教程:英语惯用词组27000  浏览:349  
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    哭 Cry, Weep, Wail

    break/burst into tears 号啕大哭

    brimful of tears 噙满泪水

    burst into a flood of tears 泪如泉涌

    burst into broken sobs 断断续续地哭

    cry at parting 离别时大哭

    cry bitterly 痛苦地放声大哭

    cry for food 哭着要吃的

    cry in despair 绝望地哭

    cry loudly 大声哭

    cry one's eyes red 眼睛哭红了

    cry over one's sad fate 为悲惨命运而哭

    cry with fright 吓得大哭

    cry with hunger 饿得大哭

    cry with pain 痛得哭

    cry with sadness 伤心地哭

    give oneself up to a passion of tears 不禁失声痛哭

    have a good cry 大哭一场

    have one's cry out 大哭一场

    red with weeping (眼睛)哭红了

    sob [sɒb] 啜泣

    sob from pain 因痛苦而啜泣

    sob violently 剧烈地啜泣

    stream/pour/flow/roll down one's cheeks (泪)流满面

    trickle down one's cheeks 顺着双颊淌下

    wail [weɪl] 号啕大哭

    wail for the failure 为失败而号啕大哭

    wail over one's death 为……的死而痛哭

    weep [wiːp] 低声哭泣

    weep bitter tears 伤心落泪

    weep for joy 高兴得流泪

    weep for mother 哭着要母亲

    weep oneself to sleep 哭着睡着了

    weep over the lost youth 为失去的年华而哭泣

    weep over the misfortune 为不幸而哭泣

    weep quietly 暗自流泪

    weep with grief 悲泣

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[感官,情感类]笑 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[感官,情感类]恨

