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    [演讲者及介绍]Eli Pariser

    网络民主倡导者。作为Upworthy的联合创始人和《过滤泡沫》(the Filter Bubble)一书的作者,伊莱·帕里瑟(Eli Pariser)利用技术帮助建立更好、更民主的社会。



    翻译者 Yanyan Hong 校对者 Yolanda Zhang


    I was talking to a guy at a party inCalifornia about tech platforms and the problems they're creating in society.And he said, "Man, if the CEOs just did more drugs and went to BurningMan, we wouldn't be in this mess."

    在加利福尼亚的一个派对上,我和一个伙计在谈论科技平台,以及它们在当今社会带来的问题。他说:“兄弟,如果 CEO们都多磕点药,然后去火人节转转,我们就不会陷入这类麻烦了。”





    I said, "I'm not sure I agree withyou." For one thing, most of the CEOs have already been to Burning Man.

    我回道,“我不确定我是不是赞同你。”除了大部分CEO 确实都曾去过火人节。





    But also, I'm just not sure that watching abunch of half-naked people run around and burn things is really the inspirationthey need right now.






    But I do agree that things are a mess. Andso, we're going to come back to this guy, but let's talk about the mess.



    Our climate's getting hotter and hotter.It's getting harder and harder to tell truth from fiction. And we've got thisglobal migratory crisis. And just at the moment when we really need new toolsand new ways of coming together as a society, it feels like social media iskind of tearing at our civic fabric and setting us against each other. We'vegot viral misinformation on WhatsApp, bullying on Instagram and Russian hackerson Facebook. And I think this conversation that we're having right now aboutthe harms that these platforms are creating is so important.



    But I also worry that we could be letting akind of good existential crisis in Silicon Valley go to waste if the bar forsuccess is just that it's a little harder for Macedonian teenagers to publishfalse news. The big question, I think, is not just what do we want platforms tostop doing, but now that they've effectively taken control of our online publicsquare, what do we need from them for the greater good? To me, this is one ofthe most important questions of our time. What obligations do tech platformshave to us in exchange for the power we let them hold over our discourse? Ithink this question is so important, because even if today’s platforms go away,we need to answer this question in order to be able to ensure that the newplatforms that come back are any better.



    So for the last year, I've been workingwith Dr. Talia Stroud at the University of Texas, Austin. We've talked tosociologists and political scientists and philosophers to try to answer thisquestion. And at first we asked, "If you were Twitter or Facebook andtrying to rank content for democracy rather than for ad clicks or engagement,what might that look like?" But then we realized, this sort of suggeststhat this is an information problem or a content problem. And for us, theplatform crisis is a people problem. It's a problem about the emergent weirdthings that happen when large groups of people get together. And so we turnedto another, older idea.



    We asked, "What happens when we thinkabout platforms as spaces?" We know from social psychology that spacesshape behavior. When researchers put softer furniture in classrooms,participation rates rose by 42 percent. And spaces even have politicalconsequences. When researchers looked at neighborhoods with parks versusneighborhoods without, after adjusting for socioeconomic factors, they found thatneighborhoods with parks had higher levels of social trust and were better ableto advocate for themselves politically.

    我们问,“当我们把媒体平台设想成空间时会发生什么?”我们知道在社会心理学中空间改变着社会行为。当研究员在教室里放些柔软舒适的家具,课堂参与度上升了 42%。空间甚至会造成政治后果。当研究员观察对比那些紧邻公园的街区,和没有公园的街区,在调整了社会经济因素后,他们发现那些带有公园的街区社会信任度更高,且更能在政治上为自己辩护。


    So spaces shape behavior, partly by the waythey're designed and partly by the way that they encode certain norms about howto behave. We all know that there are some behaviors that are OK in a bar thatare not OK in a library, and maybe vice versa. And this gives us a little bitof a clue, because there are online spaces that encode these same kinds ofbehavioral norms. So, for example, behavior on LinkedIn seems pretty good. Why?Because it reads as a workplace. And so people follow workplace norms. You caneven see it in the way they dress in their profile pictures.






    So if LinkedIn is a workplace, what isTwitter like?






