【演讲者及介绍】Ella Al-Shamahi
Ella Al-Shamahi古人类学家,擅长在不稳定、敌对和有争议的地区的洞穴中寻找化石。在她的业余时间,她是一个单口相声演员。
翻译者 Yu Xie 校对者 JingdanNiu
So I've got something that I'm slightlyembarrassed to admit to. At the age of 17, as a creationist, I decided to go touniversity to study evolution so that I could destroy it.
I failed. I failed so spectacularly thatI'm now an evolutionary biologist.
So I'm a paleoanthropologist, I'm aNational Geographic Explorer specializing in fossil hunting in caves inunstable, hostile and disputed territories. And we all know that if I was a guyand not a girl, that wouldn't be a job description, that would be a pick-upline.
Now, here's the thing. I do not have adeath wish. I'm not an adrenaline junkie. I just looked at a map.
See, frontline exploratory science does nothappen as much in politically unstable territories. Now I'm going to go out ona limb here and say that it is a tragedy if we're not doing frontlineexploratory science in a huge portion of the planet. And so science has ageography problem.
And so as an undergraduate, I wasrepeatedly told that humans, be they ourselves, homo sapiens, or earlierspecies, that we left Africa via the Sinai of Egypt.
I'm English, as you can probably tell frommy accent, but I am actually of Arab heritage, and I always say that I'm very,very Arab on the outside. You know, I can really be passionate. Like,"You're amazing! I love you!" But on the inside, I'm really English,so everybody irritates me.
It's true. And the thing is, my family areArab from Yemen, and I knew that that channel, Bab-el-Mandeb, is not that muchof a feat to cross. And I kept asking myself this really simple question: ifthe ancestors to New World monkeys could somehow cross the Atlantic Ocean, whycouldn't humans cross that tiny stretch of water? But the thing is, Yemen,compared to, let's say, Europe, was so understudied that it was something akinto near virgin territory. But that, along with its location, made the sheerpotential for discovery so exciting, and I had so many questions. When did wefirst start using Bab-el-Mandeb? But also, which species of human besidesourselves made it to Yemen? Might we find a species as yet unknown to science?And it turned out, I wasn't the only one who had noticed Yemen's potential.There was actually a few other academics out there. But sadly, due to politicalinstability, they moved out, and so I moved in. And I was looking for caves:caves because caves are the original prime real estate. But also because ifyou're looking for fossils in that kind of heat, your best bet for fossilpreservation is always going to be caves.
这些都是实话。事实上,我的家人是从也门到达的阿拉伯。我也知道那一条路,巴布-埃尔-阿姆德布, 并不是很难跨越的。我以前也总是在自问一个很简单的问题:如果新大陆猴子的祖先都能够用某种方法穿越大西洋,那为什么人类不能越过那一小段水?但问题是,相比于欧洲,我们并没有对也门做过充分的研究,也就相当于这是一次对于处女地的探索。但是加上它的地理位置,这将是一场纯粹的探索之旅,太令人激动了,为此我内心充满了许多问题。我们是什么时候第一次开始使用巴布-埃尔-阿姆德布这一条路的?另外,除了我们之外,还有哪些人种去了也门?我们会找到还未发现的新人种吗?并且最后证明了,我并不是唯一一个注意到也门研究潜力的人。还有其他的学者也在关注这个地区。但不幸的是,由于政局动荡,他们退出了研究,于是我进去了。我在寻找洞穴,因为洞穴是最原始的居住地。而且如果当你在如此炎热的天气下去寻找化石,洞穴是化石出现概率最高的地方。
But then, Yemen took a really sad turn forthe worse, and just a few days before I was due to fly out to Yemen, the civilwar escalated into a regional conflict, the capital's airport was bombed andYemen became a no-fly zone.
Now, my parents made this decision before Iwas born: that I would be born British. I had nothing to do with the bestdecision of my life. And now ... Now the lucky ones in my family have escaped,and the others, the others are being been bombed and send you WhatsApp messagesthat make you detest your very existence. This war's been going on for fouryears. It's been going on for over four years, and it has led to a humanitariancrisis. There is a famine there, a man-made famine. That's a man-made famine,so not a natural famine, an entirely man-made famine that the UN has warnedcould be the worst famine the world has seen in a hundred years. This war hasmade it clear to me more than ever that no place, no people deserve to get leftbehind.
And so I was joining these other teams, andI was forming new collaborations in other unstable places. But I was desperateto get back into Yemen, because for me, Yemen's really personal. And so I kepttrying to think of a project I could do in Yemen that would help highlight whatwas going on there. And every idea I had just kept failing, or it was just toohigh-risk, because let's be honest, most of Yemen is just too dangerous for aWestern team.
But then I was told that Socotra, a Yemeniisland, was safe once you got there. In fact, it turned out there was a fewlocal and international academics that were still working there. And that gotme really excited, because look at Socotra's proximity to Africa. And yet wehave no idea when humans arrived on that island. But Socotra, for those of youwho know it, well, let's just say you probably know it for a completelydifferent reason. You probably know it as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean,because it is one of the most biodiverse places on this earth. But we were alsogetting information that this incredibly delicate environment and its peoplewere under threat because they were at the frontline of both Middle Easternpolitics and climate change. And it slowly dawned on me that Socotra was myYemen project.
And so I wanted to put together a hugemultidisciplinary team. We wanted to cross the archipelago on foot, camel anddhow boat to conduct a health check of this place. This has only been attemptedonce before, and it was in 1999. But the thing is, that is not an easy thing topull off. And so we desperately needed a recce, and for those of you who aren'tfamiliar with British English, a recce is like a scouting expedition. It's likea reconnaissance. And I often say that a really big expedition without a recceis a bit like a first date without a Facebook stalk.
