Scene 132 月光族
❶ 我身无分文。I'm flat broke.
对话 A: Do you want to go out and have fun tonight? 你今晚想出来玩吗?
B: I'd like to, but I'm flat broke. 我倒是想去,但我身无分文。
❷ 越来越多的年轻人加入到了“月光族”的队伍。More and more young people are joining in the army of“moonlight clan”.
❸ 我是个月光族,一分钱都没法存下来。I run out of money every month. I cannot save a single penny.
对话 A: You are extravagant. 你太奢侈了。
B: I run out of money every month. I can not save a single penny. 我是个月光族,一分钱都没法存下来。
❹ 我感觉入不敷出。I feel it's hard to make ends meet.
对话 A: How is your work? 工作怎么样?
B: I've just got fired. I feel it's hard to make ends meet. 刚被解雇。我感觉入不敷出。
❺ 恐怕只有你肯借钱给我了。I'm afraid only you can still lend me money.
对话 A: I'm afraid only you can still lend me money. 恐怕只有你肯借钱给我了。
B: I won't anymore. 我也不会再借了。
❻ 你应该存点钱以备不时之需。You should save for a rainy day.
对话 A: You should save for a rainy day. 你应该存点钱以备不时之需。
B: You're right. 你说得对。
❼ 你在拆东墙补西墙。You are robbing Peter to pay Paul.
对话 A: I'll use this credit card to pay off my bills incurred by another credit card. 我会用这张信用卡来偿还另一张信用卡欠的账单。
B: You are robbing Peter to pay Paul. 你在拆东墙补西墙。
❽ 你花起钱来毫无节制。You spend money as if it were going out of style.
同类表达 You spend money as if there was a hole in your pocket. 你花钱如流水啊。
❾ 口袋里不要总是留不住钱。Don't let it burn a hole in your pocket.
同类表达 I'm sure he'll spend all his money in a few days. 我敢说,没几天他便会把钱花光。
❿ 我手头有点紧,付不起账单。I'm a little behind on my bills.
同类表达 I'm a bit hard up lately. 最近手头有点紧。
Money is a bit tight for me lately. 最近手头有点紧。