Scene 135 啃老
❶ 啃老对子女是不利的。It's bad for kids to live off parents.
对话 A: What do you think about living off parents? 你对啃老怎么看?
B: It's bad for kids to live off parents. 啃老对子女是不利的。
❷“啃老族”现象已成为一个社会问题。The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem.
对话 A: The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem.“啃老族”现象已成为一个社会问题。
B: You're right. It's widespread. 你说得对,很普遍。
❸ 她加入了“啃老族”的队伍。She joins the rank of NEET.
❹ 你对那些啃老族有什么看法?What do you think of those grown-ups who live on their parents?
同类表达 I know some friends who are grown-ups but still live on their parents. 我身边有些朋友是啃老族。
❺ 他已经30岁了,但仍然依靠他的父母生活。He is already thirty years old but still lives off his parents.
❻ 她做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。She becomes a boomerang kid, only enjoying the life.
对话 A: Why doesn't she find a job? 她为什么不找工作?
B: She becomes a boomerang kid, only enjoying the life. 她做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。
❼ 回家啃老不是什么好事。Boomeranging is nothing but bad news.
对话 A: Boomeranging is nothing but bad news. 回家啃老不是什么好事。
B: But many young people do so. 但是很多年轻人这样做。
❽ 越来越多的人成为啃老族。More and more people become boomerang kids.
对话 A: More and more people become boomerang kids. 越来越多的人成为啃老族。
B: Yes, but there are more pressure on young men's shoulder. 是的,但是年轻人的压力也越来越大。
❾ 他们能工作,但他们放弃了工作机会。They can work, but they give up the job opportunities.
❿ 很多家长都不愿意让他们的孩子在外辛苦地工作。Many parents are unwilling to let their children work hard outside.
对话 A: Many parents are unwilling to let their children work hard outside. 很多家长都不愿意让他们的孩子在外辛苦地工作。
B: But I don't think that's a good idea. 但我认为那不是个好主意。