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    【演讲者及介绍】Michele Wucker

    米歇尔•库克(Michele Wucker)——作家、政策分析家,创造了“灰犀牛”(gray rhino)一词,用来比喻那些被忽视的明显风险。



    Translation by Rachel Zhu. Reviewed by Yuhan Wu.


    So what if there were a highly obviousproblem right in front of you? One that everyone was talking about, one thataffected you directly. Would you do everything within your power to fix thingsbefore they got worse? Don't be so sure. We are all much more likely than anyof us would like to admit to miss what's right in front of our eyes. And infact, we're sometimes most likely to turn away from things precisely because ofthe threat that they represent to us, in business, life and the world.



    So I want to give you an example from myworld, economic policy. So when Alan Greenspan was head of the Federal Reserve,his entire job was to watch out for problems in the US economy and to make surethat they didn't spin out of control. So, after 2006, when real estate pricespeaked, more and more and more respected leaders and institutions started tosound the alarm bells about risky lending and dangerous market bubbles. As youknow, in 2008 it all came tumbling down. Banks collapsed, global stock marketslost nearly half their value, millions and millions of people lost their homes toforeclosure. And at the bottom, nearly one in 10 Americans was out of work.

    我想举一个我身边的例子——经济政策。当阿兰·格林斯潘还是联邦储备局局长的时候他的整个工作就是小心地监督美国经济的潜在问题,并确保它们没有失去控制。所以,2006年以后,当房地产价格达到顶峰的时候,越来越多有名望的领导人和机构开始敲响 风险贷款和危险市场泡沫的警钟。如各位所知,200年一切都轰然倒塌。银行倒闭,全世界的股票市场丢失了接近一半的价值,数百万人失去他们作为抵押的家园。而在社会基层,将近十分之一的美国人失业了。


    So after things calmed down a little bit,Greenspan and many others came out with a postmortem and said, "Nobodycould have predicted that crisis." They called it "a blackswan." Something that was unimaginable, unforeseeable and completelyimprobable. A total surprise. Except it wasn't always such a surprise. Forexample, my Manhattan apartment nearly doubled in value in less than fouryears. I saw the writing on the wall and I sold it.









    So, a lot of other people also saw thewarning, spoke out publicly and they were ignored. So we didn't know exactlywhat the crisis was going to look like, not the exact parameters, but we couldall tell that the thing coming at us was as dangerous, visible and predictableas a giant gray rhino charging right at us.



    The black swan lends itself to the ideathat we don't have power over our futures. And unfortunately, the less controlthat we think we have, the more likely we are to downplay it or ignore itentirely. And this dangerous dynamic masks another problem: that most of theproblems that we're facing are so probable and obvious, they're things that wecan see, but we still don't do anything about.



    So I created the gray rhino metaphor tomeet what I felt was an urgent need. To help us to take a fresh look, with thesame passion that people had for the black swan, but this time, for the thingsthat were highly obvious, highly probable, but still neglected. Those are thegray rhinos.



    Once you start looking for gray rhinos, yousee them in the headlines every day. And so what I see in the headlines isanother big gray rhino, a new highly probable financial crisis. And I wonder ifwe've learned anything in the last 10 years.



    So if you listen to Washington or WallStreet, you could almost be forgiven for thinking that only smooth sailing laidahead. But in China, where I spend a lot of time, the conversation is totallydifferent. The entire economic team, all the way up to president Xi Jinpinghimself, talk very specifically and clearly about financial risks as grayrhinos, and how they can tame them. Now, to be sure, China and the US havevery, very different systems of government, which affects what they're able todo or not. And many of the root causes for their economic problems are totallydifferent. But it's no secret that both countries have problems with debt, withinequality and with economic productivity.



    So how come the conversations are sodifferent? You could actually ask this question, not just about countries, butabout just about everyone. The auto companies that put safety first and theones that don't bother to recall their shoddy cars until after people die. Thegrandparents who, in preparing for the inevitable -- the ones who have theeulogy written, the menu for the funeral lunch.






    My grandparents did.






    And everything but the final date chiseledinto the gravestone. But then you have the grandparents on the other side, whodon't put their final affairs in order, who don't get rid of all the junkthey've been hoarding for decades and decades and leave their kids to deal withit.



    So what makes the difference between oneside and the other? Why do some people see things and deal with them, and theother ones just look away? So the first one has to do with culture, society,the people around you. If you think that someone around you is going to help pickyou up when you fall, you're much more likely to see a danger as being smaller.And that allows us to take good chances, not just the bad ones. For example,like risking criticism when you talk about the danger that nobody wants you totalk about. Or taking the opportunities that are kind of scary, so in their ownway are gray rhinos. So the US has a very individualist culture -- go it alone.And paradoxically, this makes many Americans much less open to change andtaking good risks. In China, by contrast, people believe that the government isgoing to keep problems from happening, which might not always be what happens,but people believe it. They believe they can rely on their families, so thatmakes them more likely to take certain risks. Like buying Beijing real estate,or like being more open about the fact that they need to change direction, andin fact, the pace of change in China is absolutely amazing.



    Second of all, how much do you know about asituation, how much are you willing to learn? And are you willing to see thingseven when it's not what you want? So many of us are so unlikely to pay attentionto the things that we just want to black out, we don't like them. We payattention to what we want to see, what we like, what we agree with. But we havethe opportunity and the ability to correct those blind spots. I spend a lot oftime talking with people of all walks of life about the gray rhinos in theirlife and their attitudes. And you might think that the people who are moreafraid of risk, who are more sensitive to them, would be the ones who would beless open to change. But the opposite is actually true. I've found that thepeople who are wiling to recognize the problems around them and make plans arethe ones who are able to tolerate more risk, good risk, and deal with the badrisk. And it's because as we seek information, we increase our power to dosomething about the things that we're afraid of.



    And that brings me to my third point. Howmuch control do you feel that you have over the gray rhinos in your life? Oneof the reasons we don't act is that we often feel too helpless. Think ofclimate change, it can feel so big, that not a single one of us could make adifference. So some people go about life denying it. Other people blameeveryone except themselves. Like my friend who says he's not ever going to giveup his SUV until they stop building coal plants in China. But we have anopportunity to change. No two of us are the same. Every single one of us hasthe opportunity to change our attitudes, our own and those of people around us.



    So today, I want to invite all of you tojoin me in helping to spark an open and honest conversation with the peoplearound you, about the gray rhinos in our world, and be brutally honest abouthow well we're dealing with them. I hear so many times in the States,"Well, of course we should deal with obvious problems, but if you don'tsee what's in front of you, you're either dumb or ignorant." That's whatthey say, and I could not disagree more. If you don't see what's in front ofyou, you're not dumb, you're not ignorant, you're human. And once we allrecognize that shared vulnerability, that gives us the power to open our eyes,to see what's in front of us and to act before we get trampled.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:我如何利用生物数据讲故事 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:寻找太阳系的第九颗行星


