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    【演讲者及介绍】Marc Bamuthi Joseph

    作家,演员马克·巴木提·约瑟夫(Marc Bamuthi Joseph)通过从歌剧到舞蹈剧场的各种表演,研究对文化的抹杀。



    翻译者 psjmz mz 校对者Cong Liu


    Me and the boy wear the same shoe size. Hewants a pair of Air Jordan 4s for Christmas. I buy them, and then I steal themfrom his closet, like a twisted Grinch-themed episode of "Black-ish."

    我和我儿子的鞋码是一样的。他想要一双Air Jordan 4s的鞋作为圣诞礼物。于是我买了一双,但又从他的衣柜里偷出了这双鞋,就像黑人家庭剧里出现了偷走圣诞礼物的绿毛鬼精灵。





    The kicks are totems to my youth. I wearthem like mercury on my Black man feet. I can't get those young freedom daysback fast enough. Last time I was really fast I was 16, outrunning a doorman onthe Upper East Side. He caught me vandalizing his building, not even on someartsy stuff, just ... stupid. Of all the genders, boys are the stupidest.






    Sixteen was a series of barely getting awayand never telling my parents. I assume that my son is stewarding this traditionwell. Sixteen was "The Low End Theory" and Marvin Gaye on repeat.Sixteen is younger than Trayvon and older than Emmett Till. At the DMV, myboy's in line to officially enter his prime suspect years: young, brown andbehind the wheel, a moving semaphore, signaling the threat of communities frombelow. On top of the food chain, humans have no natural predator, but Americaplays out something genetically embedded and instinctual in its appetite forthe Black body. America guns down Black bodies and then walks around them,bored, like laconic lions next to half-eaten gazelles, bloody lips ..."America and the Black Body" on some Nat Geo shit.

    16岁时,我好几次差点被警察抓到,而我从不告诉我的父母。我觉得我的儿子 也很好继承了这一传统。16岁是循环播放《低端理论》专辑 和沉浸在马文·盖伊歌声的年纪。16岁比被警察枪杀的特拉伊冯年轻,比无辜被残害致死的艾默特·蒂尔年长。在车管所,我儿子在排队领取驾照,等待正式迈入“头号犯罪嫌疑人”生涯:年纪轻轻,棕色皮肤,可以驾车,他如同一个移动的标识,是从下层社区发出的威胁信号。在食物链的顶端,人类没有天敌,但美国人对黑人的“兴趣”却是与生俱来的。美国人枪杀黑人,然后从他们身边走过,百无聊赖,就像在瞪羚被啃食过的尸体旁悄无声息的狮子,满嘴鲜血——仿佛活生生就出自国家地理的《美国与黑体》。


    Well, he passes his road test at the DMV.He does this strut C-Walk broken "Fortnite" thing on the way in tofinish his paperwork, true joy and calibrated cool under the eye of my filmingiPhone, the victory dance of someone who has just salvaged a draw. He's earnedthis win, but he's so 16 he can't quite let his body be fully free.



    When he's three, I'm in handcuffs indowntown Oakland. Five minutes ago, I was illegally parked. Now I'm in the backof a squad car, considering the odds that I'm going to die here, 15 minutesaway from my son who expects that in 18 minutes, daddy's gonna pick him up frompreschool. There are no pocket-size cameras to capture this moment, so. Ilearned a lot of big words when I was 16 getting ready for the SAT, but none ofthem come to me now. In the police car, the only thing that really speaks is myskin.



    I know this: I was parked on a bus zone on12th and Broadway, running to the ATM on the corner. I pull the cash out justas a police car pulls up behind me, give him the "Aw shucks, my bad,"that earnest Black man face. He waits till I'm back in the car and then hitsthe siren, takes my license with his hand on the gun, comes back two minuteslater, gun drawn, another patrol car now, four cops now, my face on the curb,hands behind my back, shackled. I'm angry and humiliated, only until I'm scaredand then sad. I smell like the last gasp before my own death. I think how longthe boy will wait before he realizes that daddy is not on his way. I think hislast barely formed memory of me will be the story of how I never came for him.



