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    【演讲者及介绍】Kara Logan Berlin




    翻译者 Junrui Zheng 校对者 Kiki Peng


    I'm here today to talk about fundraising,or as you probably think of it, "the other F-word."






    Because if you want to change the world,you have to know how to pay for it. I'm not talking about being a good person-- you can do that for free. I'm talking about if you want to create something,start something, galvanize a community, improve the lives of others, run foroffice.



    Every day, great ideas die on the vine, becausethey don't have capital to get off the ground. And all of the work, thethought, the vision that goes into the idea, isn't worth much if you can't payyour bills. And while most of the greatest social movements in history werepowered purely by an idea and people's belief in that idea, real change andimpact require resources.



    Real people do this work, they need real change,real impact and resources to actually make it happen. The people that believein this work have to have the support and the resources to do it. That's whereI come in. I get essential resources into the hands of people and visionarieson the front lines, doing work that matters.



    We spend the majority of our waking hoursworking. We spend more time working than we do with our loved ones. So Idecided early on that I have to love my work, and it has to add value. Andwhile I would love to be one of these people who spearheads social change fromthe ground up, the thing I realized early on in my nonprofit career is that thething I'm good at, the thing I'm really good at, is raising money. And I loveit. I think it is a privilege to work alongside bold, ambitious, optimisticleaders and the organizations they serve.



    So I teach people how to do the thing I'mgood at, because the more people that learn how to be good at my end of thiswork, the more work will get done.



    And I teach everyone. I teach CEOs andpresidents, and boards of directors and EDs. I teach development directors inall sorts of teams and nonprofit newbies, social change agents and candidates.I teach anyone that wants to do something extraordinary how to fund theirdream. My dream is that there will be more people like me doing this work welland that development will be an undergraduate course at universities, so thatfundraising animals like me will find this job out of the gate, instead ofdiscovering it years later, accidentally. I even have the curriculum developed,but short of overhauling undergraduate course requirements, I think tonight's probablya good first step to get people to think about fundraising more as anopportunity and less as a dirty word.



    If you want to change the world, you haveto know how to pay for it. To do that well, you have to understand three bigthings. Your feelings about wealth and money, the importance of buildingrelationships, and how to ask for what you want.



    Let's start at the top, your feelings aboutwealth and money. What is your relationship to money? Money is complicated, itmakes everyone squeamish, it makes everyone act kind of weird. Anyone who'sever had to split the check after dinner with friends can tell you this.Imagine what it was like before Venmo.

    让我们先从第一个开始,你对金钱和财富的感觉。你跟钱的关系是怎样的?钱是个非常复杂的东西,它把每个人都搞得神经兮兮的,让每个人都行事诡异。任何一个要跟朋友 AA 晚餐费用的人都会这么跟你讲:真不敢想象电子钱包发明之前该怎么办。





    To help people learn how to raise money,you have to help them understand their deal with money, because everybody hasbaggage. Grew up poor? Baggage. Grew up rich? Baggage. Mad or envious thatother people have more money than you? Baggage. Think people with money aresmarter than you? Baggage.






    Feel guilty that you have more money thanother people? That's some first-class baggage.






    It's still baggage, people, it's stillbaggage. So whatever your deal is with your baggage, you have to reconcile itif you're going to be able to ask for money. And here's a little tip aboutasking people for money. The only difference about really wealthy people and usis that they have more money than us. That's it. Don't overcomplicate it. Theycome with their own baggage.

    你比别人有钱也是个包袱,朋友们,你比别人有钱也是个包袱!所以随便你怎么处理你的包袱,如果你想能找别人要钱,你就得与它和解。然后,一个关于找人要钱的温馨提示:真正的有钱人 和我们之间的差别,就是他们比我们有钱。仅此而已。别把它想得很复杂。他们也背负着自己的包袱。


    When you think about how to do this work,it's important to remember that money makes the world go round. You hear thatall the time, but it's true. Whether you're a nonprofit, for-profit, or you payyour own bills. We often feel like talking about it is this icky, embarrassing,ugly thing, but it's just money. And it's a fact of life. So how you feel aboutit directly affects how you approach it.



    Like everyone else when I started out inthis work, I had to examine and understand my own feelings about wealth andmoney. And I had to learn how to separate them from how I feel about raisingmoney for important causes. How I feel about asking for money to help people dogood work in the world is not the same as how I feel about asking for money formyself. This is an important distinction. When I go and talk to someone, I'mnot asking them to pay my mortgage. I'm giving them an opportunity to invest inan idea that's going to change the world for the better. Why should I feel badabout that? If you want to be good at raising money, you have to be able toreframe the ask, both for yourself and for other people, as an opportunity.



