思想,意见 Idea
a borrowed idea 借鉴来的观念
a bright/brilliant/clever idea 聪明的主意
a devilish idea 恶毒的念头
a dominating/dominant idea 主导思想
a fallacious idea 谬误的思想
a foolish idea 愚蠢的观点
a hackneyed idea 陈腐的想法
a happy idea 好主意
a ludicrous/ridiculous ideas 荒谬可笑的想法
a man of ideas 足智多谋之士
a man of shrewd ideas 精明的人
a musty idea 陈腐的思想
a narrow-minded idea 狭隘的想法
a novel idea 新奇的想法
a praiseworthy idea 值得称赞的想法
a preconceived idea 先入之见
a prevailing idea 流行的观点
a rash idea 轻率的想法
a train of ideas 一系列的主张
a utopian idea 空想
a vulgar idea 庸俗的思想
a whimsical idea 奇怪的念头
a wicked idea 邪念
an absolute idea 绝对观念
an erroneous idea 错误的看法
(an idea) cross one's mind 想出一个好主意
(an idea) flash into/through one's mind 脑海中闪现一个念头
an old-fashioned idea 过时的思想
abandon/give up the idea of buying the house 放弃买房子的念头
absorb/assimilate Western ideas 吸收西方思想
abstract ideas 抽象概念
accept new ideas 接受新思想
adopt good ideas 采纳好主意
advance some new ideas 提出一些新的看法
advocate the idea of 提倡……的思想
basic ideas 基本概念
be full of fine ideas 有很多好主意
be full of original ideas 有许多创见
carry out one's idea 实现自己的主意
catch one's idea 领会某人的意思
clearcut and definite ideas 清楚明白的概念
combat erroneous/wrong ideas 同错误思想作斗争
communicate ideas 交流思想
concentrate the ideas of 集中……的意见
Confucian ideas 儒家思想
contradict accepted ideas 与公认为正确的思想相抵触
crude ideas 不成熟的意见
demolish an established idea 推翻已确定的观念
dim ideas 模糊的概念
dispel a mistaken idea 清除一个错误看法
dispute a prevalent idea 驳斥一个流行的看法
dissipate/drop the idea of 打消……的想法
echo sb.'s idea 附和某人的想法
entertain an idea 抱有某种想法
ethical ideas 伦理思想
exalted ideas 崇高的思想
exchange ideas with sb.on education 就教育问题同某人交换意见
explode an idea 驳倒一种观念
fit one's ideas to the new conditions 使自己的思想适应新的情况
force one's ideas on other people 把自己的意见强加于人
get excited at the idea of 一想到……就激动
get/hit upon/think up an idea 想出一个主意
get/put one's ideas into shape 理清思路
grasp the idea of 领会……的意思
hammer an idea into sb.'s head 把一种思想强加给某人
have a clear idea of one's responsibility 清楚地知道自己的责任
have no idea (of, as to) 不知道
have not the faintest idea of 一点也不知道
have only a remote idea of 只有一个模糊的概念
implant in sb.the idea of 在某人心中树立……的思想
indecent ideas 猥亵的念头
instill into the mind of the young the idea 把这一思想逐渐灌输给青年
liberal ideas 开明的思想
long-cherished ideas 夙愿
main ideas 要旨,中心思想
morbid ideas 病态的思想
naive ideas 幼稚的想法
propagate Christian ideas 宣传基督教思想
propose/put forward an idea 提出一种想法
realize the idea of law of value 领会价值规律的概念
scrap old ideas 抛弃旧思想
seize the ideas of others 领会别人的思想
set forth one's idea 阐述自己的意见
shape an idea 形成一个意见
shatter conventional ideas 破除传统观念
spread/disseminate radical ideas 传播激进的思想
the fundamental idea 基本思想
the general idea of an article 文章大意
the get-rich-quick idea 快速致富的念头
the guiding/governing idea 主导思想
the ruling idea of an age 一个时代的主导思想
turn over an idea in one's mind 仔细考虑一个意见
upset the ideas of 打乱……的计划