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    【演讲者及介绍】Asmeret Asefaw Berhe




    翻译者Li Ying (Amelia) Hu 校对者Lipeng Chen


    So one of the most important solutions tothe global challenge posed by climate change lies right under our foot everyday. It's soil. Soil's just the thin veil that covers the surface of land, butit has the power to shape our planet's destiny. See, a six-foot or so of soil,loose soil material that covers the earth's surface, represents the differencebetween life and lifelessness in the earth system, and it can also help uscombat climate change if we can only stop treating it like dirt.






    Climate change is happening, the earth'satmosphere is warming, because of the increasing amount of greenhouse gases wekeep releasing into the atmosphere. You all know that. But what I assume youmight not have heard is that one of the most important things our human societycould do to address climate change lies right there in the soil.



    I'm a soil scientist who has been studyingsoil since I was 18, because I'm interested in unlocking the secrets of soiland helping people understand this really important climate change solution.

    我是一名土壤学家,我从 18 岁起就开始研究土壤,因为我有兴趣揭开土壤的秘密,并帮助人们了解这个十分重要的气候变化解决方案。


    So here are the facts about climate. Theconcentration of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere has increased by 40percent just in the last 150 years or so. Human actions are now releasing 9.4billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, from activities such asburning fossil fuels and intensive agricultural practices, and other ways wechange the way we use land, including deforestation. But the concentration ofcarbon dioxide that stays in the atmosphere is only increasing by about half ofthat, and that's because half of the carbon we keep releasing into theatmosphere is currently being taken up by land and the seas through a processwe know as carbon sequestration. So in essence, whatever consequence you thinkwe're facing from climate change right now, we're only experiencing theconsequence of 50 percent of our pollution, because the natural ecosystems arebailing us out.

    我来讲一下有关气候的实际情况。就在过去大约 150 年期间,地球大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加了 40%。人类活动现正向大气释放 94 亿吨碳,这些活动包括燃烧化石燃料、进行密集的农业生产活动,以及我们改变土地用途的其他方法,包括砍伐森林。但大气中的二氧化碳浓度只约增加了一半,这是因为我们不断释放到大气中的碳,目前有一半正被陆地和海洋吸收,我们称这个过程为碳封存。所以从根本上来说,不管你认为我们现正面临气候变化带来的后果是什么,我们只遭受了 50% 的污染所产生的后果,因为自然生态系统在拯救我们。


    But don't get too comfortable, because wehave two major things working against us right now. One: unless we do somethingbig, and then fast, emissions will continue to rise. And second: the ability ofthese natural ecosystems to take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere andsequester it in the natural habitats is currently getting compromised, asthey're experiencing serious degradation because of human actions. So it's notentirely clear that we will continue to get bailed out by these naturalecosystems if we continue on this business-as-usual path that we've been.



    Here's where the soil comes in: there isabout three thousand billion metric tons of carbon in the soil. That's roughlyabout 315 times the amount of carbon that we release into the atmospherecurrently. And there's twice more carbon in soil than there is in vegetationand air. Think about that for a second. There's more carbon in soil than thereis in all of the world's vegetation, including the lush tropical rainforestsand the giant sequoias, the expansive grasslands, all of the cultivatedsystems, and every kind of flora you can imagine on the face of the earth, plusall the carbon that's currently up in the atmosphere, combined, and then twiceover. Hence, a very small change in the amount of carbon stored in soil canmake a big difference in maintenance of the earth's atmosphere.

    下面我来说说土壤的作用:土壤里约含有三万亿吨的碳,这大约是我们目前释放到大气中碳量的 315 倍,土壤中的碳含量超出植被和空气中的碳含量两倍多。我们就此来想一下,土壤中的碳量大于世界上所有植被中的含量,这些植被包括茂密的热带雨林和巨大的红杉、广阔的草原、所有的耕地,以及你能想到在地球表面的每一种植物群,加上目前在大气中的所有的碳,全部加起来,还多出两倍。因此,土壤中所储存的碳量有点小变化就能对维持地球大气产生很大的影响。


    But soil's not just simply a storage boxfor carbon, though. It operates more like a bank account, and the amount ofcarbon that's in soil at any given time is a function of the amount of carboncoming in and out of the soil. Carbon comes into the soil through the processof photosynthesis, when green plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphereand use it to make their bodies, and upon death, their bodies enter the soil.And carbon leaves the soil and goes right back up into the atmosphere when thebodies of those formerly living organisms decay in soil by the activity ofmicrobes. See, decomposition releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, aswell as other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide, but it alsoreleases all the nutrients we all need to survive.



    One of the things that makes soil such afundamental component of any climate change mitigation strategy is because itrepresents a long-term storage of carbon. Carbon that would have lasted maybe ayear or two in decaying residue if it was left on the surface can stay in soilfor hundreds of years, even thousands and more.



