WHEN the King saw Reynart thus shorn and oiled he said to him,“Ey, Fox, how well can you see for yourself!”
He wondered thereof; he was foul to look on.
But the Fox said not one word, but kneeled down low to the earth unto the King and to the Queen, and striked him forth into the field.
The Wolf was there ready and spake many a proud word. The rulers and keepers of the field were the Leopard and the Losse. They brought forth the book on which sware the Wolf that the Fox was a traitor and a murderer, and none might be falser than he was, and that he would prove on his body and make it good. Reynart the Fox sware that he lied as a false knave and a cursed thief, and that he would do good on his body.
When this was done, the governors of the field bade them do their devoir. Then roomed they all the field, save Dame Rukenawe the She Ape, she abode by the Fox and bade him remember well the words that she had said to him. She said,“See well to. When you were seven years old you were wise enough to go by night without lantern or moonshine where you wist to win any good. You are named among the people wise and subtle. Pain yourself to work so that you win the prize, then may you have ever honour and worship, and all we that are your friends.”
He answered,“My dearest aunt, I know it well. I shall do my best, and think on your counsel. I hope so to do that all my lineage shall have worship thereby, and my enemies shame and confusion.”
She said,“God grant it you.”