DAME Rukenawe called them forth and said,“Welcome, my dear children: to me forth, and stand by Reynart, your dear nephew.”Then said she,“Come forth all you that be of my kin and Reynart's, and let us pray the King that he will do to Reynart right of the land.”
Tho came forth many a beast anon, as the Squirrel, the Muskrat, the Fitchews, the Marten, the Beaver with his wife Ordegale, the Genete, the Otter, the Boussyng, and the Ferret, these two eat as fain polaylle as does Reynart. The Otter and Pantecroet his wife, whom I had almost forgotten, yet were they before, with the Beaver, enemies to the Fox, but they durst not gainsay Dame Rukenawe, for they were afraid of her. She was also the wisest of all his kin of counsel and was most doubted. There came also more than twenty other, because of her, for to stand by Reynart. There came also Dame Atrote with her two sisters, Weasel and Hermelin, the Ass, the Badger, the Water-rat, and many more to the number of forty, which all camen and stoden by Reynart the Fox.
“My Lord the King,”said Rukenawe,“come and see here if Reynart have any friends. Here may you see we are your true subjects, which for you would adventure both life and good if you had need. Though you be hardy, mighty, and strong, our well-willed friendship cannot hurt you. Let Reynart the Fox well bethink him upon these matters that you have laid against him, and if he cannot excuse them, then do him right. We desire no better. And this by right ought to no man be warned.”
The Queen then spake,“This said I to him yesterday. But he was so fierce and angry that he would not hear it.”
The Leopard said also,“Sire, you may judge no further than your men give their verdict; for if you would go forth by will and might, that were not worshipful for your estate. Hear always both parties, and then by the best and wisest counsel give judgment discreetly according to the best right.”
The King said,“This is all true, but I was so sore moved when I was informed of Cuwart's death and saw his head, that I was hot and hasty. I shall hear the Fox Can he answer and excuse him of that is laid against him, I shall gladly let him go quit; and also at request of his good friends and kin.”
Reynart was glad of these words, and thought, God thank my Aunt, she has the rys do blosme again. She has well holpen me forth now. I have now a good foot to dance on. I shall now look out of my eyes, and, bring forth the fairest leasing that ever man heard, and bring myself out of this danger.