    Well, it's like a vast, cavernous expanse,where there are people talking about sports, arguing about politics, yelling ateach other, flirting, trying to get a job, all in the same place, with nowalls, no divisions, and the owner gets paid more the louder the noise is.






    No wonder it's a mess. And this raisesanother thing that become obvious when we think about platforms in terms ofphysical space. Good physical spaces are almost always structured. They haverules. Silicon Valley is built on this idea that unstructured space isconducive for human behavior. And I actually think there's a reason for thismyopia built into the location of Silicon Valley itself.



    So, Michele Gelfand is a sociologist whostudies how norms vary across cultures. And she watches how cultures like Japan-- which she calls "tight" -- is very conformist, veryrule-following, and cultures like Brazil are very loose. You can see this evenin things like how closely synchronized the clocks are on a city street. So asyou can see, the United States is one of the looser countries. And the looseststate in the United States is, you got it, California. And Silicon Valleyculture came out of the 1970s Californian counterculture.

    米歇尔·盖尔芬德是一位社会学家,他研究不同文化之间的规范是如何变化的。她观察日本的文化——她称之为“紧”——很循规蹈矩,很守规则,而像巴西这样的文化则非常放松。你甚至可以在一些事情上看到这一点像城市街道上的时钟同步得有多近。所以,如你所见,美国是比较宽松的国家之一。而在美国最放松的州之一,你猜到了,就是加州。硅谷文化源于上世纪 70 年代加州的反主流文化。


    So, just to recap: the spaces that theworld is living in came out of the loosest culture in the loosest state in oneof the loosest countries in the world. No wonder they undervalue structure. AndI think this really matters, because people need structure. You may have heardthis word "anomie." It literally means "a lack of norms" inFrench. It was coined by Émile Durkheim to describe the vast, overwhelmingfeeling that people have in spaces without norms. Anomie has politicalconsequences. Because what Gelfand has found is that, when things are tooloose, people crave order and structure.






    I don't think it's crazy to ask if thestructurelessness of online life is actually feeding anxiety that's increasinga responsiveness to authoritarianism.



    So how might platforms bring peopletogether in a way that creates meaning and helps people understand each other?And this brings me back to our friend from Burning Man. Because listening tohim, I realized: it's not just that Burning Man isn't the solution -- it'sactually a perfect metaphor for the problem.

    那么这些平台是怎样把人们聚集起来 从而创造价值,以及帮助人们相互理解的? 这把我带回了 来自火人节的那位朋友,因为他的话让我意识到: 火人节不但不是解决办法—— 它其实是对问题最好的隐喻。





    You know, it's a great place to visit for aweek, this amazing art city, rising out of nowhere in the dust. But youwouldn't want to live there.






    There's no running water, there's no trashpickup. At some point, the hallucinogens run out, and you're stuck with a bunchof wealthy white guys in the dust in the desert.






    Which, to me, is sometimes how social mediafeels in 2019.

    这对我来说,有时就像是 2019 年的社交媒体带给我的感受。





    A great, fun, hallucinatory place to visithas become our home. And so, if we look at platforms through the lens ofspaces, we can then ask ourselves: Who knows how to structure spaces for thepublic good? And it turns out, this is a question people have been thinkingabout for a long time about cities. Cities were the original platforms.Two-sided marketplace? Check. Place to keep up with old friends and distantrelatives? Check. Vector for viral sharing? Check. In fact, cities haveencountered a lot of the same social and political challenges that platformsare now encountering. They've dealt with massive growth that overwhelmedexisting communities and the rise of new business models. They've even had new,frictionless technologies that promised to connect everyone together and thatinstead deepened existing social and race divides. But because of this historyof decay and renewal and segregation and integration, cities are the source ofsome of our best ideas about how to build functional, thriving communities.