Like, it's doable, but is it wise?
There's a few too many knowing laughs inthis room.
Anyway, so then our recce team thankfullywere no strangers to unstable places, which, let's be honest, is kind ofimportant because we were trying to get to a place between Yemen and Somalia,And after calling in what felt like a million favors, including to the deputygovernor, we finally found ourselves on the move, albeit on a wooden cementcargo ship sailing through pirate waters in the Indian Ocean with this as a toilet.
And also, I genuinely discovered that I amgenuinely less stressed by pirate waters than I am with a cockroach infestationthat was so intense that at one point I went belowdeck, and the floor was blackand it was moving.
并且,我发现在海盗水域中相比于我身处 的蟑螂成灾时候的,那种强烈的刺激,那种当我在甲板下,地板又黑并且还在移动的情况下,更加放松。
(Audience moans)
So we were sailing on that cement cargoship for three days, and then we slowly started seeing land. And after threeyears of failing, I was finally seeing Yemen.
And there is no feeling on earth like thatstart of an expedition. It's this moment where you jump out of a jeep or youlook up from a boat and you know that there's this possibility, it's small butit's still there, that you're about to find something that could add to orchange our knowledge of who we are and where we come from. There is no feelinglike it on earth, and it's a feeling that so many scientists have but rarely inpolitically unstable places. Because Western scientists are discouraged orall-out barred from working in unstable places.
But here's the thing: scientists specializein the jungle. Scientists work in deep cave systems. Scientists attachthemselves to rockets and blow themselves into outer space. But apparently,working in an unstable place is deemed too high-risk. It is completelyarbitrary. Who here in this room wasn't brought up on adventure stories? And mostof our heroes were actually scientists and academics. Science was about goingout into the unknown. It was about truly global exploration, even if there wererisks. And so when did it become acceptable to make it difficult for science tohappen in unstable places?
And look, I'm not saying that all scientistsshould go off and start working in unstable places. This isn't some gung-hocall. But here's the thing: for those who have done the research, understandsecurity protocol and are trained, stop stopping those who want to. Plus, justbecause one part of a country is an active war zone doesn't mean the wholecountry is. I'm not saying we should go into active war zones. But IraqiKurdistan looks very different from Fallujah.
And actually, a few months after I couldn'tget into Yemen, another team adopted me. So Professor Graeme Barker's team wereactually working in Iraqi Kurdistan, and they were digging up Shanidar Cave.Now, Shanidar Cave a few decades earlier had unveiled a Neanderthal known asShanidar 1. Now, for a BBC/PBS TV series we actually brought Shanidar 1 tolife, and I want you guys to meet Ned, Ned the Neanderthal. Now here's thecoolest thing about Ned. See, it turned out that Ned was severely disabled. Hewas in fact so disabled that there is no way he could have survived without thehelp of other Neanderthals. And so this was proof that, at least for thispopulation of Neanderthals at this time, Neanderthals were like us, and theysometimes looked after those who couldn't look after themselves.
实际上,经历了好几个月,我仍没有进入也门,而是另外一个团队接纳了我。格雷姆·巴克教授的团队其实研究的是伊拉克库迪斯坦地区,他们那时正在挖掘沙尼达尔的洞穴。在距今几十年前,研究人员从沙尼达尔洞穴中发现了尼安德特人种,命名为沙尼达尔一号(Shanidar 1)。通过BBC/PBS的电视系列节目,我们才将沙尼达尔一号公布于众在这里我想将这位尼安德特人,即内德(Ned)介绍给你们。接下来是关于内德最酷的一点。研究发现内德其实受了重伤。如果没有其他尼安德特人的帮助,他所受的伤则是致命的。而这一发现也就证明了,至少对于那个时期的尼安德特人,他们与现在的我们很像,他们会帮助那些没有自理能力的同类。
Ned's an Iraqi Neanderthal. So what elseare we missing? What incredible scientific discoveries are we not makingbecause we're not looking? And by the way, these places, they deservenarratives of hope, and science and exploration can be a part of that. In fact,I would argue that it can tangibly aid development, and these discoveriesbecome a huge source of local pride.
And that brings me to the second reason whyscience has a geography problem. See, we don't empower local academics, do we?Like, it's not lost on me that in my particular field of paleoanthropology westudy human origins, but we have so few diverse scientists. And the thing is,these places are full of students and academics who are desperate tocollaborate, and the truth is that for them, they have fewer security issuesthan us. I think we constantly forget that for them it's not a hostileenvironment; for them it's home. I'm telling you, research done in unstableplaces with local collaborators can lead to incredible discoveries, and that iswhat we are hoping upon hope to do in Socotra.
They call Socotra the most alien-lookingplace on earth, and myself, Leon McCarron, Martin Edström and RhysThwaites-Jones could see why. I mean, look at this place. These places, they'renot hellholes, they're not write-offs, they're the future frontline of scienceand exploration. 90 percent of the reptiles on this island, 37 percent of theplant species exist here and nowhere else on earth,
And there's something else. People onSocotra, some of them still live in caves, and that is really exciting, becauseit means if a cave is prime real estate this century, maybe it was a fewthousand years ago. But we need the data to prove it, the fossils, the stonetools, and so our scouting team have teamed up with other scientists,anthropologists and storytellers, international as well as local, like AhmedAlarqbi, and we are desperate to shed a light on this place before it's toolate.
And now, now we just somehow need to getback for that really big expedition, because science, science has a geographyproblem.
You guys have been a really lovelyaudience. Thank you.