    Soil biogeochemists like me study exactlyhow the soil system makes this possible, by locking away the carbon in physicalassociation with minerals, inside aggregates of soil minerals, and formation ofstrong chemical bonds that bind the carbon to the surfaces of the minerals. Seewhen carbon is entrapped in soil, in these kinds of associations with soilminerals, even the wiliest of the microbes can't easily degrade it. And carbonthat's not degrading fast is carbon that's not going back into the atmosphereas greenhouse gases.



    But the benefit of carbon sequestration isnot just limited to climate change mitigation. Soil that stores large amountsof carbon is healthy, fertile, soft. It's malleable. It's workable. It makes itlike a sponge. It can hold on to a lot of water and nutrients. Healthy andfertile soils like this support the most dynamic, abundant and diverse habitatfor living things that we know of anywhere on the earth system. It makes lifepossible for everything from the tiniest of the microbes, such as bacteria andfungi, all the way to higher plants, and fulfills the food, feed and fiberneeds for all animals, including you and I.



    So at this point, you would assume that weshould be treating soil like the precious resource that it is. Unfortunately,that's not the case. Soils around the world are experiencing unprecedentedrates of degradation through a variety of human actions that includedeforestation, intensive agricultural production systems, overgrazing,excessive application of agricultural chemicals, erosion and similar things.Half of the world's soils are currently considered degraded.



    Soil degradation is bad for many reasons,but let me just tell you a couple. One: degraded soils have diminishedpotential to support plant productivity. And hence, by degrading soil, we'recompromising our own abilities to provide the food and other resources that weneed for us and every member of living things on the face of the earth. Andsecond: soil use and degradation, just in the last 200 years or so, hasreleased 12 times more carbon into the atmosphere compared to the rate at whichwe're releasing carbon into the atmosphere right now.



    I'm afraid there's even more bad news. Thisis a story of soils at high latitudes. Peatlands in polar environments storeabout a third of the global soil carbon reserves. These peatlands have apermanently frozen ground underneath, the permafrost, and the carbon was ableto build up in these soils over long periods of time because even though plantsare able to photosynthesize during the short, warm summer months, theenvironment quickly turns cold and dark, and then microbes are not able toefficiently break down the residue. So the soil carbon bank in these polar environmentsbuilt up over hundreds of thousands of years.



    But right now, with atmospheric warming,the permafrost is thawing and draining. And when permafrost thaws and drains,it makes it possible for microbes to come in and rather quickly decompose allthis carbon, with the potential to release hundreds of billions of metric tonsof carbon into the atmosphere in the form of greenhouse gases. And this releaseof additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere will only contribute tofurther warming that makes this predicament even worse, as it starts aself-reinforcing positive feedback loop that could go on and on and on,dramatically changing our climate future.



    Fortunately, I can also tell you that thereis a solution for these two wicked problems of soil degradation and climatechange. Just like we created these problems, we do know the solution, and thesolution lies in simultaneously working to address these two things together,through what we call climate-smart land management practices. What do I meanhere? I mean managing land in a way that's smart about maximizing how muchcarbon we store in soil. And we can accomplish this by putting in placedeep-rooted perennial plants, putting back forests whenever possible, reducingtillage and other disturbances from agricultural practices, includingoptimizing the use of agricultural chemicals and grazing and even adding carbonto soil, whenever possible, from recycled resources such as compost and evenhuman waste.



    This kind of land stewardship is not aradical idea. It's what made it possible for fertile soils to be able tosupport human civilizations since time immemorial. In fact, some are doing itjust right now. There's a global effort underway to accomplish exactly thisgoal. This effort that started in France is known as the "4 per 1000"effort, and it sets an aspirational goal to increase the amount of carbonstored in soil by 0.4 percent annually, using the same kind of climate-smartland management practices I mentioned earlier. And if this effort's fullysuccessful, it can offset a third of the global emissions offossil-fuel-derived carbon into the atmosphere.

    这种土地管理并不是一个激进的想法,这是自古以来,让土壤肥沃,使之能够抚育人类文明的方法。事实上,现在有人正是这么做的。目前在全球范围内,人们正在采取一项措施要实现这一目标,这项措施始于法国,它被称为“千分之四”措施,它设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,每年将土壤中的碳存量增加 0.4%,运用我前面提到的同样的气候智能土地管理办法。如果这项措施大获成功,那它可以抵消三分之一全球排放到大气层中的化石燃料碳。


    But even if this effort is not fullysuccessful, but we just start heading in that direction, we still end up withsoils that are healthier, more fertile, are able to produce all the food andresources that we need for human populations and more, and also soils that arebetter capable of sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helpingwith climate change mitigation. I'm pretty sure that's what politicians call awin-win solution.



    And we all can have a role to play here. Wecan start by treating the soil with the respect that it deserves: respect forits ability as the basis of all life on earth, respect for its ability to serveas a carbon bank and respect for its ability to control our climate.



    And if we do so, we can then simultaneouslyaddress two of the most pressing global challenges of our time: climate changeand soil degradation. And in the process, we would be able to provide food andnutritional security to our growing human family.



    Thank you.





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