    一个伟大的、有趣的,充满幻想的地方已经成为我们的家。所以,如果当我们透过空间看待这些平台,我们可以试问自己:谁知道如何为公众利益构建空间?结果,这是一个 人们思考了很长时间的 关于城市的问题。城市是最初的平台,双边市场? 符合。一个可以让老朋友 和远亲保持联系的地方? 符合。病毒共享载体? 符合。事实上,城市遇到了 很多同样的社会和政治挑战,也正是现在的平台所碰到的。他们已经处理了淹没了现有社区的巨大增长,以及不断兴起的新商业模式。他们甚至有了新的无缝技术,以保证让所有人保持联系,这也反而加深了现存的社会种族分裂。但是因为这段曾经衰落又再度兴起、不断分裂又融合的历史,城市给我们的一些最好想法带来了灵感,关于如何建立功能性的、繁荣的社区。


    Faced with a top-down, car-driven vision ofcity life, pioneers like Jane Jacobs said, let’s instead put humanrelationships at the center of urban design. Jacobs and her fellow travelerslike Holly Whyte, her editor, were these really great observers of whatactually happened on the street. They watched: Where did people stop and talk?When did neighbors become friends? And they learned a lot.



    For example, they noticed that successfulpublic places generally have three different ways that they structure behavior.There's the built environment, you know, that we're going to put a fountainhere or a playground there. But then, there's programming, like, let's put aband at seven and get the kids out. And there's this idea of mayors, people whokind of take this informal ownership of a space to keep it welcoming and clean.All three of these things actually have analogues online. But platforms mostlyfocus on code, on what's physically possible in the space. And they focus muchless on these other two softer, social areas. What are people doing there?Who's taking responsibility for it?

    比如,他们注意到成功的公共场所 通常都有三种不同的方式 来规范行为。首先要有人造的环境,我们会在这里放一个喷泉 或那里放一个嬉戏地。其次,要有设定的程序,比如 7 点有乐队表演,把孩子们都请出去。然后,还有关于市长的想法,就是有人对这个空间享有非正式的所有权,为了确保它的欢迎度和整洁。这三件事其实在网上都有类似的概念。但是平台主要关注代码,关注在这个空间里,在物理上可能存在的东西。同时,他们很少关注另外两个更温和的社会领域。人们在那里做什么?谁该为它负责?


    So like Jane Jacobs did for cities, Taliaand I think we need a new design movement for online space, one that considersnot just "How do we build products that work for users or consumers?""How do we make something user-friendly?" but "How do we makeproducts that are public-friendly?" Because we need products that don'tserve individuals at the expense of the social fabric on which we all depend.And we need it urgently, because political scientists tell us that healthydemocracies need healthy public spaces. So, the public-friendly digital designmovement that Talia and I imagine asks this question: What would thisinteraction be like if it was happening in physical space? And it asks thereverse question: What can we learn from good physical spaces about how tostructure behavior in the online world?

    就像简·雅各布斯为城市所做的,塔利亚和我认为我们需要为在线空间 设计一场新的改革运动,它会不只考虑,“我们如何为用户或消费者创建可行的产品?““我们该怎么样制造便于用户使用的东西?”但更要考虑“我们怎样让产品面向所有公众?”因为我们需要的产品不仅是为个人,以牺牲我们赖以生存的社会结构为代价。我们迫切地需要它,因为政治科学家告诉我们,健康的民主国家需要健康的公共空间。所以,塔利亚和我想象的公众友好的数字设计运动问出了这样一个问题:如果这种互动发生在现实空间,会是什么样子?它也反问我们: 我们可以从好的 现实空间中学到什么,从而更好的管理在线世界?


    For example, I grew up in a small town inMaine, and I went to a lot of those town hall meetings that you hear about. Andunlike the storybook version, they weren't always nice. Like, people had bigconflicts, big feelings ... It was hard sometimes. But because of the way thatthat space was structured, we managed to land it OK. How? Well, here's oneimportant piece. The downcast glance, the dirty look, the raised eyebrow, thecough ... When people went on too long or lost the crowd, they didn't get bannedor blocked or hauled out by the police, they just got this soft, negativesocial feedback. And that was actually very powerful.






    I think there are some other things thatonline spaces can learn from offline spaces. Holly Whyte observed that in healthypublic spaces, there are often many different places that afford different waysof relating. So the picnic table where you have lunch with your family may notbe suited for the romantic walk with a partner or the talk with some businesscolleagues. And it's worth noting that in real space, in none of these placesare there big, visible public signs of engagement. So digital designers couldthink about what kind of conversations do we actually want to invite, and howdo we build specifically for those kinds of conversations.