    Next, you have to get prepared to buildsome relationships. People give to people, they don't just give to ideas. Andif they don't believe in the person running the place, you're already dead inthe water. This is true whether you're in stocks or venture capital, politicsor nonprofits.



    Building a relationship with people takeswork. You have to care about more than just what you want or need, you have toalso value what someone else wants or needs. I know, it's a shocking, terribleidea. But oftentimes, closing gifts is understanding the person, more than it'simportant to know the product. And if you think building a relationship withpeople takes work, building a relationship with someone you're asking for moneyfrom takes work, and it takes homework. Have you done any research? Do you haveany idea what they care about? Do you know why they should invest in your work?Can you answer that question in less than 30 seconds? If you can't, the meetingis going to be pretty rough. And the answer can't be "Because they'resuper rich and they live in your zip code."

    发展人际关系需要投入。除了关心你自己的需求,也要在乎别人的需求。我知道,这是个骇人听闻的想法。但是往往谈完项目送点小礼是在接触、理解一个人,而这甚至比了解产品更重要。而且,如果你觉得发展人脉需要投入,跟你能要钱的人发展关系更是需要投入,而且要的不只是谈生意时的投入。你去了解过这个人吗?你知不知道他们在乎什么?你知不知道 他们为什么需要投资你的事业? 你能在30秒之内 回答这些问题吗? 如果你不能,你们的面谈 会非常艰难。而且你的答案绝不能是,“因为他们富得流油,而且他们住得离你很近。”


    When you talk to people and understand whatthey care about, it has to be in person. Fundraising is relational, it's nottransactional. And you have to ask them questions. When I sit down with adonor, it goes something like this. "Hi, thanks so much for seeing me. Howhave you been? Did you guys go anywhere fun over holiday? Nice, I love Mexico.Do you always go to the same place? Oh, that's awesome! Are those your kids?They're so cute. How old are they? Where are they in school? Oh, that's a greatschool, are you guys very involved there? Your spouse in on the board? How'sthat? How did you guys meet? Oh, at Santa Clara, that's awesome. Are you superinvolved in the alumni network? So interesting. Where do you guys live, again?That's great. Is that your boat?"

    在你跟人交谈,尝试理解他们在乎什么时,你们必须是面对面的。筹款是一场人际交往,而非一笔交易。因此你得问他们问题。我在跟投资方面谈时,基本是这样问的:“你好!非常谢谢你抽出时间见我。你最近怎么样?你们去什么好玩儿的地方度假了吗?那挺好的,我特别喜欢墨西哥!你们是一直去一个地方吗?哇,那也太赞了吧!那边的是你的孩子们吗?他们好可爱! 他们多大了? 在哪儿上学? 哇,那可是个特别好的学校! 你们经常参加学校的活动吗? 你爱人在校董会?是怎么选上的? 那可有成堆的事情要做。你们当时是怎么认识的? 噢,在圣克拉拉大学认识的? 那很厉害啊! 你是在校友会中很活跃吗? 真有意思! 你们是在哪里住来着? 哇哦,好地方! 那是你的船?”





    I literally go through all of these things,right. And you know why? Because guess what I know now. I know they're out of120 grand a year in schooling for the next 12 years. Right? Spouse is on theboard of the kids' school, I know they're out of 100K probably. It's asix-figure. They're both involved in their school alumni, that's probably 25K.They told me they live on the Upper East Side -- I can look up their apartmentonline and find out what their mortgage is. And I know they own a second homein Mexico. Oh, and they own a boat. Which is like funny money, right? So what Inow understand --






    It's true. What I now understand is thattheir 1,000-dollar gift is probably more of a starter gift. And I should bethinking about ways to help them partner with us and invest in a moremeaningful way.



    I know this sounds a tad mercenary. I'm notconfused about how it sounds. But here's what I want to tell you, because thisis the part that all my clients always want to skip, because they think it'sthe fluff and it's not important. If you don't understand what they care aboutand what they value, how are you ever going to be able to tell them about yourwork, right? I want them to fund our work, I do. But I also want them to have areally meaningful experience as a donor, so that they feel like we're partnersand they're not an ATM, right?



    So it's important to ask the questions,because the more you know about them and you know what they value, the more youcan steer the conversation in a direction about your work that will resonatefor them. And once you get past the get-to-know-you part, you get into the funstuff, like, "Why are you philanthropic at all?" Right? "Why doyou invest in new ideas? Do you want giving back to be a value you pass on toyour children? Can we help you do that?" It's really awesome, it'smeaningful, and remember, it's a conversation, it's not a cross examination,it's not an interview. Don't walk in there and tell them everything you alreadyknow about them, because you did your research. You don't get extra points forknowing how to use Google. It's 75 percent them talking, 25 percent youlistening. It's better to be a good listener than a good showman.

