环境,污染 Environment, Pollution
a decent living environment 像样的生活环境
a filthy sewer 肮脏的阴沟
a healthy environment 有益于健康的环境
a picturesque environment 风景如画的环境
a quiet environment 宁静的环境
a refuse dump piled up with garbage and other filth 堆满废物和其他污物的垃圾堆
air pollution 空气污染
atmospheric pollution 大气污染
be littered with garbage and other filth 到处是垃圾和其他污物
beautify the environment 美化环境
clean the environment 净化环境
clear the pollution off the shore 把污染物从岸边清除
control pollution 控制污染
dirty/filthy ['fɪlθɪ] 肮脏的
environmental pollution 环境污染
free a river from pollution 使河流不受污染
give off an unbearable stink 臭不可闻
horrible pollution 可怕的污染
industrial dust pollution 工业粉尘污染
light pollution 光污染
live in filth 住在肮脏的地方
natural environment 自然环境
noise/sound pollution 噪声污染
preserve/protect the environment 保护环境
reduce the pollution of the air 减轻空气污染
rivers polluted with filthy waste from factories 为工厂污秽物所污染的河流
smelly ['smelɪ]/foul/stinking 臭的,臭烘烘的
spiritual pollution 精神污染
stink to high heaven 臭气熏天
stink/foul smell/offensive odor 臭味
stinking smell assaulting one's nostrils 臭气冲天
water pollution 水污染