    我认为在线空间还有很多其他东西可以从线下空间学习的。霍利·怀特观察到在健康的公共场所,通常不同的地方都会为人们提供不同的社交方式。你和家人共用午餐的野炊桌可能不适合伴侣的浪漫散步,或者和同事谈论商务事宜。值得注意的是在现实空间,这些地方中都没有一个明显的公众参与的标识。因此,数字设计师可以考虑我们到底想邀请 进行什么样的谈话,以及我们如何针对这些 对话创建相应的空间。


    Remember the park that we talked about thatbuilt social trust? That didn't happen because people were having these bigpolitical arguments. Most strangers don't actually even talk to each other thefirst three or four or five times they see each other. But when people, even verydifferent people, see each other a lot, they develop familiarity, and thatcreates the bedrock for relationships. And I think, actually, you know, maybethat early idea of cyberspace as kind of this bodiless meeting place of pureminds and pure ideas sent us off in the wrong direction. Maybe what we needinstead is to find a way to be in proximity, mostly talking amongst ourselves,but all sharing the same warm sun.



    And finally: healthy public spaces create asense of ownership and equity. And this is where the city metaphor becomeschallenging. Because, if Twitter is a city, it's a city that's owned by just afew people and optimized for financial return. I think we really need digitalenvironments that we all actually have some real ownership of, environmentsthat respect the diversity of human existence and that give us some say andsome input into the process. And I think we need this urgently. BecauseFacebook right now -- I sort of think of, like, 1970s New York.

    而最后:健康的公共空间创造了所有权和公平感,这就是城市隐喻的挑战所在。因为,如果推特是一座城市,这座城的掌控权仅属于少数人,为了财务利益而不断优化。我觉得我们真正需要的电子环境是在其中,我们每个人都有一定的权力,在这个环境中,尊重彼此存在的多样性,且赋予每个人以声音,让每个人都能参与这个进程。我相信这种多样性已经迫在眉睫,因为现在的脸书——让我想到了上个世纪 70 年代的纽约。





    The public spaces are decaying, there'strash in the streets, people are kind of, like, mentally and emotionallywarming themselves over burning garbage.






    And --






    And the natural response to this is to holeup in your apartment or consider fleeing for the suburbs. It doesn't surpriseme that people are giving up on the idea of online public spaces the way thatthey've given up on cities over their history. And sometimes -- I'll be honest-- it feels to me like this whole project of, like, wiring up a civilizationand getting billions of people to come into contact with each other is justimpossible. But modern cities tell us that it is possible for millions of peoplewho are really different, sometimes living right on top of each other, not justto not kill each other, but to actually build things together, find newexperiences, create beautiful, important infrastructure. And we cannot give upon that promise.

    对此自然的反应是躲在你的公寓里,或者考虑逃往郊区。很多人正在放弃这个关于在线空间的想法,就像历史上人们放弃了自己的城市,这一点我完全不感到惊讶。而且有时——我很诚实地说——我感到整个项目 就像是在连接人类文明,让数以亿计的人彼此联系,简直就难以实现。但是现代的城市向我们证明了它有可能让数百万不同的人们,有时生活在彼此之上,不去互相残杀,而是去共同建立一切,寻求新的体验,创造美好的、不可或缺的设施。我们不能放弃这样的承诺,


    If we want to solve the big, importantproblems in front of us, we need better online public spaces. We need digitalurban planners, new Jane Jacobses, who are going to build the parks and parkbenches of the online world. And we need digital, public-friendly architects,who are going to build what Eric Klinenberg calls "palaces for thepeople" -- libraries and museums and town halls. And we need atransnational movement, where these spaces can learn from each other, just likecities have, about everything from urban farming to public art to rapidtransit.



    Humanity moves forward when we find newways to rely on and understand and trust each other. And we need this now morethan ever. If online digital spaces are going to be our new home, let's makethem a comfortable, beautiful place to live, a place we all feel not justincluded but actually some ownership of. A place we get to know each other. Aplace you'd actually want not just to visit but to bring your kids.



    Thank you.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:如何与孩子谈论禁忌话题 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:改变生活?先从改变你的故事开始


