用公共厕所,但是现在我去哪里都行了,因为我现在考虑更多的是内括约肌为我的日程安排提供的建议。





    And also I learned something else, whichwas: looking closely at something I might have shied away from -- maybe theweirdest part of myself -- left me feeling more fearless, and also appreciatingmyself more. And I think this happens a lot of times when you look at the gut,actually. Like those funny rumbling noises that happen when you're in a groupof friends or at the office conference table, going, like, "Merrr,merrr..." This is not because we're hungry. This is because our smallintestine is actually a huge neat freak, and it takes the time in betweendigestion to clean everything up, resulting in those eight meters of gut --really, seven of them -- being very clean and hardly smelling like anything. Itwill, to achieve this, create a strong muscular wave that moves everythingforward that's been leftover after digestion. This can sometimes create asound, but doesn't necessarily have to always. So what we're embarrassed of isreally a sign of something keeping our insides fine and tidy.



    Or this weird, crooked shape of our stomach-- a bit Quasimodo-ish. This actually makes us be able to put pressure on ourbelly without vomiting, like when we're laughing and when we're doing sports,because the pressure will go up and not so much sideways. This also createsthis air bubble that's usually always very visible in X-rays, for example, andcan sometimes, with some people, when it gets too big, create discomfort oreven some sensations of pain. But for most of the people, is just results thatit's far easier to burp when you're laying on your left side instead of yourright.



    And soon I moved a bit further and startedto look at the whole picture of our body and health. This was actually after Ihad heard that someone I knew a little bit had killed himself. It happened thatI had been sitting next to that person the day before, and I smelled that hehad very bad breath. And when I learned of the suicide the next day, I thought:Could the gut have something to do with it? And I frantically started searchingif there were scientific papers on the connection of gut and brain. And to mysurprise, I found many.

    不久,我又进行了更加深入的研究,我开始观察我们的身体整体的健康状况。事实上,这是我在听说某个我不是很熟的人自杀之后,而那个人前一天正坐在我旁边,我闻见他有很严重的口臭。当我第二天知道这个自杀事件时,我不禁想:肠道问题是不是跟自杀有关?于是我开始疯狂搜寻是否有科学论文 研究了肠道和大脑的联系。出乎意料的是,我找到了很多。


    It turns out it's maybe not as simple as wesometimes think. We tend to think our brain makes these commands and then sendsthem down to the other organs, and they all have to listen. But really, it'smore that 10 percent of the nerves that connect brain and gut deliverinformation from the brain to the gut. We know this, for example, in stressfulsituations, when there are transmitters from the brain that are being sensed byour gut, so the gut will try to lower all the work, and not be working andtaking away blood and energy to save energy for problem-solving. This can go asfar as nervous vomiting or nervous diarrhea to get rid of food that it thendoesn't want to digest.



    Maybe more interestingly, 90 percent of thenervous fibers that connect gut and brain deliver information from our gut toour brain. And when you think about it a little bit, it does make sense, becauseour brain is very isolated. It's in this bony skull surrounded by a thick skin,and it needs information to put together a feeling of "How am I, as awhole body, doing?" And the gut, actually, is possibly the most importantadvisor for the brain because it's our largest sensory organ, collectinginformation not only on the quality of our nutrients, but really also on howare so many of our immune cells doing, or things like the hormones in our bloodthat it can sense. And it can package this information, and send it up to thebrain. It can, there, not reach areas like visual cortex or word formations --otherwise, when we digest, we would see funny colors or we would make funnynoises -- no. But it can reach areas for things like morality, fear or emotionalprocessing or areas for self-awareness.



    So it does make sense that when our bodyand our brain are putting together this feeling of, "How am I, as a wholebody, doing?" that the gut has something to contribute to this process.And it also makes sense that people who have conditions like irritable bowelsyndrome or inflammatory bowel disease have a higher risk of having anxiety ordepression. I think this is good information to share, because many people willthink, "I have this gut thing, and maybe I also have this mental healththing." And maybe -- because science is not clear on that right now --it's really just that the brain is feeling sympathy with their gut.



    This has yet to grow in evidence until itcan come to practice. But just knowing about these kinds of research that's outthere at the moment helps me in my daily life. And it makes me thinkdifferently of my moods and not externalize so much all the time. I feeloftentimes during the day we are a brain and a screen, and we will tend to lookfor answers right there and maybe the work is stupid or our neighbor -- butreally, moods can also come from within. And just knowing this helped me, forexample, when I sometimes wake up too early, and I start to worry and wanderaround with my thoughts. Then I think, "Stop. What did I eat yesterday?Did I stress myself out too much? Did I eat too late or something?" Andthen maybe get up and make myself a tea, something light to digest. And assimple as that sounds, I think it's been surprisingly good for me.



    Step three took me further away from ourbody, and to really understanding bacteria differently. The research we havetoday is creating a new definition of what real cleanliness is. And it's notthe hygiene hypothesis -- I think many maybe know this. So it states that whenyou have too little microbes in your environment because you clean all thetime, that's not really a good thing, because people get more allergies orautoimmune diseases then. So I knew this hypothesis, and I thought I wouldn'tlearn so much from looking at cleanliness in the gut. But I was wrong.



    It turns out, real cleanliness is not aboutkilling off bacteria right away. Real cleanliness is a bit different. When welook at the facts, 95 percent of all bacteria on this planet don't harm us --they can't, they don't have the genes to do so. Many, actually, help us a lot,and scientists at the moment are looking into things like: Do some bacteriahelp us clean the gut? Do they help us digest? Do they make us put on weight orhave a lean figure although we're eating lots? Are others making us feel morecourageous or even more resilient to stress? So you see, there are morequestions when it comes to cleanliness. And, actually, the thing is, it's abouta healthy balance, I think. You can't avoid the bad all the time. This issimply not possible; there's always something bad around. So what really thewhole deal is when you look at a clean gut, it's about having good bacteria,enough of them, and then some bad. Our immune system needs the bad, too, so itknows what it's looking out for.



    So I started having this differentperspective on cleanliness and a few weeks later, I held a talk at myuniversity, and I made a mistake by 1,000. And I went home and I realized inthat moment, I was like, "Ah! I made a mistake by 1,000. Oh God, that's somuch, and that's so embarrassing." And I started to think about this, Iwas like, "Ugh!" And after a while I said, "OK, I made this onemistake, but then I also told so many good and right and helpful things, so Ithink it's OK, you know? It's a clean thing." And then I was like,"Oh, wait. Maybe I took my perspective on cleanliness further." Andit's my theory at the moment that maybe we all do. Take it a bit further thanjust cleaning our living room, where maybe we make it to sort like a lifehygiene. Knowing that this is about fostering the good just as much as tryingto shelter yourself from the bad had a very calming effect on me.



    So in that sense, I hope today I told youmostly good and helpful things, and thank you for your time, for listening tome.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:给吸血蝙蝠注射疫苗教会我们哪些流行病知识 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:一种从大气中去除二氧化碳的新方法