    所以,问问题非常重要,因为你越了解他们,你越知道他们看重什么,你就越能掌控谈话的方向,好让他们对你的事业产生共鸣。而一旦你过了了解他的阶段,就能问些真正有意思的问题。比如说,“你到底为什么这么乐善好施呢?”是不是? “为什么你要投资新的构想? 你想给你的孩子们 传递积极回报的价值观吗? 我们能不能帮你呢?” 这真的很有意思,有意义。而且记住,这是谈话,不是盘问,不是面试。千万别一走进去就把你想知道的都问出来,就凭你了解过他们。别人可不会因为你会上网就给你加分。75%是他们讲,25%是你听。做好一个倾听者比好好秀一把来得更有用。


    And once you understand what they careabout, you can talk to them about what you care about. You can tell them aboutyou. Now, when you do this, don't get too deep into the weeds, or you'll losethem. It's a lot like when I sit down with guys in finance, right, and I say,you know, "How's work?" I'm looking for, like, a thumbs up, thumbsdown. But what I get sometimes is a long description of how the markets aretrending, and my brain leaves my body and starts to think about what time mydry cleaner closes.






    Like, I don't have capacity for that. Andthey don't have capacity for that level detail of our work. If they want it,they'll ask you the questions.



    It's this thing that happens over and over,because -- here's an example. I worked with this CEO once, and I was hired toteach him how to talk to human people, like a human person.






    It was a very difficult job. So, he keptgetting great donor meetings, and he wasn't closing any gifts. And I could notfigure out what the problem was, so finally, I was like, "I'm going tocome with you." So I went with him to meetings, and what would happen was,he was getting into such detail with the donors that their eyes were glazingover, and then after he was done with his 15-minute pitch, they literally wouldsay -- this happened, like, three times in a row -- "God, that soundsgreat. Congratulations. Keep up the good work." And that was the meeting,which was obviously not the outcome we were looking for. So, he couldn'tunderstand what I was trying to say to him, that I finally, in an act of sheerdesperation, was like ... "You know what I love? I love NASA. I love NASA.I think it is unbelievably amazing we have figured out how to get a person tothe Moon. I think it's awesome. I think the idea of getting someone to theMoon, and they walk on the Moon, and I love rocket ships. I love rocket ships,rocket ships are amazing. But if you start to tell me about the rocket ship,and how it gets to the Moon, and the math and the science equations, on how therocket ship gets to the Moon, I promise you, I will hang myself with my ownhair."






    I was like, "That is not how you tellpeople about your work. What is the need?" Like, what's the point, right?How do you address the need, why are you better at it than anybody else? Andwhat can you do to make it about them? How can they help you get to the Moon?That's the good stuff. If you're able to do that, you're probably ready to makethe ask.



    Now, I don't expect everyone to be superexcited to ask people for money. That's why development is an actual professionand not an awkward hobby.






    Naturally great fundraisers love people,they can and will talk to anyone, they can find common ground with anyone,they're your friends that talk to people in the elevator or at the grocerystore. They believe in the work required to both build relationships and keepthem. And they naturally have a high tolerance for rejection.

    一般来说,好的筹款者都很喜欢跟人打交道。他们有能力而且愿意跟任何人交谈,他们能跟任何人找到共通的地方,他们是那种敢在电梯里或者杂货店里 跟人闲聊的朋友。他们相信,发展人脉和维持关系 都要投入精力。他们也天生对拒绝 有着非凡的容忍度。


    But I don't expect everyone to be anatural, and you don't have to be a natural to raise money. You just have torespect the people and the process, and do the work. Will you reconcile yourbaggage? Will you commit to build relationships? If you will, you're ready tomake the ask. And the ask is oftentimes as simple as using the phrase"Would you consider?" Would you consider becoming a monthly donor?Would you consider increasing your support to 100 dollars? Would you considerinvesting in our work at the one-million-dollar level?



    "Would you consider" does acouple of awesome things. One, it gives the donor an easy way out. Like, theycan say "no" without it being "yes-no." And two, it givesyou a second ask. "Well, what would you consider?"






    It's good, right?






    When you do this, remember, you're notasking for yourself. You're asking on behalf of all of the people you serve orare touched by your genius. This isn't a personal favor, right? Feel proud ofthe ask -- it's incredible that you do this work. Don't try to be someoneyou're not, you're going to go to these meetings and think you need to big-shotit. Be yourself, authenticity matters, nobody likes a phony. Just be yourself.



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