Scene 9 睡前
❶ 我不想错过这个电视节目。I don't want to miss this TV program.
同类表达 I want to watch more TV. 我还想再看会儿电视。
I like to see the wonderful TV series. 我喜欢看精彩的电视剧。
❷ 虽然我很困,但我还有工作要做。I still have work to do although I'm sleepy.
同类表达 I need to stay up and work for a while. 我先不睡,得再工作一会儿。
It's usual for me to sit up late at night to do my work. 我经常晚上熬夜工作。
❸ 明天的东西都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?
❹ 我定了八点的闹钟。I set the alarm clock for 8:00.
同类表达 The alarm is set for 8:00. 闹钟定在八点了。
对话 A: Did you set the alarm? 你定闹钟了吗?
B: I set the alarm clock for 8:00. 我定了八点的闹钟。
❺ 我一点儿也不困。I'm wide awake.
同类表达 I'm not sleepy at all.
对话 A: I'm wide awake. 我一点儿也不困。
B: Just stay in bed and read a book. 躺着看会书吧。
❻ 我今晚不用早睡。I don't need to go to sleep early tonight.
同类表达 I have to be up early tomorrow. 我明天得早起。
I stayed up late last night. 我昨晚熬夜了。
❼ 我要给我女儿讲个睡前故事。I'll read a bedtime story for my daughter.
同类表达 I'll read my daughter a bedtime story. 我要给我女儿讲个睡前故事。
❽ 我换上睡衣了。I've changed my pajamas on.
对话 A: Darling, let's go out to have a walk. 亲爱的,我们出去散散步吧。
B: But I've changed my pajamas on. 但我换上睡衣了。
❾ 我想看完电影再睡。I want to sleep after watching the movie.
对话 A: I want to sleep after watching the movie. 我想看完电影再睡。
B: OK. Don't sleep too late. 好的,别睡得太晚。
❿ 我咖啡喝多了,睡不着了。I've had too much coffee and can't fall asleep now.
对话 A: I've had too much coffee and can't fall asleep now. 我咖啡喝多了,睡不着。
B: Let me accompany you for some talk. 让我陪你聊天吧。
A: It's so kind of you. 你太好了。