【演讲者及介绍】Sabine Doebel
翻译者 Buyun Ping 校对者 Yolanda Zhang
So I have a confession to make. I onlyrecently learned how to drive. And it was really hard. Now, this wasn't anolder brain thing. Do you remember what it was like when you first learned howto drive? When every decision you made was so conscious and deliberate? I'dcome home from my lessons completely wiped out mentally. Now, as a cognitivescientist I know that this is because I was using a lot of something calledexecutive function. Executive function is our amazing ability to consciouslycontrol our thoughts, emotions and actions in order to achieve goals ... likelearning how to drive. It's what we use when we need to break away from habit,inhibit our impulses and plan ahead. But we can see it most clearly when thingsgo wrong. Like, have you ever accidentally poured orange juice on your cereal?
Or, ever start scrolling on Facebook andsuddenly realize you've missed a meeting?
Or maybe this one's more familiar: Everplan to stop at the store on the way home from work and then drive all the wayhome instead on autopilot?
These things happen to everyone. And weusually call it absentmindedness, but what's really happening is we'reexperiencing a lapse in executive function.
So we use executive function every day inall aspects of our lives. And over the past 30 years, researchers have foundthat it predicts all kinds of good things in childhood and beyond, like socialskills, academic achievement, mental and physical health, making money, savingmoney and even staying out of jail. Sounds great, doesn't it? So it's no surprisethat researchers like me are so interested in understanding it and figuring outways to improve it.
But lately, executive function has become ahuge self-improvement buzzword. People think you can improve it throughbrain-training iPhone apps and computer games, or by practicing it in aspecific way, like playing chess. And researchers are trying to train it in thelab in the hopes of improving it and other things related to it, likeintelligence. Well, I'm here to tell you that this way of thinking aboutexecutive function is all wrong. Brain training won't improve executivefunction in a broad sense because it involves exercising it in a narrow way,outside of the real-world contexts in which we actually use it. So you canmaster that executive function app on your phone, but that's not going to helpyou stop pouring OJ on your Cheeerios twice a week.
If you really want to improve yourexecutive function in a way that matters for your life, you have to understandhow it's influenced by context.
Let me show you what I mean. There's agreat test that we use in the lab to measure executive function in youngchildren called the "dimensional change card sort." In this task,kids have to sort cards in one way -- like by shape -- over and over until theybuild up a habit. And then they're asked to switch and sort the same cards inanother way, like by color. Now, really young kids struggle with this. Three-and four-year-olds will usually keep sorting the cards in the old way no matterhow many times you remind them of what they should be doing.
(Video) Woman: If it's blue, put it here.If it's red, put it here. Here's a blue one.
OK, so now we're going to play a differentgame. We're not going to play the color game anymore. Now we're going to playthe shape game, and in the shape game, all the stars go here and all the trucksgo here, OK? Stars go here, trucks go here.
Where do the stars go?
And where do the trucks go?
OK, stars go here, trucks go here. Here's atruck.
Stars go here, trucks go here. Here's astar.
SB: So it's really compelling, and it'sreally obvious when she fails to use her executive function. But here's thething: we could train her on this task and others like it and eventually she'dimprove, but does that mean that she would've improved her executive functionoutside of the lab? No, because in the real world, she'll need to use executivefunction to do a lot more than switching between shape and color. She'll needto switch from adding to multiplying or from playing to tidying up or from thinkingabout her own feelings to thinking about her friend. And success in real-worldsituations depends on things like how motivated you are and what your peers aredoing. And it also depends on the strategies that you execute when you're usingexecutive function in a particular situation. So what I'm saying is thatcontext really matters.
Now let me give you an example from myresearch. I recently brought in a bunch of kids to do the classic marshmallowtest, which is a measure of delay of gratification that also likely requires alot of executive function. So you may have heard about this test, butbasically, kids are given a choice. They can have one marshmallow right away,or if they can wait for me to go to the other room and get more marshmallows,they can have two instead. Now, most kids really want that second marshmallow,but the key question is: How long can they wait?
Now, I added a twist to look at the effectsof context. I told each kid that they were in a group, like the green group,and I even gave them a green T-shirt to wear. And I said, "Your groupwaited for two marshmallows, and this other group, the orange group, didnot." Or I said the opposite: "Your group didn't wait for twomarshmallows and this other group did." And then I left the kid alone inthe room and I watched on a webcam to see how long they waited.
So what I found was that kids who believedthat their group waited for two marshmallows were themselves more likely towait. So they were influenced by a peer group that they'd never even met.
Pretty cool, isn't it? Well, so with thisresult I still didn't know if they were just copying their group or if it wassomething deeper than that. So I brought in some more kids, and after themarshmallow test, I showed them pictures of pairs of kids, and I told them,"One of these kids likes to have things right away, like cookies andstickers. And the other kid likes to wait so that they can have more of thesethings." And then I asked them, "Which one of these two kids do youlike more and who would you want to play with?" And what I found was thatkids who believed that their group waited tended to prefer other kids who likedto wait for things. So learning what their group did made them value waitingmore. And not only that, these kids likely used executive function to generatestrategies to help themselves wait, like sitting on their hands or turning awayfrom the marshmallow or singing a song to distract themselves.
So what this all shows is just how muchcontext matters. It's not that these kids had good executive function or bad,it's that the context helped them use it better.
So what does this mean for you and for yourkids? Well, let's say that you want to learn Spanish. You could try changingyour context and surrounding yourself with other people who also want to learn,and even better if these are people that you really like. That way you'll bemore motivated to use executive function. Or let's say that you want to helpyour child do better on her math homework. You could teach her strategies touse executive function in that particular context, like putting her phone awaybefore she starts studying or planning to reward herself after studying for anhour.
那么,这对你和你的孩子有什么启示呢? 让我们假设你想学西班牙语。你可以改变你所处的环境,让你身边充满也想学西语的人,如果你喜欢这些人那就更好了。在这种情况下,你会更加积极地运用执行能力。或者假设你想帮你的孩子提高数学水平。你可以教她在特定环境下运用执行功能,例如在学习之前不要玩手机,或是每学习一小时就奖励一下自己。
Now, I don't want to make it sound likecontext is everything. Executive function is really complex, and it's shaped bynumerous factors. But what I want you to remember is if you want to improveyour executive function in some aspect of your life, don't look for quickfixes. Think about the context and how you can make your goals matter more toyou, and how you can use strategies to help yourself in that particularsituation. I think the ancient Greeks said it best when they said, "Knowthyself." And a key part of this is knowing how context shapes yourbehavior and how you can use that knowledge to change for the better.
Thank you.