REYNART the Fox took his leave honestly of the King and of the Queen. And they bade him he should not tarry long, but shortly return to them again. He answered and said,“Dear King and Queen, alway at your commandment I shall be ready, if you need anything, which God forbid. I would alway be ready with my body and my good to help you, and also all my friends and lineage in likewise shall obey your commandment and desire. You have highly deserved it, God quite it you, and give you grace long to live. And I desire your license and leave to go home to my wife and children. And if your good grace will anything, let me have knowledge of it, and you shall find me alway ready.”
Thus departed the Fox with fair words from the King.
Reynart's friends and lineage to the number of forty have taken also their leave of the King, and went all together with the Fox, which was right glad that he had so well sped and that he stood so well in the King's grace. He thought that he had no shame, but that he was so great with the King that he might help and further his friends, and hinder his enemies, and also to do what he would without he should be blamed; if he would be wise.
The Fox and his friends went so long together that they camen to his burgh to Malperdays, there they all took leave of each other with fair and courteous words. Reynart did to them great reverence, and thanked them all friendly of their good faith and also worship that they had done and showed to him. And proffered to each of them his service, if they had need, with body and goods. And herewith they departed, and each of them went to their own houses.
The Fox went to Dame Ermelyne his wife, which welcomed him friendly. He told to her and to his children all the wonder that to him was befallen in the Court, and forgot not a word, but told to them every deal how he had escaped. Then were they glad that their father was so enhanced and great with the King. And the Fox lived further with his wife and his children in great joy and gladness.