THE Wolf said,“I may well forbear your mocks and your scorns and also your fell venomous words, strong thief that you are. You said that I was almost dead for hunger, when you help me in my need. That is falsely lied, for it was but a bone that you gave to me, you had eaten away all the flesh that was thereon. And you mock me and say that I am hungry, here where I stand. That touches my worship too nigh, —what many a spity word have you brought forth with false leasings!—and that I have conspired the King's death, from the treasure that you have said to him is in Hulsterlo, —and you have also my wife shamed and slandered that she shall never recover it, and I should ever be disworshipped thereby if I avenged it not. I have forborne you long, but now you shall not escape me. I can not make hereof great proof, but I say here before my lord and before all them that are here that thou art a false traitor and a murderer, and that I shall prove and make good on thy body within lists in the field, and that body against body, and then shall our strife have an end. And thereto I cast to thee my glove, and take thou it up I shall have right of thee or die therefor.”
Reynart the Fox thought, How come I on this campaign? we are not both like. I shall not well conne stand against this strong thief. All my proof is now come to an end.