    I try to telepathically say goodbye. Thesilence brings me no peace. The quiet makes it hard to rest. In the void thereis anger mushrooming in the moss at the base of my thoughts, a fungus growingon the spine of my freedom attempts. I'm free from all except contempt, thespirit of an unarmed civilian in the time of civil unrest, no peace, justMarvin Gaye falsettos arching like a broken-winged sparrow, competing againstthe empty sirens, singing the police. Apparently some cat from Richmond had awarrant out on him, and when the cop says my name to dispatch, dude doesn'thear "Marc Joseph," he hears "Mike Johnson." I count sevencars and 18 cops on the corner now, a pride around a pound of flesh. By thegrace of God, I'm not fed to the beast today. Magnanimously, the first copmakes sure to give me a ticket for parking in a bus zone, before he sets mefree.

    我试着用心灵感应的方式说再见。沉默没给我带来平静。寂静更让我如坐针毡。我的大脑一片空白,而思绪深处的愤怒却如雨后春笋般不断涌现,我在争取自由的路上举步维艰。除了蔑视之外,我什么都没有,这是一个手无寸铁的平民在社会动荡时期的精神,没有平静,只有马文·盖伊的假音如断翅的麻雀在空中飘荡,对抗苍白的警笛声。显然里士满市有人吃了张搜查令,当警察叫我的名字时,这家伙没听见“马克·约瑟夫”,而是听成了“迈克·约翰逊。”我数到现在,街角一共有 7辆车和18个警察,对着我这囊中之物得意洋洋。感谢上帝,我今天逃过一劫。第一个警察高抬贵手,给我开了张公交车区违规停车的罚单,然后就让我走了。


    The boy is 16. He has a license to drive inthe hollow city, enough body to fill my shoes. I have grey in my beard, and ittells the truth. He can navigate traffic in the age of autonomous vehicles. Youknow, people say "the talk," like the thing happens just once, likemy memory's been erased and my internet is broken, like I can't read today'smartyred name, like today's the day that I don't love my son enough to tellhim, "Bro, I really don't care about your rights, yo. Your mission is toget home to me. Live to tell me the story, boy. Get home to me."

    孩子16岁了。他有了驾照,可以在这座空空荡荡的城里开车, 个子高到能穿得上我的鞋。我的胡子开始变白了,暴露了我日渐苍老的真相。在自动驾驶时代,他能在车流中自由穿行。人们说的“谈话”,就像事情只发生一次,好像我的记忆被抹去了,好像我的互联网掉线了,好像我读不懂今天的殉道者名字一样,好像今天我不够爱孩子,无法告诉他,“小伙子,我真不在乎你的权利,你的任务是安全回家。活着告诉我你的故事,孩子,安全回家,回到我身边。”


    Today's talk is mostly happening in my headas he pulls onto the freeway and Marvin Gaye comes on the radio. I'm wearingthe boy's shoes, and the tune in my head is the goodbye that I almost neversaid, a goodbye the length of a requiem, a kiss, a whiff of his neck, thelength of a revelation and a request flying high in the friendly sky withoutever leaving the ground. My pain is a walking bass line, a refrain, placatedstress against the fading baseline.

    今天,当他把车开上高速公路,马文·盖伊的声音从收音机里传出,这段谈话就在我的脑海里浮现。我穿着这孩子的鞋子,脑海中的旋律是我几乎从未说过的再见,如安魂曲般绵长,如同一个吻,他脖子上的一缕气味,又长如启示录, 带着在亲切宁静的天空中高高飞翔的一个请求,却没有离开地面。我的痛苦低沉的徘徊着,如同一段旋律在缓解压力,对抗不断消逝的底线。


    Listen, this is not to be romantic, but toassert a plausible scenario for the existential moment. Driving while Black isits own genre of experience. Ask Marvin. It may not be the reason why you singlike an angel, but it surely has something to do with why heaven bends to yourvoice. The boy driving, the cop in the rearview mirror is a ticket to ride ordie. When you give a Black boy "the talk," you pray he is of the factionof the fraction that survives. You pitch him the frequency of your telepathicgoodbye, channel the love sustained in Marvin's upper register under hisskullcap. Black music at its best is an exploded black hole responding to thecall of America at its worst. Strike us down, the music lives, dark, like taror tobacco or cotton in muddy water.



    Get home to me, son. Like a love supreme, agod as love, a love overrules, feathers for the angelic lift of the restlessdead, like a theme for trouble man, or a 16-year-old boy, free to make mistakesand live through them, grow from them, holy, holy, mercy, mercy me, mercy,mercy.



    Thank you.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:关于核武器,我们应该问这3个问题 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:恒星的壮丽死亡如何锻造我们的身体


